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Thursday, June 04, 2009

Salisbury Police Department Press Release

On June 3, 2009 at approximately 4:46 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to a residence on the seven hundred (700) block of Baker St. for the report of a home invasion robbery. Upon arrival the officers observed that a victim had sustained a gunshot wound to the upper left chest. This victim, identified as 21 year old Jonathan Michael Duvall of Salisbury, was transported to the Peninsula Regional Medical Center where he remains in stable condition. Salisbury Detectives, with the assistance of the Salisbury Police Community Action Team were able to identify the below listed suspect and obtained warrants charging the suspect with the shooting.

On the same date at approximately 4:40 pm, officers located and arrested the suspect

ARRESTED: Rashad Lamar Williams, 19 years of age Salisbury, Maryland

CHARGES: Attempted first degree murder
Attempted second degree murder
First degree assault
Second degree assault
First degree burglary
Armed Robbery

DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200900019224

On June 3, 2009 at approximately 6:43 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department made contact with the below listed suspect on North Salisbury Boulevard and found that the suspect was wanted. The officers arrested the suspect on a parole retake warrant issued by the Maryland Department of Corrections.

ARRESTED: Donte Rashawn White, 33 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland

CHARGES: Maryland Department of Correction –
Parole Retake Warrant

DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200900019226

On June 3, 2009 at approximately 11:10 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police executed a search and seizure warrant at a residence on the seven hundred (700) block of Baker Street. During the execution of the warrant, the officers made contact with the below listed suspect at the residence. The suspect gave the officers false and misleading identification information.

ARRESTED: Lynn Antionette Coverdale, 46 years of age Seaford, Delaware

CHARGES: Obstructing and hindering an investigation

DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200900019333


  1. Joe, I'm curious if this is in relation to the home invasion in the same block earlier in the day..it almost seems obvious..next question: who is deviant enough to cover for someone who attempted to shoot a baby? Let's hope the presiding Judge in this case doesn't become the real CRIMINAL!

  2. Where's the charge of putting a childs welfare in danger?

    okay let me get this straight first there was a burglery at the residence of 700 Baker St. then there was a warrent to search the same residence?

  3. It all occurred on the same block. They were not the same residences. Who covered up for anyone who attempted to shoot a baby? Give me a break people! Get your facts straight. The piece of crap responsible is in jail and will be for a long time.

  4. Or, was the nimrod who committed the robbery a neighbor or a friend of a neighbor of the victim?

  5. 3:32 - Not 700 as in the house number, 700 block. Totally different but still very interesting. Could be a coincidence.

  6. Margo, could be possible, Anon 453, I would think the attempted murder was against the child he was holding, which endangered the child. I'm looking for that and home invasion and a third count of all charges after depositions.

  7. Nice job, SPD for reeling in the Baker street shooting perp.
    From Grandpa

  8. Now lets see the courts put this guy away for a long time-whatever happened to Exile? 19 yrs old put him in prison until hes old and decrepit.

  9. Thats right, share the wealth, your giving this guy exactly what he wanted:
    free housing
    3 square meals a day
    free medical
    free dental
    free laundry cleaning
    air condition
    free heat, hot showers
    free personal items
    free access to the gym
    free digital tv/movies
    free college education/library

    drugs are easier to obtain there than on the street

    a cpl hours each day to socialize with family and friends

    no taxes to pay

    all the sex you can take {what are they going to do? arrest you?}

    all he has to do is learn what time the door locks and unlocks each day

    ALL off of your hard earned tax money!

  10. Dont overlook the free burial plans.Super size flat screen tv's, modern lounge furniture with a variety of board games, bingo and poker nights, gambling nights pending who's on duty.
    We currently have a few spas for those pulled hamstrings, happens alot when you spend your days lounging then action packed nights putting your ankles behind your ears.
    In our next brochure issue we'll be covering the current installments of indoor miniature golf, handball courts and indoor pools.
    Please see Sheriff Lewis for the brochures, dont dally, get locked in on your early retirement plans now. With the current state of the economy we're sure to have no vacancy much sooner than predicted.

  11. I'm tired of struggling....where do I sign up?


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