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Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Obama Tossing Middle Income Earners To Tax Wolves

By Bob Unruh© 2009


Dropping pledge to impose no new levies on those making $250,000 or less

President Obama apparently is trashing his oft-repeated campaign promise that middle income Americans with annual pay of $250,000 or less would see no tax increases under his administration.

There are the new energy taxes under cap-and-trade that would hit every American resident, plans for taxes on health benefits and a wide range of other proposals being developed. The results are that even mainstream reporters have begun grilling Obama's chief spokesman, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, on the issue.

According to White House transcripts, for two days in a row he's been asked what's going on, prompting one blogger to defend him: "What's he supposed to say? Obama pounded McCain for wanting to pay for health care by taxing benefits, rode into D.C. promising Change, and now he's … reversing himself because it turns out personal charisma doesn't work on hard economic numbers."

The first round of questions to Gibbs took place yesterday: GO HERE to read more.


  1. another lie the Obama apologists will sweep under the rug much to their own detriment.

  2. World Net Daily is a joke. You might as well be reading the National Enquirer. Pure bunk.

  3. If you think health care is expensive now just wait and see how expensive free Obama care is going be to the few us that might be lucky enough to still be working!!

  4. Taxes will sky-rocket from here on out. How the hck else are you going to pay for all this money. They will raise every tax and create some new ones.

  5. Well I just ate my lunch in the Eldorado general store sitting at a table with four very old farmers discussing Obama and Micheal Jackson, if that aint a (Normin Rockwell) for ya I dont know what is. Good Lord.

  6. Cruggly
    Did you learn anything from them?

  7. He hasn't reversed anything. He clearly said in while he campaigned that he supported cap and trade.

    But, by all means, keep foaming at the mouth, guys... it is bringing more and more moderates into the progressive fold.

  8. I did, I learned I can teach the old guys too.

  9. "progressive" = socialist = communist

    "Cap and trade is a tax - and it's a big one" - John Conyers.

    By all means, keep grovelling chuck.

    What's the matter, no opposing opinions allowed at your blog so you have to stir things up here?

  10. What if all the working middle class just decided to stop working?Or even half of them?Who would be left to pay out entitlements to those already not working?

  11. Michelle Bachmann and World Net Daily in the same day???? whats next. quoting the Daily Times, or maybe having the WBOC weather guy in to tell us how we should be panicing no matter if it is sunny or raining

  12. World net daily is a valuable and accurate source of information the crazy left wing loons hate it when their dirty secrets are exposed for so long they have enjoyed the liberal media filter and screen.

  13. World net daily is about as reliable as the village voice. Ii is not a news site. It is, like this blog and opinion site. If you happen to agree with the opinions of extreame right wing conservatives, then, Worldnet Daily is the publication for you. It is not a source of fair reporting.

  14. CHUCK said...

    "He hasn't reversed anything. He clearly said in while he campaigned that he supported cap and trade."

    So instead of deflecting the originial comment why don't you actually get to the meat of the argument.

    DID Barack Hussein Obama trash McCain for saying he was going to tax benefits or not?

    (hint: He did)

    So for all reading this blog, see CHUCK for what he is.

  15. The Obama supporter mentality. Anyone who points out the fact that Obama is a liar and has not lived up to his campaign promises is a "whacko, crazy, moron" Any publication that publishes information, no matter how many facts are cited, is a "rag, trash, for morons" Guess what Obamabots, people are catching on, there are a few cracks in the impermeable Obama wall, the press is starting to actually do its job, those cracks are going to get more numerous, bigger an deeper,and he WILL BE EXPOSED.

  16. Winner of the unintentional humor award for the day:

    "World net daily is a valuable and accurate source of information"


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