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Monday, June 22, 2009

The U.S. Senate Adopted A Resolution Apologizing For Slavery

Drenched in blood of slavery

Editor's note: Roger Hedgecock's show streams live on WND from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern and then again in the following three hours on tape.

The U.S. Senate voted unanimously last week to adopt a resolution apologizing for slavery.

Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, lead sponsor of the resolution, said, "You wonder why we didn't do it 100 years ago. It is important to have a collective response to a collective injustice."

Only after decades of public education ignoring and distorting U.S. history can such a huge lie be said with a straight face.

Senator, you didn't do it 100 years ago because 100 years ago you Democrats were enforcing Jim Crow segregation laws, poll taxes to keep blacks from voting, and riding around in sheets and pointy hats just in case blacks didn't get the message.

You say "It's important to have a collective response" because you want to bury the origins, purposes, and historical practices of your own party.

The worst part is, Republicans in the Senate let you get away with it.

Principled Republicans knowing their history would have authored a resolution reciting the facts that the Republican Party was formed, among other reasons, to oppose slavery and that the Republican Party and its first President Abraham Lincoln responded to Southern, Democrat-led secession with a successful war that preserved the union and freed the slaves.

After Lincoln's assassination (by a Democrat), the Republican-led Congress (over the objections of the Democratic Party minority) amended the Constitution to confirm the liberation of the slaves (13th Amendment: slavery abolished), and the 14th Amendment (freed slaves are citizens equal to all citizens) and the 15th Amendment (right to vote guaranteed to freed slaves).
Southern Democrats spent the next 100 years trying to keep freed slaves down with segregation laws, poll taxes to deny the right to vote, and lynching to enforce the social order. The KKK was formed by a Democrat; no Republican has ever been a member of the KKK. This is the heritage of the Democratic Party.

In fact, the Democratic Party was formed in the first place to defend and expand slavery.

In 1840, the very first national nominating convention of the Democratic Party adopted a platform which read in part:

Resolved, That Congress has no power ... to interfere with or control the domestic institutions of the several states ... that all efforts by abolitionists ... made to induce Congress to interfere with questions of slavery ... are calculated ... to diminish the happiness of the people, and endanger the stability and permanency of the union.

Got that, Sen. Harkin? Your party was born defending slavery as necessary for the happiness of the people and threatening secession and war if slavery were challenged.


  1. The only problem with your analysis is that the "Republicans" back then became Northeast Democrats over time and the "Democrats" of the South turned into Republicans after the Civil Rights Act. So, basically, it's the same as it is now, except the Republican label was liberal back then and the democrat label was conservative

  2. Lincoln's main concern was preserving the Union not ending slavery.

  3. how can anyone be dumb enough to apoligize for something someone else did hundreds of years ago. its history, live with it and learn. sjd

  4. The liberals in Congress should apologize for the War on Poverty and the ruinous results it has ravaged on the black family. The War on Poverty was much more damaging than slavery. 70% of black kids are bornout of wedlock , blacks commit 52% of murders in America, and black males are more likely to go to prison than college. The spread of hopelessness and despair is unparrelled.
    This was not the case prior to the feds subsidizing the deconstruction of the black family with the “man out of the house” rule. Thank you LBJ.

  5. Americans did not bring slaves to this country the Europeans did why should we apologize for their behavior.Tom Harkin is an idiot he is busy wasting the tax payers money while America's economy is in the tank!

  6. The only people who could have a problem with a symbolic apology for centuries of rape and oppresion are RACISTS.

  7. 8:34...right on point. "No Republican has ever been a member of the KKK"? Ahhhh....have you forgotten David Duke? Poor history recolection Joe. Nice try with that tired Republican talking point.

  8. I'll personally apologize for slavery when they apologize for the murder and mayhem they have perped on themselves and the rest of the American public over the last 40 years.

  9. Even with this apology, I saw on the news that some descendants are demanding reparations. Give me a break. Why should my tax dollars be paid to people who may/may not descend from people who may have been enslaved? Are there enough hand-outs and AA programs for minority groups as it is?

  10. Albert Pike was a 33rd degree Freemason. The letter K is the 11th letter in the alphabet. His writings detail his Satanic worship. Try reading some of it. Reading is still the only way to educate one's self. Try it.

  11. Long live the Knights Templar.

  12. We have been apologising for the last 50 years! What do you call Affirmative Action, Welfare and all of the other hundreds of entitlement programs the Democrats dreamed up?

