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Thursday, June 25, 2009

This Just In From A Reader

8:30 PM Station 16 alerted for a petroleum spill in the Tony Tank Pond. Command requesting EPA and Emergency Management and the spill trailer from Salisbury. Keep in mind this is a "petroleum spill" possibly from oil and not a "haz mat" incident. Just clarifying that before some moron gets on her and says I told you so. Again Salisbury does not need that massive Haz Mat truck.


  1. Joe,

    We were just up by the mall eating dinner. When we left there were four people, one in each direction of the intersection, at the mall and rt 13, with buckets dashing into the traffic begging for money. Their buckets said "help homeless children and families" but it reeked scam to me. I was wondering if you could check it out.


  2. 1622 just called command and asked if he needed the Haz Mat truck and command said NO! LMAO

  3. Why did Hoppes name petroleum product spills as hazmat conditions when they are not?

  4. Good question 8:48. Oh who cares it's only $140,000.00 of the tax payers money.

  5. 8:48 PM - to answer your question, simply because Hoppes doesn't know, that's why.

  6. Anonymous said...

    1622 just called command and asked if he needed the Haz Mat truck and command said NO! LMAO

    8:41 PM


    Acting Chief Hoppes: Hello!

    Volunteer Deputy Chief Gordy: What the hell do those paid guys mean they don't need that Haz Mat truck at Tony Tank?

    Acting Chief Hoppes: Um, Uh, I don't know sir. Um, maybe it was broke down since it is not brand new?

    Volunteer Deputy Chief Gordy: Do you know how much of a fool that makes us look like? Don't you remember that meeting when you got in front of those 2 women and lied about how many Haz Mat calls we went on in 2008.

    Acting Deputy Chief Hoppes: Yes sir chief I told them there were 94 Haz Mat calls in the Region.

    Volunteer Deputy Chief Gordy: That's correct and now your people gave them reason not to believe us.

    Acting Chief Hoppes: I am sorry sir, I will take care of it first thing in the morning(Gulp).

    Volunteer Deputy Chief Gordy: You better believe you will if you want to keep your status! You better hope Cohen and Campbell don't get wind of this.


  7. Anon 944, childish.

  8. Now thats funny and very true probably. Gordy runs the show and needs to put on a show to justify all his toys. Hoppes is just his puppet like See was. Play it up boys while you can.

  9. Salisbury University spilling gas again?

  10. I will assume that a hazmat was called for. I saw Parsonsburg Spec Ops Trailer going down the road about an hour ago. They must have went to assist Salisbury. Its about time they all were working together.

  11. Anon 1039 you will assume wrong!

  12. Uhh petroleum is a hazardous material...

  13. If petroleum products are not hazardous why do you need special placards on the trucks and a special endorcement on your licence to transpost it? DUH.

  14. There are special placards on the trucks for petroleum, dimwit. When you're talking about Hazardous Materials, it takes in all things bad for the environment that potentially will go into your body. Oil is a great one, because if it goes into the water supply, the filtration systems generally do not do a great job of filtering it out.

    How about you actually do some research before just jumping on the bash the FD bandwagon? I don't think Hoppes is the right choice either, but at least try to be educated and not a moron on here.

  15. I am not an expert in Hazardous Materials – but I have dealt with responding to emergency calls for over 35 years. The conversation concerning what is a hazardous material seems a bit over done. A hazardous material is any substance that when released from it’s containment will do harm to people, property or the environment. The term Haz-Mat does not refer only to exotic substances that are highly poisonous, but to many everyday consumer goods that we all use. So yes gasoline, motor oil, cosmetics even human biological materials are concerned hazardous materials if released in an uncontrolled matter and can come into contact with susceptible exposures.

    Ed Werkheiser


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