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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Art By David Dees


  1. Keep spewing that hate Joe. It's gonna come back to bite you.

  2. empty threats from frustrated Socialists.

  3. Spewing hate?

    How about telling the truth.

    Joe, some commenter wants you to stop telling the truth.

  4. 9:58

    I hope you wake up soon from your fairy tale.

    Our country sucks

  5. 958...

    Chuck and company strike again

  6. Right on 9:58, breeding hate is all they know how to do...

  7. Obama is laughing his ass off. He is thinking------ I cant believe the American people were really dumb enough to select me.

  8. 11:43 because their TV is constantly on Fox News.
    Folks, if Glen Beck or Sean Hannity is your major source of news, then I honestly feel sorry for you.

  9. We, the American people have made poor judgements in previous presidential elections, but the election of Pres. Obama clearly wins the prize.

    Let's hope that we the people can, as we have in the past, correct this poor selection in the coming 2012 Presidential Election!

  10. 9:58 and 11:43 are definitely some Kool Aide drinking fools. Does Jim Jones and David Koresh ring a bell?

  11. So the President is now a communist, socialist, and zionist (hell, I thought he was suppose to be muslin)?
    And if our country sucks so bad, why don't we read about boats loads of Illegal Americans trying to sneak into some foreign country?

  12. who in their right mind would ever hire anyone to a position such as president with only 143 days of, for the lack of a better word, experience???? Only a die in the wool democrate, that's who!!!

  13. well I guess 54% of americans are "[dyed] in the wool [democrats]"

  14. 3:54

    No I dont think 54% are dumbocrats at all. Many independents were fooled by the liar in chief, and will correct that mistake in 2012.

    He campaigned as a moderate and many independents gave him the benefit of a doubt. However he has shown his true colors as a raging lunatic liberal. He will be lucky to make it to 2012, without being kicked out of office.

  15. the sumbocrat who made that comment actually believes 54% of Americans actually voted for him. Believe me, MOST Americans didn't even go to the polls and I can't blame them.

  16. The President's actions regarding the investigation of the CIA personnel, terminating the missile defense system for our allies in NATO, the closing of Gitmo, wanting to treat battlefield prisoners the same as citizen law breakers and is in the process of systematically dismantling the defense mechanisms put in place to protect the American people since 9/11, could be easily defined as treasonous behavior and a violation of the oath he took.

    If I were in Congress, I would be calling for Impeachment Hearings. Maybe we will have one congressman with enough courage to at least begin discussing such action, particularly with all the available evidence.

  17. We the people did not select any of our recent Presidents! We live under the illusion of politcal freedom. The choices are made for us. That wasn't an election.

    The Republicans got screwed out of a legitimate candidate. McCain was never meant to win. He did a poor job of pretending like he didn't know his fate. He was the shill.

    John Kerry was the Democrat shill in 2004. He was never meant to win and knew it. Besides being Dubya's 7th cousin, he was a fellow Bonesman. Wake up - these guys are practically brothers!

    All of these people are chosen by bloodlines. We have been hoodwinked. Scoffed at. Fooled. Duped. Treated like the red-headed step child.

  18. the country sucked when yalls boy was TRYING to run it so yeah i aint buying that!

  19. joealbero said...

    the sumbocrat who made that comment actually believes 54% of Americans actually voted for him. Believe me, MOST Americans didn't even go to the polls and I can't blame them.

    4:38 PM

    Good point Joe.

  20. Shredding the Constitution and the bust of Marx is an apt political statement.

    However, the flag of Israel is way out of place in this context. Obama is an enemy of Israel. Obama's U.N. speech was laced with negative, and in some cases even anti-, remarks toward Israel. Obama is no friend of Israel, and any references that would indicate it (like an Israeli flag behind his desk) is very seriously distorting the facts.

  21. Anonymous said...

    All of these people are chosen by bloodlines. We have been hoodwinked. Scoffed at. Fooled. Duped. Treated like the red-headed step child.

    5:37 PM

    Huh?? And how do you explain Obama's bloodline???

  22. 3:10
    Why would we sneak into another country? It's not like they would give us everything for free like we do the illegals that come here. If you are caught being in another country illegally there is harch punishment.

  23. 9:55
    Royal bloodline.


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