  13. How much more apologizing has to be done?My family never owned slaves but I am evil because I am white?Gimme a break!
    How many more entitlements have to be given out before the black antagonists feel "redeemed"?We will never "all get along" if some of us demand special treatment.The whiny "apologize because great -grandpop was a slave" faction is what keeps the bonehead racist group memberships swelling.At some point we have to say enough,we are all equal dammit lets act like it!

  14. Were not all equal, not even close.

  15. Who the H*&*& are they apologizing to? There is no one alive that was involved.

  16. Equal in rights, not in out comes or ability.

  17. I wasnt trying to be racist, Gen-Pop has nothing to do with color or race. Its an equal oppurtunity club.

  18. 9:10 am Check your facts to.

    David Ernest Duke (born July 1, 1950) is an American white nationalist, former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan,[2][3][4][5][6][7] former Republican and Democratic Louisiana State Representative, candidate in presidential primaries and presidential elections, and wildlife photographer.

    this guy doesn't count. He was democrate until 1989.

    point made

    Tom Sawyer

  19. Wow, I agree apologizing is ridiculous and reparations is idiotic, but I cannot believe the incredibly racist, ignorant comment made by 9:13. Or, that you all allowed it to be posted. Especially, when days ago you stated that ludicrous, incendiary comments would not be permitted.

  20. I'll be soo glad when all you old white people and old black people die. Your the ones who keep bringing this up. on an unrelated note...yes i'm black.

  21. 12:40.

    Facts are facts. for the last 30 years blacks at 13% of the population have committed 52% of the murders in America. Leading cause of death among young black men is murder. They have filled our prisons. Thanks to liberal policies. I know you liberals will say it is from slavery and mistreatment they do these deeds, if so where is the violent rampage the Jews went on. No group has been treated worse.

  22. Check your local bank.

  23. 2:14

    Same acusation as the Nazi's had. You a member?

  24. 2:07,

    Anyone can maninpulate percentages to portray their own agenda. That same figure, which I assume you obtained from the FBI, reads this way when you look at every crime:

    1.Murder/Manslaughter 41.6%/56.2%
    2.Forcible rape 60.4%/37.2%
    3.Robbery 41%/57.5%
    4.Aggravated Assault 60%/37.7%
    5.Burglary 65.6%/32.6%
    6.Larceny Theft 67.8%/29.6%
    7.Motor vehicle Theft 58.4%/39.1%
    8.Arson 73.6%/23.9%
    9.Forgery 68.5%/29.7%
    10.Fraud 65.8%/29.7%
    11.Embezzlement 65.5%/32.3%
    12.Vandalism 73.5%/23.9%
    13.Drug Abuse 60.0%/38.7%
    14.Offenses Against Family
    and Children 69.5%/27.6%
    15.D.U.I. 87.6%/9.7%
    16.Drunkeness 83.3%/14.1%
    17.Disorderly Conduct 61.5%/36.2%

    In most of these crimes including rape, assault, drug abuse, etc., whites are twice, if not, three times more likely to commit these crimes than blacks.

    The point, is no race is more geared to commit crimes than another. That kind of junk science was left behind years ago, or so I thought.

    P.S. I'd venture to say my pro-life, anti-gay marriage, anti-UN, and pull myself by the bootstraps background from poverty is far more conservative than anything you could declare.

    Racism doesn't equate to conservatism. Conservatism is about respect for our nation and its people. It's hard to say you respect small government and power of the people and if you're so willing to categorize one an entire group as proned towards crime.


  25. What part of 13%(blacks) commiting 52% of US murders do you not under stand. We are not a 50/50 white to black society. Statisically whites should commit much more crime if committed in porportion to the population, unfortunately blacks tilt the scale.

  26. link to the numbers


  27. Okay, I know I'll take some heat for this, but here goes:

    Has it occurred to anyone that if no one had ever taken black people from Africa to be slaves here, perhaps many descendants of slaves might not be alive today to complain about it? Even as badly as slaves were treated here, I'm sure being brought here increased their chances of survival.

    And I'm only 2nd generation American, so I don't owe anyone apologies or reparations! Not with my tax money, buddy.

  28. Oh for god sakes! People seriously need to get over this slavery thing already. Yes it was bad, but it's history. Just remember it so that you don't repeat it. Enough of this apoligizing crap.


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