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Friday, July 24, 2009

Officer Rebuts Gates’ Account Of Arrest Incident

Cop says he didn’t want to take ‘such drastic action,’ but Gates ‘provoked’

The white police officer who was criticized by President Barack Obama for arresting a black Harvard professor outside his home has fired back at the president and other critics, refusing to apologize for his actions.

In an an exclusive one-on-one interview with television station WHDH that TODAY aired Friday, Sgt. James Crowley, an 11-year veteran of the Cambridge Police Department, also said he was aware when he arrested Prof. Henry Louis Gates Jr. that it would be seen as controversial and bring unwanted attention on him. But, he insisted, Gates’ aggressive behavior left the officer with no choice.

“I really didn't want to have to take such a drastic action because I knew it was going to bring a certain amount of attention, unwanted attention, on me. Nonetheless, that's how far Professor Gates pushed it and provoked and just wouldn't stop,” Crowley said.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. The white cop did his job in a city of bs politicans.He is to be commended and backed by his superiors period!

  2. sounds like Gates was setting this up to be a racist event. he is a friend of Obama and it seems everything must be seen in rqacists terms. The problem is, it is people like Gates who are the racist and the problem in America.

  3. Release the video and 911 tapes so we can all see and hear what happened

  4. Regardless of whether Gates arrest was racially motivated or not....it is not the Presidents job to get in the middle of a police issue. Let Gates file a wrongful arrest suit and let the county and the judges decide if the police officer was in the wrong...not Obama. He has not business in it.
    Or hey...let him keep carrying on and show his true colors!

  5. 10:33, I agree.
    10:35, I believe Obama was making a statement from the heart, not the wishy washy PR answers that we are used to hearing from politicians. His opinions are echoed by many people just like you are airing your opinion.

    And the arrest WAS STUPID; unless Gates was threatening bodily harm to the officer, he should have been left to scream and yell on HIS property all he wanted to. Prick cop just wanted to flex his badge.

  6. It sounds to me that the biggest racist is Prof. Gates neighbors! They don't even reconize the man who lives next door?

  7. If an officer is doing an investigation, in this case of a breaking and entering, then the Professor should have shown him the id and been done with it, it took a lot for the officer to remain in control, seeing as Mr Gates was hindering his investigation and could have been charged with obstruction.

  8. Remember, Gates is the one who made this racist when he referred to himself as 'a black man in America.' But that's ok, right? Think what would have happened if the cop called himself 'a white cop in America!'

    obama should have shut his mouth but he had to stick up for his brothers! If any of you think he's fighting so hard for his health bill other than the fact it's going to give insurance to the ghetto dwellers and drug dealers you're delusional. The payment is going to be based on income so no income equals FREE insurance! Then who pays? The working people who already pay for their welfare and food stamps!!

    Strange how many of you think the right thing to do is to be politically correct but you think it's so wrong to defend your own race!!

  9. He should have Tazered him....Sounds like he set it up just to turn it into a media circus.People are getting very tired of the double standard when it comes to race.If the man had common sense,he would have just shown his ID and not acted like a butthead

  10. Gates and Obama owe the Officer an apology . Their silence shows what kind of men they are.

  11. 10:58

    your answer is stupid. Gates yelling gathered a crowd, which is disturbing the peace, disorderly conduct. I sincerely hope the police officer sues gates as he should. I am so tired of everything being racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Had that been a real robbery I'm sure Mr. Gates would have appreciated the actions the officer took...

  13. 11:06- that is exactly what went through my mind when I first heard the story. I'd know my neighbor from a stranger- even dressed in different attire. I think most people would.

  14. If this was a white cop arresting a white person or a black cop arresting a white person, there would be no news. I am tired of hearing minorities cry the blues. If you can't fit into society,the next boat leaving the USA leaves in five minutes.

  15. A middle aged man with a cane is arrested inside his own home for disturbing the peace, hancuffed and booked. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

  16. 10:58 the arrest was stupid and it was due to Gates lack of self control ! You cannot hinder an investigation even if it's your house !

  17. 10:58..you show true ignorance.Do alittle reading on the arresting officer and you will find that his record is exemplary.You will laso find that the black officer and the latino officer who were with him when he made the arrest condone his actions and behavior.

    You,like Obama, sound like one of these people who have absolutely NO idea of the dangers police officers face when they enter scenes like this.The officer needed to know who he was dealing with...he made a perfectly legitimate request and was met with a racial tirade...the real prick here is the arrogant, elitist and racist Professor Gates and our President who once again shows that his judgement is seriously impaired when his "associates" are involved.
    Both of these men owe law enforcement officers everywhere an apology....but I doubt either is man enough to issue one.

  18. 11:06 --

    He was breaking into the house -- why would they think it was him?

  19. Good thing I wasn't the cop, I would have shot him knowing there was going to be racial remarks to begin with. It's time people get a life and get over this crap of pulling race into the mix every time a black person gets arrested. If he didn't have an attitude to start with this might not have happened. I would be very happy the officer took the time to investigate the situation if it were me.

