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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

BREAKING NEWS: Colonel Kimball Arrested

At 5:00 am this morning Colonel Kimball of WCDC was arrested for assault charges filed by WBI, under sealed indictment. He was processed in booking. He is at work today.

More to come...


  1. amazing, busted this morning and out in time to be back on the job. In any other place of employment he would be suspended without pay, if not fired.

  2. 10:59 please tell me that isn't true? Was the assult at the WDC?

  3. only in Wicomico County...I would feel embarassed coming through the front door when I was just processed through the side door.

  4. There seems to be no embarrassment in Wicomico. There needs to be a real exodous from this rat hole

  5. I moved here over 20 yrs. ago & this was such a nice area to raise a family. Now, I'm getting so fed up with all the crud in this county, not to mention the rampant crime (gangs, bank robberies, murders, etc) Even the people who watch over the criminals are criminals. I really can't wait until I can retire & move to another state.

  6. Maybe the county should look closer to the people they are hiring and their backgrounds. If they've been fired (or let go) from previous employers, there's usually a reason. What happened to background checks????

  7. They don't get enough quality applicants to begin with.. I mean think about it... their sentence is 25-30...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. "He is at work today."


  10. Arrogant attitude. Many law enforcement people (not all) have an attitude that they are watching over us - like we are children.

    If the guy assualted an inmate, why is he still guarding inmates?


  11. Talk about openong yourself up for a law-suit.

  12. ANON 11:16 Consider his race and you will see nothing is gonna happen.He shoudva never been hired.Head of household there new this and still hired him.

  13. 11:42
    Background checks? They don't do that to minorities. That would be discrimination. Ask any personnel

  14. 11:41,

    don't let the door hit ya!

  15. Why the hell is he allowed to work?I dont know about county standards but if he worked at the state prison he would be suspended right now until this was all sorted out.Why the double standard?Theres more crooks on the other side of the bars at WCDC.

  16. Oh they get plenty of qualified people to apply. They dont hire them. They are afraid they might notice things are not getting done the correct way.

  17. 12:16 where did you get that info from?

  18. Email Rick Pollitt and demand an explanation.


  19. Im sorry I thought the post said he was arrested, not tried and convicted. You people always want to just string someone up. Why don't you wait for due process before you start slandering the man. Innocent people are arrested every day...

  20. Anon: 3:48
    Yes, they are, but when they're in a position of authority like that, they usually are not allowed to return to work until everything is cleared up.

  21. Right on 11:42.
    In Somerset County James Henderson apparently "assaulted ECI inmate with T.V. over his skull" then 'retired'. No charges, investigations.
    Then Somerset Commisioners, our 'Good Ole Boys' hired Henderson as warden of Somerset County Detention Center!
    THEN Warden Henderson leaving in disgrace, was hired back as County dog catcher.
    These Commisioners ignored criminal wrong doing and prisoner abuse to reward James Henderson as dog catcher.
    The real concern is for the poor dogs that are at the mercy of this devilish creature Henderson.

  22. major young was suspended pending his court date what up with kimble

  23. Getting arrested,bailing out,going home put on the uniform and coming back to work in the same place you just got arrested. Priceless, only at WCDC!

  24. Arrogance, these people (Devilnys,Roberts and Kimball)look at all the WCDC staff with contemp and disdain, like they are superior to us. That arrogance and the belief that they are above the law is the reason why they keep making mistakes and leaving evidence behind of their crooked acts. The Justice Department is coming (And not the standards commission but the Special Prosecution team)WCDC crooks dont stand a chance now, so be prepared.

  25. Thanks to this Blog now is the time for WCDC officers to speak up and tell about the abuses of these corrupt upper management. Nobody else listen to us, not the county council or the county exec.. Here we have a place to voice our opinions.

  26. Why was Kimble allowed back in the jail on Wednesday by Devenyns and Roberts. He went into his office and the conference room. I heard they were reviewing the victim's file and Kimble made a copy of her file for his attorney. When he was asked by a staff, why he was back ,Kimball stated "they are paying me to signify" Mr. Pollitt please do not waste county funds and this sinking ship act now suspend his pay and fire Kimble, then suspend Devenyns and Roberts without paid for covering up Kimble's wrong doings.

  27. "They are paying me to signify", to signify what?... The crookedness?... The arrogance?... That WCDC is worst off now that ever before?... That staff morale is at an all time low?...That nearly every change he makes backfires on him?...yes they are paying him to signify.

