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Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate: Why It Matters

By: Christopher Ruddy

Where was Barack Obama born?

It’s a fair question.

But we still don’t know the answer because Obama won’t tell us, because he remains the most mysterious man ever to sit in the Oval Office.

This week I appeared on Bill O’Reilly’s No. 1 rated “The O’Reilly Factor” to discuss the controversy over Obama’s birth certificate, along with syndicated radio host Mike Gallagher. [See the video of my appearance — Click Here Now.]

Let me make clear that I believe Obama was born somewhere in the state of Hawaii. Days after his birth, a small legal notice was printed in the local newspaper announcing his birth.

And the head of Hawaii's Health Department has stated that he reviewed pertinent documents and that Obama was indeed born in that state.

So, those who believe Obama was born outside the United States, such as in Kenya, are simply out to lunch.

But the real story here is about Obama’s failure to release his birth certificate.

As the state of Hawaii has made clear, the actual birth certificate has never been released.

Obama has released another document, the certification of live birth. This document does not provide basic information, such as the place of Obama’s birth or the doctor who conducted the procedure.

GO HERE to read more from Newsmax.


  1. The more we keep talking about "why he hasnt released it" the less we talk about Obamacare, cap and trade, and the effectiveness of the stimulus plans.....

  2. The real story is what is on the Birth certificate that he wants kept secret. I also think he was born in Hawaii , but I think his name was Barry Dunham, and he may have been listed as white. Whatever is on it it must be damaging--just like his college application and passport, I think he was listed as a foreign student , probably Indonesian, and as a musilm, and as Barry Soetoro. Well he can continue laughing at how gullible the AMerican people are tonight when he hosts a RAMADAN celebration. Lets see, he supports Zeleya, he ignored the relaease of the lockerbie terrorist, He did nothing for the Iranians trying to overthrow Ahmadinajed--he raised his kids in a anti american, antiwhite church, he is friends with Ayers, man it is a neverending list of UnAmerican actions and associations.

  3. Please, please, please stop with this stupidity. Let it go. The conspiracy is that a bunch of caucasians voted a bi-racial man into office. If you want to be mad, be mad at your caucasian counterparts. After all the minority is still the minority and without the "majority" vote President Obama would still be Senator Obama. So move on and talk about things that matter, i.e the fact we're all going to be taxed to death and the piss poor health care system we have. Again instead of being all up in arms about how his health care plan sucks, lets find a true alternative. Lack of insurance and sub par insurance is a real issue and it affects everyone. Oh and stop with the "he will insure immigrants", it clearly states immigrants are not covered. Until we move on from those like your self attempting to scare everyone into paralysis your arguments will be less and less relevant. All we've seen from this discord and scare tactic used is that there are ton of bigots in this country and it took President Obama to bring them all out of the wood work.

  4. Wow....keep beating that dead horse, guys.

  5. I had to produce my birth cert. to be an enlisted man in the USN, this so called American gets to be the president without procucing his. Some here is F^%&$ed Up!

  6. Joe-

    What do you believe? Do you think that the President of the United States is not a natural born citizen? Just wondering.


  7. 9:59-

    What's President Obama supposed to do about the release of the Pan-Am bomber? And the "results" of the Iranian election? He's spoken out against both of these situations, and made his opinion known.

    Both Scotland and Iran are sovereign nations, and last I checked they can do whatever the heck they want to do.



  8. So we should get on to other things? Can't we walk and chew gum at the same time? Well, some of us can.

    1 he tells us he was born in hawaii

    2 hawaii let people register as born in hawaii who were actually born somewhere else

    3 you can only get hints as to whether that happened if you have the real bc

    4 barry has spent over 2 mill to keep the documents hidden

    if the 'new right' thinks pursuing this is wrong, go over where you belong, which is the 'old left'.

  9. Re: Obama not having shown his birth certificate. Actually, he has. The Certification of Live Birth is now the official birth certificate of Hawaii, and it is the only one that Hawaii sends out. (http://www.starbulletin.com/columnists/kokualine/20090606_kokua_line.html)

    This means that the reason Obama does not show the original is caused by Hawaii. Like others in Hawaii Obama asked for a copy of his birth certificate, and as in all cases, Hawaii sent him the short-form certification.

    There is now a move underway in the Hawaii legislature to change the law so that the original birth certificate (which must show that Obama was born in Hawaii) be released. On hearing of that move, some birthers on another site I visit said immediately that the only reason for it is that Obama has now created a "perfect forgery," which he has somehow slipped into the files.

