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Sunday, August 09, 2009


It is no longer Democrat vs. Republican, Liberal vs. Conservative or Socialist vs. Capitalist. What we are now witnessing is an American President and the United States Congress showing utter contempt for the American people and the Constitution. When these elected representatives pass or attempt to pass laws governing our lives, but exempt themselves from its provisions it is reprehensible. It is bad enough when they take junkets paid for by either the taxpayer or lobbyists, but when they use taxpayer funds to purchase luxury aircraft for trips to Paris, Rome, Jamaica or other resorts, it is beyond the pale. They then have the gall to sit in judgment of their own unethical actions.

When a President tells citizens to shut up when they are exercising free speech or sends goons to intimidate the citizens or asks people to inform on folks who disagree with him it no longer is a democracy we live in. When the president decides who shall run private corporations or what car you must buy or what medical tests you can have and which doctors are to decide your well being, it constitutes the beginnings of a dictatorship.

The American people will rise up in righteous indignation to shout, this will not stand. It matters not if the culprit is Democrat or Republican, vote them out. We can no longer tolerate an Attorney General who owes his loyalty to the man that appointed him The loyalty deserves to be, to the law. Congressional ethics should be enforced by the courts with charges brought by an independent Attorney General.
An enlightened electorate should be voting for the person that best represents their views and not rooting for a team like the Yankees or the Red Sox. The country is more important than a team. How absurd is it that we vote for or against a candidate because, on one issue, we don't agree with the party even though the candidate supports our view. Maybe a time will come when voters take the time to learn about a candidate. When that time comes maybe the candidate will discover the wishes of the electorate.

Joel Brandes


  1. Mr. Brandes,

    How DARE you, it is an absolute scientific fact that is undisputed in the world today by any scientist ANYWHERE that global warming, rather climate change, will cause the mass extinction of all life forms on this planet. Unless we act immediately to tax the wealthiest of nations so that the third world can catch up to us we will all be under water.

    People like you should be jailed for inciting citizens to speak out against those that we elect to control us. Elected officials like Kratovil, Cardin, O'Malley, and Mikulski are better than you and I, they are smarter than you and I, and they want what is best for you and I, I am so happy that our current education system is eradicating the kind of thoughts that you are making clear, your words, nay, your very thoughts, should be outlawed, and as soon as Ms. Sotomayer takes the helm at the supreme court, they will be.

    Why don't you just trust these fine men and women? You show your rascism and ignorance to us all by disputing any of the above facts.

    We all must cede control of our lives to these fine and noble freedom fighters. I for one am GLADD that I can serve this proud democracy so that those in our government can lead us to a safer place in which all men and women will be exactly alike, without bias or predijuce.

    Rascist bigots like you are a thing of the past and like the United States Constitution should be DESTROYED!

    We must combat global climate change and warming before it's too late!

    Our great President Obama also wants what is best for all of us!

    For too long too many evil white men have taken advantage of workers all over the world, these evil capitalists have enriched themselves while enslaving all of us for their own nefarious purposes.

    We must pass health care reform NOW, if we do not we shall all perish!

  2. I cant wait to run into to you 9:16 see you on the field of battle.

  3. I hope you're joking 9:16

  4. 9:16

    It is a shame you have been so easily fooled by the environmental communist in this world. research the real data and you will see there is no global warming. The Easrt has been cooling for several years.

  5. Hey there 9:16 - You SERIOUSLY (all joking and political opinions aside) need to consider a mental evaluation.

  6. I would love to see an additional response from 9:16, but the part of me that hopes for good in people is hoping that 9:16 was making a poor attempt at sarcasm.

    9:16? You out there? Taking your meds perhaps (if in fact you weren't being sarcastic).

  7. Oh man...

    you guys are too easy!

    with love,


    C'mon you guys, that was funny, traceroute even says Chuck laughed

  8. nemo,that had to be sarcasim by 9:16 I don't think a person could be that ingnorant

  9. we all laugh now, however don't beleive for a second that "they" aren't really out there

    9:16 - well done, my hat off to you

  10. Thanks for calming my nerves 9:16. I appreciate sarcasm more than most, but in this day and age, it's sad but true that there are folks out there that truly espouse what you said in jest. I was just looking at FoxNews and a few other blogs (incl this one)regarding the freedom of speech debate that is now springing up around all of the town hall meetings.

    I believe (for the time being) that we are still able to speak our minds. And we should do so.... up to the point but stopping short of disruption of public assembly. Beyond that, start mailing teabags to your "elected representatives" as a friendly reminder of the lessons that history gives us.

  11. I think we can all use a good laugh. I don't know about you, but I'm too old to cry. Joe Albero is a great American patriot. Where else but in this great country can the average guy let his thoughts be known, at least for now.


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