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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

ALERT- Counter Demonstration Planned

My Dear Rowdy Tea Party Patriots and Members of the Old Maryland Line

We need your support to mount a Counter Demonstration today between the hours of 6:00 and 8:00 PM in front of the County Court House on Main Street.

Our aim is to neutralize the Obama Mercenaries with our numbers.......

Bring your signs and lets get to work.

We do not want people to think that Bel Air SUPPORTS OBAMACARE.

The Democrat message below.....

Tony Passaro
Bel Air Tea Party Coalition

Russ Kovach, President of the *YDHC, offered the following description of the event:

*The Young Democrats of Harford County is organizing a pro-health care vigil on Tuesday evening, September 8th as congress returns to D.C. This vigil is not intended to emulate the tactics and antics of the ‘tea-party’ type protests; rather I hope to get a crowd of those that support the initiative to have a quiet demonstration that there is a pro-reform majority out there, and that we can get our point across without disrupting meetings and denigrating public officials.

1 comment:

  1. Too late now to call for a quiet demonstration. The protesters made total fools of themselves and lost the debate because of it.


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