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Monday, August 17, 2009

Race Pimping in the ‘Bury

Try to protect the Salisbury taxpayer from having to absorb potentially millions of dollars of costs and what does it get you?  You’re called a RACISTS!

Refusing to let their loss over the acquisition of environmentally damaged property on Lake Street die a natural death, the Barrie Comegys party is now trying to smear Mayor Jim Ireton, Councilwoman Terry Cohen, and Councilwoman Debbie Campbell by implying that they are racists.  Their house blog just comes out and says it!

Are they?  Of course not.  However, when people like Salisbury council members Gary Comegys and Shanie Shields can’t afford for the voters to find out what they’re really up to they’ll say or do just about anything.

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  1. Good article G.A. and I laughed so hard when I got to the paragraph that said, "During last weeks Council meeting, Sheilds went so fart...".

  2. I wonder what Comegys and Shields are REALLY up to. Life always gives us one more surprise.

  3. Comegys gets his marching orders in the secret meetings.

  4. Well I will say Joe I used to think you were to hard on Shanie. That was until I had a meeting with her prior to the last election. Ms Shields was in the process of telling me and others what we needed here in Salisbury.

    Her Comment was "We needs to do something about all this lottery around here" I sat and thought well may people with limited funds should not play the lottery. O.K. Then she stated it again with more conviction. I guess sensing I was not quite getting it. "I mean we really need one of them lottery laws". Maybe underage lottery players is what she was talking about.

    So i stated who do you think is selling these kids the tickets. I will look into it.

    Shields looked at me like I was crazy. Stating "What tickets you talking about "I dont care about that, well yea you could give tickets". I dont want all these kids lotterying around the stores and neighborhoods. We need a law.

    Well I am glad to say no one is selling lottery tickets to kids. The are loitering and Shanie does not like it.

  5. Heard her speak one time only, at a neighborhood crime watch meeting-----I left convinced -She likes to hear herself talk and that is as fas as she goes!

  6. What a post to have run across in my Internet travels. I knew Terry Cohen in her Maryland Commission for Women days. Got news for this woman you are talking about if she is calling Terry a racist. The work Terry and others like her did on issues like insurance redlining of minority areas and real discrimination issues has done more for minorities than it sounds like this woman has ever done for minorities, especially if she is aligned with slumlords!

    I had no idea Terry was now a council member. Been out of touch a long time. I'll have to look her up!


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