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Friday, June 05, 2009

What A Peaceful Day

Verizon started giving me problems last night around 9:30 PM. I use a wireless card and it kept kicking me off line, so I shut the computer down around 10:00 PM and called it quits, kind of rare for me.

This morning I got up early and turned on the computer and things were working well for me for a little while, then all hell broke loose as I could not get reconnected for several hours.

The funny part was, after spending a good hour and a half on the phone with Verizon, I thought, you know what, I'm going to do something I rarely ever do. I turned on the television thinking, I've got the remote, the Grandson and Wife are gone, no Sponge Bob, it's Joe Time!

Sounds good, right? Well, it was raining so hard, I forgot we have satellite and there was NO TV! I then thought, (since Verizon told me to check every hour or so to see if things were working again) maybe I'll take a nap. Man, I tell you what, you people must know every time I'm going to lay my head down because the cell phone and house phone started ringing off the hook!

There was the beginning of this peace that started when I couldn't get on line and it just went down hill from there, or should I say up hill? Oh well, I tried anyway.


  1. Apparently God had different plans for you yesterday.
    "Man plans, God laughs".

  2. Foxy Brown cant get enough Sponge Bob or Dora, its all she ever says,"Bob,Bob,Bob".

  3. 10:39, I suspect Comcast isn't available where Joe lives. I've lived in my house for 29 years; no Comcast. When they built a new development a mile and half down the road from me, Comcast wasted no time burying cables down Rt. 50 to get to this development. But will they go another mile and a half to get to my neighborhood? Uh, that's a big fat NO!

    Joe, I know what you mean. On my days off, napping is impossible unless I unplug the phone!

  4. Joe might not be able to get Comcast way out there in the boondocks.

    I will say this about Verizon, they are still billing me and I have confirmed with Comcast that my services with Verizon were severed 7/25/2008!

    I'd call Verizon again if I knew I'd get someone that can speak english.


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