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Monday, August 17, 2009

Voodoo In Obama’s White House

Kurt Nimmo
August 17, 2009

Kristen Atkinson, a blogger over at the Townhall website, has posted an article claiming Marian Robinson, the 72-year old first grandmother who lives at the White House, is practicing Santería, otherwise known as voodoo. A close friend of Michelle Obama says the president became furious at his mother-in-law.

According to Atkinson, Marian Robinson became increasingly frustrated as her husband, Fraser Robinson, was hobbled by multiple sclerosis in the late 1980s, and turned to “Santeria in a desperate hope” to cure him. “Michelle put her foot down when she heard that her mother took her dad to ceremonies where they did spells and trances, and sacrificed animals, chickens and goats I think. But Marian was desperate and kept going anyway, even when her husband was to sick to go with her. I don’t think the president knew anything about this earlier because it was before they met. Michelle and Craig (her brother) wanted to close the book on this and never talked about it again after their father died in 1991.”

GO HERE to read more.


  1. Shades of Nancy Reagan and the astrologer or was it a wee-gee board?

  2. Illuminati secret societies and ancient mystery religions

  3. Is she doing it right now in the White House? Hey, c'mon, it's freedom of religion here; lets drain some animals and spread the blood! Just make sure Mike Vic did all his time, though!

  4. Does it really matter what religion she chooses? I though America provided for freedom of Religion. Maybe I was wrong.

  5. And that's veiled racism how?

  6. She has that right as an American citizen and nobody,not even her hateful daughter and son in law,can stop her from doing so.

  7. Read the article. We are talking about withchcraft, Bohemian Grove and Skull and Bones.

  8. 9:03
    That stuff is conspiracy theory stuff. The Bush family were never involved with Skull and Bones.

  9. Bush Family NEVER involved in Skull and Bones? Please! Bush 41's dad Prescott Bush was in the group that stole Geronimo's remains to START the club! Apparently, denial ain't just a river in Egypt with Obama opponents...

  10. See? Perhaps she knows something we common folk don't. When the "pushed down your throat" healthcare flops, we can all take up voodoo!!

  11. The article mentions Bohemian Grove and an owl? What is that about? Doesn't sound very American to me.

  12. You crazy wingnuts will come up with anything to bash Obama.
    You even get your info from Myspace now.
    You are pathetic. We had 8 years of your BS, stupid war based on false premises, idiots on the supreme court, corruption in the Justice department, moron who couldn't speak for President, etc.

    That's why you lost. Biblethumpers, you will not see power in the White House or Congress for another 20 years. Keep hating you racists. The only thing you CAN do is bi*ch on this blog and listen to Glen Beck. Good luck :) You make yourselves look dumber and dumber and soon even your kids will realize that. Losers...

  13. 1:07
    Wow. Sorry to piss in your wheaties.

    People who comment on this blog enjoy speaking about issues raised here. I'm doubt anyone meant to attack you personally.

  14. Maybe thats why her daughter looks like a bat?

  15. This is just dumb...health debates are at least valid arguments...this is just nonsense


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