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Friday, July 17, 2009

What's Worse?

"Whats worst, this lady reading the daily slime while driving or me taking the
pic while driving?"

This was sent into me by a reader.


  1. shes subject to crashing reading that peice of crap

  2. You see people that can't drive for reading garbage like that or worse....talking on the phone!

  3. Let's hope her crash won't be as bad at the stocks "crashed" for The Times.

  4. I'm sure taking a picture takes
    a lot shorter time that reading the paper. However , I would advise you to call the police , if you already haven't . I don't want this idiot to kill anyone.

  5. WOW. My eyes are getting worse I guess. I cannot see the "Daily Times" anywhere in the pic. Sensational field reporting, If only we could all be this journalistic. Mind your own business and quit taking pictures of people in their private space. They were probably stopped at the light anyway, this area you were stalking your prey in is very congested.

  6. That is good for me and other drivers, people like you taking pictures and reading papers while driving.
    Why, because there will be one of those crosses people put along side of the road where they die at, waiting for you.
    Oh i forgot you the mighty albero wont happen to you.

  7. I'm going to say that since there's no blur in the photo, meaning the target vehicle as well as the one seen on the driver's side of the target vehicle are motionless, that these vehicles were stopped for the red light that's at the intersection just a little farther south on that portion of Rt. 13. As with the case of the judge telling Albero to get a life, I'd have say the same advice applies to the taker of this photo.

  8. That's right, defend this woman's actions by saying she was stopped at the red light, until YOU are the one BEHIND her when the light turns but she doesn't know it because she's not concentrating on DRIVING...she's reading the damn paper!


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