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Thursday, July 23, 2009

So Waterboarding Is Inhumane?

Contact your Delegates, Senators and Congressman and tell them Salisbury News has something important for them to see.

WARNING: This video is violent and not for the young. You must be at least 18 years of age to view and if you're a democrat please cover your mouth before you scream like a little girl. Oh, no hate mail either.


  1. OMG! Joe, you really should put a disclaimer on this one!
    It didn't bother me because I sorta knew what to expect, but some might really get upset or even sickened.

  2. OMG Joe please put a warning on this so people know what to expect. That was horrible.
    The religion of peace. To prove it they will cut off your head.

  3. Thats how you fight a war.

  4. Thanks for taking the advice Joe :)

  5. Uhh Ok Joe. Thats what makes the U.S. better than those guys. That we dont resort to torture. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

  6. anonymous 3:13, now picture one of those victims as being your brother or sister. Oh, I know, try this one out for size. Try picturing one of them as being one of the victims in the World Trade Center on 9/11. Oh, that's right, you're 25 years old, a democrat and you want to make sure every single person in America is healthy and things like this don't really happen here, right?

    An eye for an eye is pretty accurate to me, I'm from Da Bronx, remember.

  7. I think these guys believe in eye for eye. That's the whole point.

    What can they do on film, which will scare us sufficiently to leave them alone?

    What will it take to make Israel and the U.S.A. leave their country?

    They are obviously at wits end.

  8. McCain was tortured. He is against torture. His word is good enough for me.

  9. Way to fuel the hate. I'm sorry, was that an interrogation or an excution? We do neither.

  10. And they believe in the KORAN.

  11. McCain was tortured and has residual physical effects from the results. That should truly be the definition; lasting physical effects from the torture. McCain is probably still suffering from the results, which may impair his judgement in objectively determining what torture truly is, or he may not have read the definition from a dictionary.

    The subjection to loud music, uncomfortable room temperatures. and leading someone to believe they are drowning, all of which, leave no lasting physical damage, cannot meet the definition of torture, re., Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary: "the infliction of intense pain (as from burning, crushing, or wounding) to punish, coerce, or afford sadistic pleasure, to punish or coerce by infliciting excruciating pain, to cause intense suffering, to twist or wrench out of shape".

    I have not heard of or read any reports that disclose the above actions on any of the 9/11 captives, therefore in my opinion we have tortured no one.

  12. The United States is better than that. and Anon 3:41... I couldn't have said it better myself.

  13. These People are just nuts! How soon Americans forget what they really are about! Support our troops!

  14. Anonymous said...

    The United States is better than that. and Anon 3:41... I couldn't have said it better myself.

    4:56 PM

    PUSSY, PUSSY, PUSSY, Nothing but liberal pussy's. That is what is wrong with this country today.

  15. What pieces of you know what! Makes me soo mad that I want to hack their heads off with a dull knife. This is what our military should be allowed to do. This is war and there are no rules if you want to win.

  16. tO 3:13Really? Would you prefer they keep attacking us? cutting your head off because they know you don't want to upset anybody with a little waterboarding. I think we should send them a message that is so painful, they will never, never, attack again. don't try to draw a moral equilovence between their want to slit your throat and the USA being "better than that" by not resorting to, I like the colloquialism, "alternative interrogation techniques"!

  17. Correct me if Im wrong but this was not torture. THIS WAS MURDER!

  18. 4:18 is right. They way i see it. We should given Iraq what we gave Japan. Two brand new giant parking lots. Little terrorist just grow up to be big terrorist.

    I dont care what this country does to protect us and our way of life. If you come upon American soil and committ acts of violence against us. Well then lets just say we should swing for the fence. The lesson to be taught here is " Do not kill Americans on American soil". Do not plan to kill Americans on American soil.

    Oh the video I will take mine well done !!!


  19. /Yes and these animals have infiltrated our gov't to the highest level.

  20. Ever seen the "Hostel" movies?Thats about what these terrorists deserve when they torture OUR soldiers.

  21. Support your troops! And I say that if we have to torture these guys to get info out of them torture them all you want.

  22. Little by little they are taking over. Women get ready for your burka. Men get ready for your 4 wives. Oh yeah and with 4 wives comes PMS times 4 and 4 mother in laws lol

  23. 7:00
    Yes & have a spankin' new F-19 sky write "can you hear me now?" above the parking lot.
    (You know, this could be done with a drop out in a dessert somewhere. no one has to be caught in the blast. But, they'd all see it.)

  24. Fight fire with fire

  25. Hey Anon 4:56... thsnks for repeating the word pussy. You're very clever sir. By the way, I am a Republican. You calling me liberal was way more bothersome than calling me the greatest thing in this world. Being against torture doesn't make you a liberal it makes you have a heart. Running your mouth annonymously over the internet makes you a pussy.

  26. i was a soldier who went through a school in the us army where we water boarded did it suck HELL YEAH did it damange me mentaly or bodily no was it effective YES


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