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Thursday, September 10, 2009

ACORN Baltimore Prostitution Investigation Part I & 2

Acorn, do they have an Office in Salisbury too?


  1. Stellar organization

  2. I think they are getting $8,000,000 for a annual budget this year. Stimulous dollars.

  3. Now just sit back and watch the libs take up for these people.

  4. And they wonder why I'm a racist!

  5. Nah, this is when they wet their pants and go into hiding. They only come out trying to get publisghed with lies and links to BS articles arguing whatever we post. Just be careful to actually follow their links and see that they're lying. They love trying to take over this Blog in comments because they can't get people to visit their own Blogs. In fact, Cents has been commenting here under anonymous, including today. Woner how we know Cents???????

  6. Is this where Tim Geitner gets his
    tax advise?Waaaittt--I mean Eliott

  7. I guess you are right Joe. The post went up at 11:51 and not a peep from the weenies.

  8. My dialup cannot download the video-what is going on with this?

  9. And these morons are federaly funded!!!! WTF?!!!!

  10. If you can't watch the video go to Biggovernment.com to read the transcript. You'll lose a lot of flavor but you'll be up to speed.

  11. I am curious why you would think a "liberal" would support this? I am not a liberal, but I am certainly not a conservative. As a matter of fact, I don't have a LABEL. However It is plain to see that these people are stretching, if not breaking the law. Why would I, since I do not fit into your description of conservative, support or defend this?

  12. Acorn - they plant small seeds and then tall trees grow. Their purpose is to create revolution. They are communist agents for revolution in America.

    This group represents the majority of America right now! Wake up people. This is America!

    Dude where's my Country?

  13. 3:32

    Yeh right, not a liberal, must be one of those progressives, which is a liberal on steroids.

    They are private citizens, so as long as they are not acting on behalf of law enforcement anything they got dealing with breaking the law is admissable in a court of law.

  14. What this employee did was wrong, but to try and imply it was officially sanctioned and supported by ACORN is just absurd.

    This story was created by Brietbart. His so-called "reporter" went to many different ACORN locations and tried to pull this crap. He finally found a stupid employee that went along with it and now Breitbart and Fox News are pumping it up and trying to claim it's part of ACORN's secret platform to create immigrant brothels in the U.S. - which is pure nonsense.

    I don't care what side of the political aisle someone is on - bullshit is bullshit and trying to pretend this is some secret plot chartered by top ACORN officials is just that... bullshit.

  15. Is this for real or just a joke?

  16. I am curious why you would think a "liberal" would support this? I am not a liberal, but I am certainly not a conservative. As a matter of fact, I don't have a LABEL.

    yep, you're a liberal

  17. First all, When the hell does 12 x 8,000 equal 9,600????? lol. second, someone seriously violated the wiretapping statute on this one, but it was well worth it!!

  18. i was just watchin fox news and the 2 sheboons in this video have been fired they say. chalk up another for the week to glenn beck

  19. yep, you're a liberal

    nope no i am not, support gun rights, agree with the death penalty so on so on but thanks for trying to give me a label. Now what are you?

  20. Nothing surprises me anymore in this Country. ACORN is an anti-american organization that is masquerading under the auspices of being mainstream.

    Hitler performed the same shenanigans when he came to power in Germany. America is in deep trouble.


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