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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

REMINDER!!!! Tomorrow! Senator Cardin's Town Hall 10am At SU


Well, tomorrow is the day.

Thursday August 13th Senator Cardin's Health Care Town Hall 10:30 to 12:00 noonIn the Wicomico Room of the Guerrieri Center at Salisbury University

Our rallying point for those that have been denied access to the town hall meeting will be Dogwood parking lot D, which is the most south side of the campus on the corner of Dogwood and Camden Ave., across from Asbury Church.

Also – we are now hearing that the AFL-CIO and other unions are encouraging their members to show up at these town halls in support of government-run health care. I must warn you that creating an unnecessary distraction not only hurts the cause, but further marginalizes our future endeavors. Please keep the discourse civil. Thanks, and I look forward to seeing you out there!

PS - AFP’ers will be circulating our "Hands Off Our Health Care Petition". If you have not already signed, you can do so tomorrow at the event .

See you there!

AFP, Lower Shore


  1. It is a shame that it is not in the evening like it was originally supposed to be. I cannot get off work on a Thursday morning to attend, unfortunately, or I would be there. I was planning on attending the evening meeting. Wonder if that was done on purpose, as a lot of concerned people are busy working?

  2. This is a closed meeting you idiots. Get over yourselves....you're acting like spoiled two year olds.

  3. ROTFLMAO @ anonymous 3:52. What the matter Lib, got a meeting with Unemployment or perhaps Disability and can't make it?

  4. Check his schedule, no town hall tommorrow.

  5. They hold these meetings during working hours so the real SUCKERS in all of this mess cannot be there. The real suckers are all of us working people that are opposed to these plans that are going to cost us dearly. Get some brains and get out of Obammas Kool Aide line and ditch this b.s. health care plan now before its too late. Cardin could give a rats ass about our opinion in this matter and has made that pretty clear in past meetings. He's here to try to sell us a bill of damaged goods and tell us he has our best interest in mind and I say Bullsh!t.

  6. For those that signed up at Beacon by phone, bring some ID.

    Since passes, tickets, etc. were not sent out, staffers only have names of those "registering" by phone for the Town Hall and hopefull attendees have no proof of their registration.

    It will be interesting to see if union thugs are pre-seated hours prior to doors opening to the public.

  7. 5:00 The Salisbury Town Hall had never been included in Cardin's offical website list for meetings on Health Care.

    Yesterday it was only Monday's and Tuesday's meetings and did not include Wednesday's Hagerstown meeting.

    Let's hope he shows up Thursday in Salisbury.

  8. Cardin is a coward! There should be no such thing as a closed meeting, he is a public servant and should make himself available to the public.

    His actions are dispicable,cowardly, and are not in accordance with the true spirit of representing and being accoutable to his constituency.

    This man will have to be included on the list of those so out of touch with reality, thet he should no longer be considered a viable candidate for re-election!!!

  9. I talked to a high level executive at SU and found out that the meeting scheduled at Salisbury University tomorrow is not a Town Hall meeting, it is a Grayshore meeting that Sen. Cardin was invited to months ago. The meeting is by invitation only, so I will not be going because I will be denied entry.

  10. its not a town hall. Just an fyi Don't waste your time. RSVP only

  11. Joe, what is AFP?

  12. the meeting is not open to the general public. Senator Cardin was invited so this town hall talk is false.

  13. I mailed out "Termination Of Representation" notices to Kratovil, Cardin and Mikulski today.

    Copies of this document can be printed out and addresses are also on this site:


  14. It's been announced that "this is not a town hall meeting" and this event "is invitation only." Please let us know how that works for him. I imagine plenty of people will show up and leave ticked off b/c they got turned away. Won't look good for the senator either way.

  15. Funny time for a meeting the tax payers are working and the liberal uneducated college liberals are off hummmm!

  16. Ok, so Cardin has had Town halls


    But NOW greyshore and CARDIN and their local liberal "tools" are saying

    "It's not a town hall, so people shouldn't be there.

    It would be funny if it wasn't so easy to see through.

    I hope we on the shore have long memories....


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