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Monday, August 17, 2009

Cohen on Reddish Morning Show

Terry Cohen will be Bill Reddish's guest this morning at 8:10a.m. on WICO 1320 on your AM dial.


  1. Listening now...wow, sounds like she's one of the few keeping an eye on the city purse strings. Can't stand her national politics BUT She wants to keep the Perdue plant so it can provide close local jobs to the people.

    Shanie Shields wants to get rid of the Perdue plant and the jobs that it brings.

  2. Anon 8:32 Perdue provides local jobs, let's keep them. Landlords give the job holders housing, let get rid of landlords.

  3. I thought his show ws canceled? HUH? Is he back on?

  4. If Shanie thinks she can move Perdue she had better think again. Jim Perdue will move when he is damn good and ready and not one minute before. These people had better be careful throwing their weight around with people like the Perdues. Remember what Frank Perdue told the state when they wanted to impose another tax on chicken companies? Do you remember how fast the pfisteria hysteria went away? Don't think Jim Perdue won't tell the city the same damned thing. Let Shanie, Bubba and Louise answer to the thousands he employs as they head to the unemployment lines.

    Becareful for what you wish, you might just get it.

  5. Its all about developing the property. Someone has an agenda.

  6. 8:32 a.m., she may be a "liberal" and you may not like her national politics, but she is her own thinker. I'd replace Obama with her any day!

    Shanie Shields knocks her for being educated every chance she gets, but I have found Cohen to be very down to earth as well as smart. Sorry I missed the show she was on, but I'm sure her common sense came shining through.

    County Fan


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