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Saturday, September 19, 2009

9-12-09, Wake Up Libs, Here's The Numbers

Hi Cheryl,

Tony Passaro forwarded your email to me. What I came up with is an approximation. You can use it to verifie that there were a MINIMUM of 1,000,000 people. The first attachment is the City of DC traffic camera picture that we've all seen. The second attachment is a schematic created by the National Park Service used to illustrate how they determined the number of people at Pres. Wee Wee's recent inauguration.

It was printed in USA Today shortly after the ceremony. Since the million man march (that was only 700,000), the Park Service as a policy does not supply crowd estimates, but for the exception of Wee Wee's inauguration.

I hope this is helpful to you. It has helped me prove to Lefties that there were far more than tens of thousands. My personal feelings, and I was there, there were approx 1.5 million. The schematic only counts the crowds on the mall, along the reflecting pool. It does not show the huge overflow spilling into the side streets all along the mall hence my estimate of 1.5 to 1.8 million.

GodBless You,
Good Patriot.



  1. My Brother and I were in that awesome crowd, I'm not an estimator but I can tell you, that was one Hell of a lot of people!
    God Bless America

  2. Liberals really believe that they are intellectually superior and much smarter than the average citizen. They are going to push through their agenda no matter what, no matter how much information negating their ideology. Read Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

  3. Jimmy Carter said they are all racists.
    Jimmy's just jealous that Obama has outdone him as being the worst President in the history of this country.

  4. Yeah, sure.


  5. Lest we forget how Govenor Carter characterized Maryland Governor Mandel, as a 'Jew'.
    Now Jimmy, wasn't that racist of you?

  6. I wonder when the liberals will form Obama anonymous? It seems to be an addiction that is leading to their destruction. It is certainly a disease that is fatal to the country.

  7. Sorry, Joe, but the DC fire department estimated the numbers at 70,000. You don't get to have your own facts.

  8. 2:21
    There is NO way there was only 70k there. If you look at just the increase in riders for that day using metro it was about 150K more than the Saturdays before. Not to mention allll the buses that came in and dropped people off.

  9. This Fire Department estimate was off the record. In other words it was one man's opinion.

    The Traffic Cam shows a six lane street jam packed with people pass it for three hours solid. It shows at least a 1 1/2 mile length of it completely jam packed. People there actually counted 450,000. The transit authority said ridership was 275,000 higher than normal and there were 4,5000 buses that got passes for that day.

    Why would anyone trust an off the record comment. Especially when the President lies whenever he opens his mouth. He even lied about his own daughter being sick. What kind of a person would tries to gain sympathy at the expense of their own child and wife (who told a completely different story about her illness). All to sale health care.


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