  28. House Cleaning is in order for WCDC

    The corruption has gone on long enough. The good officers, who have to do all the work here, are sick and tired of what has gone on here.

    No more Kimballs please, and don't
    hire anymore of those ECI Rejects
    from Mngmnt at ECI. Just talk to the officers there, and they will fill you in. No K. Greens welcome

  29. word is, when he was in booking
    (his own booking) he tried to get
    offcr Sullivan to let him use his cell phone. Plus he tried to cut in line at the comissioner's office
    and was told to get in line, and wait his turn, like everyone else.

    What an example, he is....booked in
    his own jail, when he was security
    chief of the jail. Just proof he
    never should have had the job in the first place.

  30. Maybe the Feds will Waterboard
    him when he goes to the federal Pen

  31. Kimble will be on Dancing with the
    Stars , behind bars.

    He can dance with Puuuugy

  32. The Special Prosecution team

    needs to interview All of the officers, here, on All shifts

    to get the Real and True picture
    on this crooked place.

    If they do, you will surely see
    more loose their jobs, incl those
    with Rank.

  33. the only Colonel, Kimble will be

    is frying chicken as Colonel Saunders...... at kentucky fried

  34. Bad Boy, Bad Boy, What U gonna do,

    since Harden got Rid of U ???

    Oh, and the female inmate got
    rid of ya tooooo Bad Boy

  35. word is , Tue this week is Kimball

    hearing, surely he will be found

    GUILTY, since he is

    time to hire another security chief

  36. dont come back, you are not wanted
    here, and are dispised everywhere
    you have been , incl here

    Mr K knows who you are and he
    won't put up with you

    He remembers you well from DOC

    Maybe that inmate you hit will put
    you in prison where you belong

  37. he just got his court date postponed

    until Dec , just like an inmate

    putting off the enevitable as long

    as he can. He is probably still
    getting paid by the county, while
    he is out from work (suspended)

    May as well get paid until then,
    when he may get locked up and fired

    it's been alot better with him gone
    it's a start.......w/ more to Go

  38. Thank this Idiot for Lieing to
    his supervisors when he was here,
    about the "NEW Work Schedule",
    Promising that the Majority Vote
    would decide 12 hr shifts or
    5-2 shift. Vote was for 12 hr

    He wanted 5-2 all the time, but
    told supvrs that he would go with
    the officer vote. Well He Did NOT
    and went with 5-2 anyway, which,
    cost the County alot more money,
    and kills the staff, who have to
    Blow out sick all the time, to
    get enough time off.........

    Thank U Azzhole and don't come
    back........ L I A R ........
    Time for the County Geniouses to
    put the Old Schedule Back in place
    if they really want to Save money,
    and Retain staff, who they will be
    losing on this New Schedule......


  40. this should be the last jail he
    works at

    the next jail should be the one
    that he is IN

    the county should quit paying him

  41. his case comes up this week !!!!

    stay tuned ............

  42. he got o f f this time

    well , well that don't mean he

    was not guilty of plenty of things

    he better not get too cockey when
    he comes back, he has plenty of
    Enemys in all the ranks........

    Azzz kissers beware too.........

  43. All who buddy up with him,
    Will GOOOOO when he goes ......

  44. all who testified (lied) for him

    now Ur stuck with him awhile longer

    U should have got rid of him (by
    telling the truth) when U had the
    chance.......and show the Video,
    and let All witnesses (not on his
    side) Testify ..........who were
    Not allowed to .........

  45. He should be Re-Arrested

    Maybe he will stay tuned

    it ain't over till it's over

    Bad Boy Bad Boy wht U gonna doo
    wht U gonna doo when they come for UUUU

  46. send him to Siberia , to the

    goolaugs, far away from Del Mar Va

  47. Maybe WBI should take a closer
    look at H I M

    Calling All POOOLICE ......

    Take another look at the VIDEO

    Talk to Witnesses Not on his side

    Show Pollitt the VIDEO ....

  48. call the F B I

    surely they can get rid of him

  49. there is an F B I office right
    downtown, get er done

    wire us up, we will work for Free
    to get Rid of Him.........

    send this E C I Reject Packing

  50. call that New York Police Officer
    Serpico , who broke up the Corruption there, ..........

    plant some Undercovers here, to
    break up the Corruption here at

    there may already be some here,hint

  51. even he admits he is a THUG

    Wicomico County Council get rid
    of this man

    the voters are watching, hint hint


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