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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Health Bill Being Forced Through Congress

Please read the attached article from the Heritage Foundation. The Democratic Congress may be trying to pull the wool over our eyes and try to pass healthcare reform by attaching a "shell bill" as an unrelated amendment to a bill to tax bonuses of tarp recipients!!! It will then become the healthcare reform Obama wants!!! Please read the attached article which I received this morning, and pass it on to anyone who you think shares concern over health care reform. I received this article after finding out about the Democratic party line vote in the Senate yesterday to defeat a conservative proposed amendment to allow time for the Congressional Budget office to price the most recent Senate bill and give the American people 3 days to see the bill online before they vote on the bill. Even Republican Olympia Snow who has voted with the Democrats on many of the prior bills (tarp, stimulus, etc) voiced her opposition to the Senate not letting the American people have an opportunity to see the Senate bill before it is voted on. She stood up for us and was shot down--perhaps she will now see how she has been being used as a pawn since Obama took office.

We have got to get this news out as soon as possible. Send the article to anyone you think may have some influence. Contact your Congressmen. This is dirty deceitful politics--we cannot let this happen.

Thank you,

Dianne G



  1. It seems as though health care reform is all we talk about these days. Its all over the news. Republican "leaders" like Rush Limbaugh, Shaun Hannity and Bill O'Really spend hours daily lecturing their flocks on the evils of it. Do you really think that the Democratic congress can just sneak it by us?

  2. The Dumbocrats aren't going to "sneak" it by. They are going to ram it through using the "nuclear" option of attaching it to an appropriations bill.
    By attaching it to an appropriations bill it will only need a simple majority to pass, I.E. 51 votes.
    The Dumbocrats can't even get all of their own party to pass this crap (They have a 58 to 40 majority).
    You stupid fools that vote Dumbocrat have voted in the enemy and have voted away your rights.
    When will you ever learn that there is no such thing as free government handouts?

  3. Gee if they do all that maybe they are not as dumbo as you think

  4. Can't get to the site----Anybody else having trouble?

  5. Wingnuts are scared.
    There is nothing you bible thumpers can do other than bitch and complain.
    This bill WILL pass and there is not a thing that you uneducated rednecks can do.
    I suggest sticking to Nascar and Bud.

  6. Jefferson, you are an idiot if you think that Limbaugh, Hannity and O'Reilley are your party's leaders.
    It's becaus of moronsp like you republican party is in decline - douche bag

  7. Guess what? If this bill passes the next crowd that descends on D.C. won't be so peaceful.

  8. Republicans are just doing what the insurance companies want. They have a good thing going and do not want to end their strangle hold on US patients.

  9. Once again we have the little cowards who follow around behind osama like lost sheep running their mouth behind the safety of a computer screen! As I've said before if you want to knock the other side say at least one good thing about your chosen one. Can't do it can you? Know why? Because there's not one good thing you can say about the lying radical, terrorist lover, plain and simple.

    This is exactly why you bunch are nothing but sheep who talk, talk and talk because you don't have the balls to do anything else but cower behind something or someone! C'mon, one positive thing or shut the h*ll up you bunch of pansies!!

  10. The site is the politico

  11. Well first, I am not a Republican or a Democrat. I vote for what I think is correct. I know, a very novel idea. Secondly,I am not the one saying they are leaders. The Republicans themselves say that through their actions. Lets take the current tea party movement for example. Who are the main players in support of those? Limbaugh, Beck et al. They are driving the Republican Party and the conservative movement right now, and I might add making a ton of money doing it. If this movement is not the biggest symbol of Republican discontent right now, what is? So, who are the Republcan leaders that you think drive the party? Please, please don't say Sarah Palin. And oh yea, before I started calling someone a moron, I believe I would run spell check.

  12. Still nothing positive to say about obama? Wake up libs, there's got to be one good thing about him isn't there? I guess that's why you spend your time bashing republicans, hoping we won't notice you're trying to defend someone you actually know nothing good about. You guys are hilarious!


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