  20. Obama should have never commented on this mess, bad move on his part.

  21. Gates was not the owner of this home, the home is owned by Havard Gates was just staying there. Now your are going tell me that if a neighbor sees two people entering a home illegally who are not the owners they should not have called the cops and this cop did not do the right thing you need to craw back in your hole. Alot of you react before you know the facts just like our racist leader did always blaming whitey for all their shortcomings!

  22. 1:24

    I reconized my neighbor last week when he boke into his house, via the window at 2 a.m.! (lost his keys, whole family out of town.) His friend had to drive him home so we didn't even reconize the car.

    Maybe everyone involved did something stupid. The neighbors, Gates, and the cops.

  23. this shows Obamas comments on improving race relations during his campaign was another lie. this shows he believes creating the total opposite. it amazes me that no one wants to eliminate race from problems, hiring, promoting concerns. they always want preference given for the different, races, sex, national origin, non - english speaking etc.. to eliminate or improve relations with all groups you have to be able to treat all people as individual human beings period. your actions will dictate your treatment. if you don't like that you are free to leave the US and go to another country that will treat you the way you want to be treated if you can find one. this is a severe problem not only in every day life but it multiplies in Government

  24. i'm so sick of all white people having to walk on egg shells, this is rediculos that this is even a big deal.

  25. The only racist on that scene was Gates period. In twenty plus years as a law enforcement officer I can not tell you how many times the race card has been played. Gates has a right to feel the way he feels. He also had the right to remain silent at the scene. Gates inflamtory remarks would have gotten him the same treatment anywhere in the U.S. The response from Gates created the whole situation. I find more interesting they have yet to find out who this caller is. This deflection of news when OHbama is trying to sell a wolf ticket to America is more than suspect.

    It reminds me of some local politicians under media fire and dragging the DRILL up to the media to get the heat off of their ass.

    Kids and race will do it everytime. The media will be all over it because it strikes at the humility in all of us.

    Ohbama insulted an entire profession in less than a minute. Lets face it he has played this game his whole life. As a light complected Black male or a dark complected White male. He has struggled his entire life on this issue without a doubt. I am angry and embarrassed that our president took this stance. The world is watching and one than one world leader is laughing because America just became the brunt of jokes and inuendo by his comments. It shows weakness and ignorance by a man that is supposed to be a leader for all Americans.

    If there has ever been a time for all law enforcement to unite it is now. The F.O.P.s accross this country need be heard loud and clear on this issue. We should not belabeled anymore than any other profession. As one reads the headlines today an Evangilist was arrested for sexual abuse, A race car driver killed an innocent elderly man out for a drive, the largest political corruption cae in New Jerseys history uncovered. I dont hear the president saying "Yea politicians all over America are robbing you blind.

    The less than 1.5% percent of officers that let their bias play a role in how they do the job should not affect an entire profession. The irony here is that they chose the wrong case and set of circumstances to cry foul. I am sure if they had waited a true situation would occur. That is life there are officers who will break societies rules. It is going to happen. Some just slip by the back ground. They need to be weeded out.

    If President Ohbama does not issue a statement apologizing to all the men and women of law enforcement then he is the real racist here.

    The sad truth is that officers that were borderline on these issues will now be pushed in the wrong direction by inflamtory statements of their leader. If some will even consider him as "thier" leader now.

    I have sent my opinion to the Grand Lodge of the Fraternal Order Of Police on this issue and hope that they come foward and make it clear this will not be tolerated any longer. If the facts fit then so be it. Let the truth be heard and those involved pay. Dont throw the baby out with the bath water. It could have long reaching effects on society as a whole. This man is supposed to be for the people. That means all of us.

    There is only one race in the world and that is the human race.

  26. Anyone that believes Obama is not a racist please answer me one question. How could Obama listen to Rev. Wright for over 2o years and not agree with Wright. Attending a Rev.Wright sermon would be like attending a black klan rally!

  27. Just goes to show the majority of blacks are racist !

  28. Well duh! Over 90% of blacks voted for Obama for NO OTHER REASON THAN HE WAS BLACK. The REAL bigots in this country are blacks (against whitey) and rich liberals (against any non-Ivy league average American with Conservative values.)

  29. if you start out with one....thats all you end up with

  30. Gates is an arrogant black man who has used his education and skin color to obtain tenure and a high paying position at Harvard. Because skin color gives him an advantage in today's politically correct society he uses it as a weapon to accuse anyone who opposes him as racist. This is what happened in this incident. Weak-kneed whites are willing to do anything to avoid the racist tag. I am so glad Sgt. Crowley didn't fall for Gates' race-baiting comments. Obama should apologize to him immediately !!!!

  31. Let's see how many Police unions support this guy in 2012 after being called "stupid".

  32. To all you whites who voted for obama...how's he looking to you now?? haha

  33. The minute he refused to produce ID then when the officer asked him to come outside he told the officer "I'll go ouside with your Momma" he crossed the line and deserved a trip downtown.

    If he had been tazered or beaten that would be a different story but that's not the case here, the officer did his job regardless of who Gates is or who he knows.


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