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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cartoon From Scotland


  1. The *best* part of that -- look closely at the Expiration Date on the left of the label.


  2. At least they get it over there.

  3. Funny how the only media interested in investigating and reporting the FACTS about the Obama regime are foreign press.

  4. Yet isn't this the same country that let go that bomber. Hmmmmm

  5. This would be funny if it wasn't so true.

  6. While you're posting Obama Bashing, maybe you'd like to thank him and the FBI for foiling an active Al-Qaeda plot that did not get executed this Sept. 11.

    Najibullah Zazi is now behind bars after being nabbed for his role in a plot to use chemicals to kill mass numbers of American men, women and children on 9/11 in New York, much like what happened in the London subway. Although the chemicals were bought, the bomb plans drawn up, the plot never made the finish line, thanks to follow up on intelligence.

    I don't like everything our president is doing, but I will give him credit for not letting our security issues.

    Can you do the same, giving credit where it's due? This was big news and you missed it.

  7. you know whats sad is that this was happening before Barack even got in there anyone that bash for one wouldn't want his job and whats even sad as that other countries see this bashing by our own americans. So how do we get respect?

  8. Obama had nothing to do with stopping that plot...he was to busy reading his teleprompter and playing the movie star....

  9. It's America- Like It, Leave It, or CHANGE IT.


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