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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I Sure Do Miss This Man


  1. its hard to miss a man who fully funded Iraq during the Eighties, oversaw the first bank scandal, sold Iran weapons to fund his personal drug war in Central America, and mortgaged our current situation for trickle down prosperity during his lifetime, truly a great American

  2. Uhhh the unemployment rate... Many would like a job but cant find one.

  3. He wasnt a good actor either.

  4. A lot of those weapons went to Afganistan to help them fight off the Soviets. Osama even got some of that money.

    Now the Afgans have some of our own weapons to kill our own. We should have let the Soviets take Afganistan, they would have hung the opium farmers with no trial.

    The quote however is so true.

  5. First president to speak using a teleprompter.

  6. Question,
    There is so much talk about Socialism in this country is what's happening at this time but based on this quote from Ronald Reagan, I see there is a choice:
    Socialism from the government OR socialism by employers. The employers are not providing jobs, they are cutting them and sending them out of this country.
    So, IMO, the companies who took their companies overseas and switched out American jobs for overseas jobs are at mainly at fault for some of the demise of our country.
    I know this probably didn't' come out just right but I think some will understand what I'm saying.

  7. If you claim you can't find a job you're being too picky. McDonalds and Walmarts are hiring everywhere!

  8. Ryan Adams,
    You took the words right out of my mouth. Thank you

  9. Oliver North misses him also.

  10. Absolutely the best president in my lifetime

  11. That social program won't "work" for everyone-some people were never taught a work ethic.

  12. he's one of the best presidents the us has ever seen

  13. yeah he was really tough against terroism too,remember the beruit bombing where we lost hundreds of marines in the barracks they were sleeping in,NO RETALIATION AT ALL,really great leader huh?


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