    In any case, the Certification of Live Birth is the official birth certificate. It is accepted by all the Departments in Hawaii (yes, including DHHL, I checked) and by the US State Department as proof of birth in the USA, and the facts on it, meaning that Obama was born in Hawaii, have been confirmed by the two officials who looked into the file and saw an original birth certificate (at the time, Hawaii did not allow foreign birth certificates to be filed, so the original in the file must be from Hawaii). Furthermore, Obama's birth in Hawaii has been confirmed by this Hawaii witness. (http://www.buffalonews.com/494/story/554495.html).

    She was not present at the birth, but she recalls the unusual event of a birth to a woman named Stanley because she wrote a letter to her father, also named Stanley, at the time.

  10. Re: "I had to show birth certificate for Navy." As noted, Obama has produced his birth certificate, the official birth certificate of Hawaii, which would be accepted by the US Navy because it is the official birth certificate of a state (even though they call it a Certification. It does not have to be called a birth certificate to be one).

    Just as interesting is that NO president has ever produced his birth certificate before, and apparently John McCain didn't post his on line. The birth certificate floating around on the Web that purports to be McCain's is apparently a forgery (since it says that McCain was born at Colon Hospital, but McCain's memoirs say that he was born at the family hospital of Coco Solo Naval Base. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/01/AR2008050103224.html)

    So, in short, Obama HAS shown the official birth certificate of Hawaii. McCain never showed his official birth certificate. No former president has ever shown his birth certificate. Why is this an issue?

  11. At 11:14:

    I thought he'd only spent 1 million keeping it hidden....

    If you are going to make wild accusations, at least have some sort of proof behind it.

  12. MD Progressive--what no reply about Obama supporting Zelaya? No reply to his friendship (and coverup of) with Ayers? Obama certainly had to know about the LIbyan deal, his wimpy little statement meant nothing, just like his flaccid little statement about Iran--oh yeah he did recognize Ahmadinajad as the winner of the election if you remember.

  13. My far out theory is "he was born of a Jackall in Kenya" knock, knock........hold on it's the secret service (the new gestapo).......i'm really not nutz, but there is something really wrong with this whole picture.

  14. 11:33

    The one Obama posted on the net was proven to be a forgery. From the missing official state seal to his Father being identified as African. In 1961 a Hawaii bith cert would have referred to him as negro.

  15. Right on 9:59.
    Indonesian muslim foreign student is perfectly logical.

    We thought Carter was the worst.....

  16. Re the Birth Certificate being "proven" to be a forgery.

    No one has proven that the Certification is a forgery, and surely McCain would have wanted to if it were possible. Just two guys, neither of whom will give their right names, have claimed that the document is a forgery, and the officials in Hawaii have confirmed the facts on the Certification.

    Re: In 1961 the birth certificate would have referred to him as a Negro. But this is not a 1961 document. It is a document produced in 2007 or 2008 that summarizes the document of 1961. The clerk who looked at the original may have seen Negro and entered African. Or, the father actually may have said African. The Department of Health of Hawaii has said that its standing orders for years was for the birth registry's entry on race to be the words of the person who fills out the form.

    In any case, the facts on the birth document have been repeatedly confirmed. It was not possible to enter a foreign birth certificate in a Hawaii file in 1961. There is a witness who recalls being told of his birth in Hawaii in 1961. (http://www.buffalonews.com/494/story/554495.html)

    There is not the slightest evidenc that Obama was born anywhere else than Hawaii. The Kenya story is laughable. People had to get Yellow Fever shots to go to Africa in 1961, and that is really really bad during pregnancy.

  17. Forgey.......by whom? Glenn Beck?????????????????

  18. I am mad a *ell at all the people, not just white people, that voted for the man that is going to destroy our already frail country. I have nothing but contempt for him and his anti white, anti american coharts! I wouldn't ever propose violence against the president, but if he suddenly ceased to exist it would be a blessing for all americans!

    thank GOD for fox news, although I'm thinking they will be closed down some how by our f'd up gov. if they can figure out a way.

    Mrs. Tom

  19. Guess what liberals, I don't give a rats behind what you think. Obama is celebrating RAMADAN tonight. Get it? Obama supported Ahmadinajad as the winner of the most corrupt election ever. Obama has cut off aid to Honduras for LEGALLY ousting Zelaya, because of his allegiance to Chavez. Obama prefers brutal dictators to Democracy loving people trying to overcome brutal tyrants.Sorry you don't get it, Sorry you can only blame Bush or denigrate Rush but by the way there are no more foul vile lying hypocrites than your own beloved Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Keith Obamaman. We don't care WTF you think anymore, we have to SAVE our country.


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