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Friday, July 24, 2009

National Night Out In Fruitland

The Fruitland Police Department will be hosting its annual National Night Out celebration with a community block party which will be held Tuesday, August 4, 2009 from 6:00 – 9:00 pm at the Fruitland Little League complex.

There will be free food (barbeque chicken, hotdogs, desserts, etc), inflatable rides and games for the children, a K-9 demonstration by the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office, live entertainment by the local band “Strange Brew” and many other activities.

Our special guests will be local boxing champion Fernando Guerraro and his manager/coach Hal Chernoff.

Also on hand will be the Fruitland Falcons football coaches who will be taking registrations for their Fall league.

The Fruitland Fire Department will be introducing its new ambulance and staff. Come join us for this special community event!


  1. This is actually a great event! I attended last year (it think it was the first annual event) and they had tons of stuff to do for the kids and great food! Get out there and have some fun!

  2. There's one at Doverdale playground too. Same date/time

  3. Last year's event was not the first as I've attended others in the past. I believe it is funded with grant money for police agencies nationwide. Nice community event.

  4. The kids have so much fun at this event. The food is always great (Red Men bbq's the chicken)! Lets hope it's not as hot as it usually is for this event.

  5. Snow balls also will be there in Fruitland compliments of Catering by Chef Stewart of Flannery's and a Local Owner Restaurant Association member.....


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