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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Suicide Bridge Restaurant

I received a call this morning informing me that the Suicide Bridge Restaurant in Secretary Maryland was closing their doors. This is absolutely incorrect! I spoke with the manager who answered the phone at 8:00 AM and I shared with him the information I had been told and with great pleasure, (on my behalf) he chuckled and said, no, we're actually having a fantastic season.

What started as a small restaurant, (I'm told back in the 1960's) was purchased by Dave Nickerson in the mid 1980's where he expanded the restaurant and turned it more upscale. In 1997 they added the Riverboat Cruises and even though we've seen quit a dip in the economy, Suicide Bridge Restaurant is going very strong and will be around for many more years to come.

So if you're one of those people who had been told they were closing their doors, let everyone know this absolutely is not the case. If you'd like to learn more about this restaurant go to their website at, http://www.suicidebridge.com.


  1. Thank Goodness! Hadn't heard the rumor but so glad to hear it's not true. It's my FAVORITE! Love the stuffed tuna. We are actually planning to go there tomorrow night to celebrate my Grandfather's 90th birthday.

  2. My family and I ate there this past Sunday. The food was great as well as the service. By the amount of folks they had, they arent closing. The parking lot was full and the restuarant was busy.... Man they have some good food.!!!!!

  3. I ate there recently for the first time and I loved it...I will be back!! :o)

  4. Long live the soggy fritter.

  5. possibly the best restaurant on the shore

  6. Anon 10:06

    I second that!!!

  7. Best restuarant on the shore

  8. Great Food!!!! Its always packed when I go

  9. They have a new buffet style dinner that has any seafood one could ask for and prime rib. It was great and cheaper than the local all you eat crabs houses. Only by a couple bucks but the atmosphere wins hands down.

  10. Our friends took us there for our 25th wedding anniversary. We went on the riverboat trip. The food was great! We also enjoyed Mr. Creamer on the banjo. Top notch.

  11. Thank goodness! One of my favorite out of the way spots!


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