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Friday, September 18, 2009

Another Local Blogger Calls It Quits

Former Contributor to Salisbury News and left winger "Two Sentz" has shut down his Blog and called it quits. That's two Blogs in two weeks.

We were told his Site crashed on Blogger, yet no one else's Site crashed, so that's just an excuse. He's claiming that ALL of his history has been lost and quite frankly that's probably more of an excuse as my guess would be they were in fear of a lawsuit.

Salisbury News has been producing articles showing the Courts have been making it easier to find fictitious Bloggers and ousting their identity and I'm pretty sure things were getting heated up enough for some to run scared, I can't say as I blame them.

I happen to be in a different position financially and can take the hits from lawsuits and defend myself but most people aren't in that position. One blow, (just like JT) can destroy a Blogger instantly.

I have been in negotiations recently with some Maryland Politicians to hold a Blog Summer in the very near future, (actually late next month) to gather as many Blog Owners as possible together to hopefully set some standards we can all live by and change the scope of Blogging all together.

Blogs are growing faster than anyone ever dreamed of and we're even bringing up a proposal to have a National Law Firm represent Bloggers against certain lawsuits for a minimal fee each month to Bloggers. This is something I came up with a few years ago but never followed through with until now.

Anyhow, enjoy your retirement Sentz.


  1. I believe there was a blow-out. Two sentz is gone. His name was William or Bill.

  2. I did not agree with with him, but I thought he was an honest and decent man. He liked the middle ground more than Chuck. Hes got kids at a young age I think? And perspective & Prioritys come first. I quess thats all I have to say.

  3. Let them ponder that.

  4. Don't worry. He and his band of merry men spend all their time on my site now. :(

  5. TwoSentz wasn't nearly as left-wing as chuck and champs1...

  6. Joe, I read hundreds of blogs from around the world; well some I can't actually read, but the pictures are good:) Most are hobby related and/or informative. 99.9% of the blogs I look at do not need a national law firm to defend them. You may want to rethink your strategy to avoid your conflicts; most other bloggers do. Life can be enjoyable, and conflict gets old after a while. You can win a war without ever having a battle (cold war example), and you can definetly deliver news without conflict. More buisness and less personal BS drama will go along way to eliminating the haters and any confrontation. I do enjoy the local news you deliver, but the drama gets old; I can get that from my wife anytime.

    Goodluck with the live cast. Have you considered S.U. students for staff? They may have alot to offer, and do it for free.

  7. Typical bi-polar liberal this Obama thing is just to hard to defend.

  8. I'm not sure if one exist but maybe you should consider starting up a "National Blogger Association". Every industry has one. Everyone could pay a membership which could pay for the lawyers and so forth.

    And to bad for 2 Cents. He should have posted my respectful comments.

  9. 11:42 WE need a Union

  10. I never went to his site ever. When he was on here he only wanted to stir the sh..... crap. I have no time for people like that

  11. hilarious the anti establishment guy running to the establishment to protect him

  12. I thought Noncents was Melanie Pereau one of Ireton's associates??

  13. What's sad is that these lawsuits serve to stifle free speech. We really need to adopt a loser pays system to help stop the judicial system from being used as a weapon.

  14. Where will Ireton, I mean Liberal Elite post now? It seemed he spent all day long on that blog. No wonder the city is going to hell in a handbasket.

  15. He has a new blog - Progressive Delmarva. More bad news from you Joe.

  16. It's not gone. They just changed the name to progressivedelmarva.com now.

  17. Well, I've searched, but not found.. not that i want to or ever read them. I'm just sayin... they are unfindable. cool


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