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Saturday, June 06, 2009

Successful Negotiating

Demands of Kidnapper and Chinese Negotiators

'I have 3 demands or I'll kill the boy!'

Negotiators assess the situation from next door.
Head Negotiator dispatched.
Negotiations begin.
Negotiations concluded.
They probably spent 35 cents.

In this country, we would shut the

street down for 48 hours, take 12

hours to talk him out of it, spend

$5 million giving him a fair trial, and

pay his food and lodging for life.

No wonder their products are cheaper than ours!!


  1. Awesome. That is the justice we need in this country.

  2. Good god now the liberal feel good whiners will come pouring out of the wood work ,well whiners your time has come.

  3. Disgusting!

    I thought dinosaurs had the smallest brians.

  4. In memory of Paul Harvey-here's the rest of the story, too. Not only did they off this cat in like 14 seconds for the price of a bullet [and no yearly expense for keeping him in prison}....once they zamboni him off the street they will take all his organs for donation..well except for anything near the brain...

  5. Wrong (:42 you have the smallest brain. Because you are one of those bleeding heart liberals that would spend millions of dollars on this situation and keep the a**hole alive in prison for the next 50 years at taxpayers expense.
    That was an easy economical solution. USA take notes we should take care of crime so quickly and effectively and we would have less crime and even less repeat offenders.

  6. Anonymous said...

    I thought dinosaurs had the smallest brians.

    9:42 AM

    To the liberal moron above. How disgusting would that be if the criminal was miliseconds away from killing your child and he succeeded. Guess what, that does happen in America because bleeding heart liberals like yourself would rather save the criminals before saving yourself.

  7. Yea that's because we live in a democracy where you have the right to trial. If we had knee jerk reactions when they were accused of breaking the law, like this many of us, including the owner of this blog whould probably be just a memory.

  8. Now that's what I call justice! However SPD would have had to fire 20-30 shots. Would of cost $7 to $10.50, worth it all in all.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Yea that's because we live in a democracy where you have the right to trial. If we had knee jerk reactions when they were accused of breaking the law, like this many of us, including the owner of this blog whould probably be just a memory.

    11:41 AM

    That is justice and it has nothing to do with living in a "democracy" you moron.

    If we are living in a democracy then why doesn't your president have to prove that he is constitutionally eligible to be president of this democracy?

  10. Here is the funny thing...well, maybe 'funny' isn't the correct term. I don't know the story behind all this...but what it looks like to me is:

    1} This cat was unstable and put kids/other humans in jeopardy and got what he had coming to him. Might as well start there.

    2} It looks like they used a "negotiator" to peek around the corner at him on the ledge a couple times [the dude in the grey shirt].

    3} Once Mr. Grey shirt lulled him into a false state of security///gained certain intelligence//determined the hostages were at risk no matter what they did-went to his home corner and tagged his partner-Mr. Black Shirt.

    4} Well...Mr. Black shirt looks like he has done something like this before...and quite frankly, even Ray Charles in the "Blues Brothers" could have made that shot from like two feet away. The guy leaving the ledge via the Sir Isaac Newton Express never even heard the shot...

    5} End scene.

  11. Hey 11:41!!1 Get a clue . Get a bit of Schooling. We DO NOT LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY!!!
    Our government is a represenative REPUBLIC! Big difference.
    Democracys are run by commities of 1000 stomachs and no brains.

    Anthony of Salisbury

  12. Yes, I will endeavor to get a clue.I looked it up in a dictionary. And, of course, tou are wrong..... a representative government involves the selection of government officials by the people being represented. If the head of state is also democratically elected is also called a democratic republic. The most common mechanisms involve election of the candidate with a majority or a plurality of the votes.

    Representatives may be elected or become diplomatic representatives by a particular district (or constituency), or represent the entire electorate proportionally proportional systems, with some using a combination of the two. Some representative democracies also incorporate elements of direct democracy, such as referendums. A characteristic of representative democracy is that while the representatives are elected by the people to act in their interest, they retain the freedom to exercise their own judgment as how best to do so.

    But, I guess anyone that does not agree with you can't possibly have "any schooling". It is so sad that we must stoop to name calling and uninformed dribble to support non-sensical rhetoric. Hope it was not too many big words.

  13. I like it! If we weren't such, oh..."kitties"...we'd be whole lot better off. I just love how somone actually seen committing a crime in the US is called a "suspect." I would call them a perpetrator.

    I like this negotiation story. We should do it here.

  14. It's curious to see the commenters here praising Communism.

  15. Anon 3:19

    That's not communism...it's justice!

  16. 4:07 -Exactly!
    Another reason they make stuff cheaper,EVERYONE works-unlike our country where some do and some do not but all live equal.

  17. this is the best way to give the man a second chance for doing wrong.. tsk tsk..


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