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Friday, July 31, 2009

Salisbury News Has Another Record Day

Yesterday proved to be the biggest day Salisbury News has ever had. Even though the Daily Times refused to provide a link to Salisbury News, (once again) the Washington Post was kind enough and respectful enough to do so, just as we always do for them.

My Wife looked at the numbers last night and said, "It's Time." What she meant by that is, it's time to take Salisbury News to the next level. She's right, it's crazy not to.

One of the only reasons we haven't done so to date is pretty simple, I've had absolutely no time at all to schedule the meetings and get it rolling but I will concentrate on it next week. We have the layout picked out, we have the company in mind to make it happen, it's time and I'm going for it.

To those of you new to Salisbury News, welcome aboard. Secure your seat belts because you're in for one hell of a ride.


  1. WOO HOO !!!! Can't wait to see what's coming.

  2. Joe, GREAT NEWS. I love your site and get great satisfaction in debating opossing (sp?) views with my fellow Eastern Shore residents. Without dialogue we don't understand each other. I think the opportunity you provide the citizens of Salisbury to discuss the issues of the day is truly a gift. Thank you.

  3. Please keep the monthly subscription rate under $10 if you could. Many people can't afford much more than that.

  4. There will be NO CHARGE to visit Salisbury News. Everything will stay the same. Salisbury News will remain FREE.

  5. All of the great blogs sell advertising. As long as it doesn't continuously "pop up" and force me to click "close", I am OK with it.

  6. Ha! When you come out with your slick new format and national recognition and readership, that other "dreaded" Blog will be crushed and the owner will have egg on his face. He will look like a fool, and you will be even more successful.


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