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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Release

Incident: Burglary Investigation
Date of Incident: 11 August 2009
Location: 9100 block of Bethel Road, Willards, MD
Suspect: Pending

Narrative: On 11 August 2009
at 6:47 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s office began an investigation into a residential burglary that occurred in the 9100 block of Bethel Road in Willards. The homeowner informed the deputy that upon returning from vacation, it was discovered that an unknown suspect had forced entry into the garage. Upon inventorying the garage, the homeowner discovered many power and hand tools missing.

At this time the investigation is actively continuing. If anyone has any information, or has witnessed anything unusual in this area, please contact the Sheriff’s Office at 410-548-4890 or Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776.

Charges: Burglary 1st Degree


  1. Unfortunately that guy will neither see his belongings again, or hear from the sheriffs dept.
    We've had three incidents in the past year involving a report of some kind with the WCSO...never heard another word. Not one.
    If you're a minor criminal you're safe in Wicomico County.

  2. Check the pawn shops you will probably find your things there.

  3. 1:24 If what u r saying is true, why then did the WCSO just solve numerous daytime burglaries?

    Press release is done for reasons:Maybe you could help, maybe you saw somthing, maybye you know somthing. It is appearant you do not have anything to offer. It is appricated when people offer somthing to help victims. tnx;sincerely concerned citizen.

  4. Well 1:24 here you go. I didn't say they never solve anything,I just said that they've never solved anything for ME. We had two breaking-ins where things were stolen, and a case of tires slashed on cars parked in our yard. The break ins were with no witnesses, but there were some fairly good clues. As for the tires, a neighbor called to say she'd seen a truck lurking around, described it, and these things were consistant with who we suspected had done it. The neighbor couldn't even get the deputy to take her report.
    They're busy. I get that. But don't jump to their defense when what I said was right and true,as though it was inappropriate comment. It wasn't. I've earned the right to make that comment.

  5. 1:44, Pleaseeee learn how to spell! You might be making a good point IF we could understand it!

  6. I luve how people atack the spelin. That is a classik sine of "Oh snap, thats a good point but I don't want to admitttt it." Opps, I speled it all wrong! OOps!

  7. Sorry if i see three complaints in a year at the same house. I would have to guess you have some family issues or hang out with thugs. So clean up your Jeryy Springer life style and maybe you will no need the Sheriff's Office three time in a year.

    Shit maybe they should just put a sub-station in your freakin yard..

    I have never had the cops to my house in 26 years. I am sorry i just have a problem with people who have the police up to their house all the time. Take care of business.

    I bet your reported your oxycontin stolen three times. Ah now we are getting somewhere.

    Lokky here Ricky Lee bob earl jones Jr. I dont want anyone confusing you with urin Daddy, but I find you rather full of dung infin uin catcha my drifff

  8. I heard there was a cream colored Cadilac parked on that road the other night it was there for some time. Check with your Sheriff's Office. I heard them checking on it.


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