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Friday, July 31, 2009

Former Philippines President Aquino Dies

She led 'people power' revolt that topped Marcos dictatorship

MANILA, Philippines
- Former President Corazon Aquino, who swept away a dictator with a "people power" revolt and then sustained democracy by fighting off seven coup attempts in six years, died on Saturday, her son said. She was 76.

The uprising she led in 1986 ended the repressive 20-year regime of Ferdinand Marcos and inspired nonviolent protests across the globe, including those that ended Communist rule in eastern Europe.

But she struggled in office to meet high public expectations. Her land redistribution program fell short of ending economic domination by the landed elite, including her own family. Her leadership, especially in social and economic reform, was often indecisive, leaving many of her closest allies disillusioned by the end of her term.

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1 comment:

  1. Joe, side note, wahat was beck talking about when you go to Gov.dov and how they tell you that you files and computer are now acessable to the feds? whats that all about, do you know?


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