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Thursday, September 03, 2009

Finger Bitten Off During Health Care Protest

Fist fight breaks out; 65-year-old victim has Medicare

- California authorities say a clash between opponents and supporters of health care reform ended with one man biting off another man's finger.

Ventura County Sheriff's Capt. Frank O'Hanlon says about 100 people demonstrating in favor of health care reforms rallied Wednesday night on a street corner. One protester walked across the street to confront about 25 counter-demonstrators.

O'Hanlon says the man got into an argument and fist fight, during which he bit off the left pinky of a 65-year-old man who opposed health care reform.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. Liberal animals it's time to arm ourselves !

  2. Hope he had insurance...

  3. I bit a mans ear off once, does that count?

  4. My pinkie, my pinkie, my kingdom for a pinkie but I guess he has that terrible Medicare a “Single-payer health care insurance” what a hypocrite. Did the little pinkie cried "Wee-wee-wee!" all the way home? It real should have been his right pinky finger that would have been a better story. They are haters not debaters.

  5. "O'Hanlon says the man got into an argument and fist fight, during which he bit off the left pinky of a 65-year-old man who opposed health care reform."

    Goes to show you how dangerous this country is getting because of the liberal idiots. Consider this the first bloodshed. There were numerous comments in the past about this country getting involved in another civil war after the Obama election. Do you see now what they were talking about??

  6. Right, civil war, BS, Texas secedes, all talk, try to walk the talk....(and attach your name chicken little, while you are at it)

  7. I heard an eye witness that said It was the supporter of Obama care that crossed the street where the conservatives against health care were on the sidewalk. The Obama supporter was standing in the street and got very aggressive with the older guy. he then pulled the old man into the street and punched him. When the old man grabbed his hand he bit the old man's finger off. Way to go liberals pick on old people just because they disagree with you.

  8. The man who opposed health care reform was on Medicare. Medicare is paying the bill to reattach his pinky. Ask him how he likes his government plan.


  9. Woah Woah Woah. The anti-health care man has Medicare. He has Medicare people. He is a hypocrite and deserves what he got.

  10. That man paid for that medicare his whole lifetime. It was taken out of his check. That money and all the interest it has earned over the 50 years he paid into it... oh, wait a minute... some politicians spent that money on other crap that they wanted...PORK projects. Now there's none left. So he's been robbed, beaten, lost a finger while standing up for his rights, and he's a "Hypocrite"? What's wrong with your eyes?

  11. 7:32 MD_Idiot

    The mans finger could not be reattached. He probably does not want to be on medi-care, but has no choice in that when you reach 65 you are automatically put on medi-care even if you had insurance prior to turning 65.

    And to all you libs why is it when you protest anything you are being patriots, but when conservatives protest they are called names. I think if you want to see a hypocrite all you have to do is look in a mirror.


  12. He takes two punches and (as usual) tries to shove something down someone’s throat and gets his pinkie bitten off, now he plays victim. Now the wingnuts have a new idol to worship, a new hero. Please, snore, snore.

  13. It is not ironic that the man used Medicare to get treatment; as he is a taxpayer he should see at least some returns for the 65 years worth of tax money that was taken from him. Understandably people give in to using government programs, which is because they've already paid for the service through taxes and cannot afford to pay for the same thing twice.

    Read my response to the incident.


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