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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Salisbury News: Chevy Volt: Newsy.com

Hi Joe,

I read your post about the Chevy Volt where you point out that the car is the first to penetrate the triple-digit mileage barrier. I think the following video will fit well in your post:

Like your blog, it uses coverage from multiple news outlets to examine the actual mileage and carbon footprint of the Volt. The video also features expert analysis of the market impact, and financial viability American-made hybrids.

I think it would compliment your post because details the issues in your post and the MSNBC story with more context. I hope you will consider embedding the video in Salisbury News.

Newsy.com videos analyze news coverage of important issues from multiple sources. Its unique method of presenting how different media outlets are covering a story gives context to complex issues.

Please let me know if you have any questions,

Rosa Sow


  1. Until America builds nuke power plants the electric car has no chance of mass production. $40,000.00 you got to be out of your mind.

  2. Alot of the big full-sized SUVs people drove cost $40,000 plus and that didn't stop them! I bet the price will creep down fast as more models incorporate this drive system. Poor GM. They are the only company with a car that gets 65 mpg as it's worst mileage and they still get laughed at.

  3. 2:43

    The people that drive the SUV vehicles bought them for their size and safety. If they wanted a sardine can they would have bought one. The only people that will buy these little cars are tree huggers.

  4. Not true anonymous 3;32. I'd buy one, or something similar.

    With Salisbury News I do a ton of local driving and one of these vehicles would be perfect for what I do.

    However, I'm not stupid. I'm not going to throw away $40,000.00 on something just to get better gas mileage. It would be much cheaper to buy a vehicle for $25,000.00 less and NEVER spend the difference in gas in my lifetime!

  5. The Flux Capacitor will make "nucular" power from a bananna peel! Sorry, Joe, but I've got GW's pictionary. I'm wondering what my home electric bill will be also, since i'll be plugging in every night. You've got to figure that cost in, too.

  6. 2:43
    People buy those big suvs for a reason. Some have a few kids and end up taking kids and friends places. Not to mention this little tin can can't pull a camper or trailer.

  7. SUV's are bought for a reason. I agree. But half the buyers dont cart kids around with them 24/7 and few have anything bigger than a small boat to tow once or twice a year. Its the redneck way that says you gotta have a big vehicle. GET OVER IT. Buy what you need, not want you want. These vehicles are horribly unsafe with a high center of gravity and horrible handling characteristics. Few cars today are tin cans. But as usual there is alot of ignorance around here.


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