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Monday, July 13, 2009

Obama Chooses Ala Doctor As Next Surgeon General

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama turned to the Deep South for the next surgeon general, choosing a rural Alabama family physician who made headlines with fierce determination to rebuild her nonprofit medical clinic in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

Dr. Regina Benjamin is known along Alabama's impoverished Gulf Coast as a country doctor who makes house calls and doesn't turn away patients who can't pay — even as she's had to find the money to rebuild a clinic repeatedly destroyed by hurricanes and once even fire.

"For all the tremendous obstacles that she has overcome, Regina Benjamin also represents what's best about health care in America, doctors and nurses who give and care and sacrifice for the sake of their patients," Obama said Monday in introducing his choice for a job known as America's doctor.

He said Benjamin will bring insight as his administration struggles to revamp the health care system:

Saying she "has seen in a very personal way what is broken about our health care system," Obama said Benjamin will bring important insight as his administration tries to revamp that system.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. Excellent choice.

  2. I wonder who will take care of all those people now?

  3. Looks like she eats well. Plenty
    of house calls , house of pancakes,
    steakhouse etc..

  4. I can only imagine how happy she is.

  5. She will have the job of implementing the massive changes about to be made to our public health care industry. Undoubtedly she will do exactly as told otherwise she would not have been chosen.

  6. I wonder if Obama will ever choose a white person to fill a post? Seems like the majority of his appointments are minorities.

  7. 922
    hmm, whats wrong with appointing minorities?

  8. Most of his choices are lily white as usual. In fact, and this is only my personal opinon, I do not think his cabinet is that different from the typical cabinet over the last few administrations.

  9. She seems like a fantastic doctor but is she capable of this position. I sure hope so.


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