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Friday, July 24, 2009

One Man's Opinion

Be advised, this material is not suitable for Obama admirers/boosters.

Interestingly, I read the following critique right before I watched Obama’s “press” conference last night. If Americans weren’t weary of Obama and his fawning “press” dogs before this performance, they should be exhausted now.

What was most appalling about Obama’s performance was the unchecked unreality. Either Obama has no idea what is in the legislation that has passed in congress thus far or he was fanaticizing about what he would like to see in the legislation that he hopes will pass “by the end of the year”. Either way, to represent to the American people that what he was describing is what is currently being blocked in congress was disingenuous at best.

This is getting scary, folks. I’m with Limbaugh; I don’t want Obama to succeed because I disagree with what he is trying to accomplish. But increasingly, I am being shocked by the unreality demonstrated by Obama. And I don’t know how to interpret Obama’s blind adherence to this unreality; is it incredible arrogance and chutzpah or is it insane? Or maybe it’s just me?

A number of fine commentators have recently been making the point that Obama doesn’t seem to know how to move from being a campaigner to being President. Increasingly, this is becoming obvious to more and more Americans. Obama is big on big, idealistic concepts but appears to have no idea how to evaluate their practicality or to bring them to reality. This may explain why he delegates (I might say abdicates) responsibility for everything to others. All legislation (with the possible exception of the budget) has been delegated to the Democrats in congress to draft. The financial crisis was delegated to Treasury which has been largely saved by the Fed who realized Treasury was incapable of resolving anything. Closing Gitmo has been delegated to Justice. The auto bailout was delegated to the car czar. Etc.

But increasingly it appears Obama does not know what the people he had delegated to are doing. This is why the term “abdicate” is a better term that “delegate” since delegation implies a certain degree of continued supervision and responsibility by the delegator. Certainly on the health care bills, he lacks familiarity with the specifics. He admitted as much in a telephone conference with liberal bloggers earlier this week. And in his conference tonight, Obama admitted he was unaware of the findings of the Inspector General on TARP! What is Obama spending his time doing? Who is minding the store while Obama campaigns?

On the other hand, what do we expect? We elected as President an unknown who has never run anything; he has zero executive experience. The organizational mess he has created with “czars” duplicating cabinet secretaries not only circumvents the Constitution but creates an administrative nightmare which will likely become increasingly chaotic as his term proceeds. Who has access to Obama? Who has responsibility? How can one person, irrespective of the degree of his management experience, manage so many people?

Obama has been in office only six months and things are already unraveling. Does anyone out there think he will be able to pull it together?

Woodlands Texas

1 comment:

  1. Obama press questions were very same and sure for him.Not one question on his health care got to the meat of the bill.It was all a side show. We are in siome serious trouble with this idiot. A graduate of HARVARD,non american and a Muslim.Muslim as Head of Home Security.


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