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Friday, July 17, 2009

Gay Penguins Split After One Goes Straight

Gay penguins break up

Harry and Pepper, the two male penguins who had shared a six-year relationship, have parted ways.

GO HERE just in case the video doesn't pop up.


  1. The whole "Gay Penguin" thing had been cited for years by GALA and such to justify Homosexuality as Natural. seems that you can get over it and return to normal too!

  2. Perhaps this will set-off a ground swell in San Francisco of those who have wondered "Can I swim in the opposite direction too?"

  3. Hmm... the extrapolation is bit stretched, in either direction; these are birds, even if they look like little uncle pennybags - http://www.newsy.com/videos/when_harry_met_linda_a_look_at_animal_sexual_behavior


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