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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Salisbury Police Department Press Releases

On June 23, 2009 at approximately 1:17 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police arrested the below listed suspect on a warrant obtained following the investigation of a number of recent residential burglaries. The investigation of the burglaries revealed that the suspect was responsible for the burglaries and had taken amounts of jewelry and electronic equipment from residences on Washington St., Oak Hill Avenue and Sheffield Circle. A portion of the property was recovered for return to the owners.

ARRESTED: Martinis Drummond, 29 years of age Salisbury, Maryland


First degree burglary (4 counts)
Third degree burglary (4 counts)
Fourth degree burglary (4 counts)
Malicious destruction of property (3 counts)
Theft (over $ 500) (4 counts)

DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200900010008/200900021944

On June 23, 2009 at approximately 4:10 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police arrested the below listed suspect following the execution of a search warrant at her residence on June 3, 2009. On that date members of the Salisbury Police Community Action Team executed the search warrant on the suspect’s residence on Baker St. During the execution of the warrant, quantities of suspected cocaine,
suspected marijuana and drug paraphernalia were recovered.

ARRESTED: Shirley Ann Jobe, 32 years of age Salisbury, Maryland


Possession of marijuana
Possession of cocaine
Possession of CDS/paraphernalia

DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200900021976

On June 23, 2009 at approximately 4:30 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the Walmart Department Store on North Salisbury Boulevard for the report of two (2) shoplifters. Upon arrival the officers were advised by store security that employees of the store had observed the below listed suspects take clothing and produce from the store without making payment. The stolen property was recovered and returned to the store.

ARRESTED #1: Katrice Maranda Murray, 27 years of age Eden, Maryland

ARRESTED #2: Juvenile, 17 years of age Crisfield, Maryland

CHARGES (Both): Theft (under $ 100)


Suspect # 1 released to Central Booking
Suspect # 2 released to parent
CC # 200900021974


  1. Martinis Drummond has soo many cases against him it's not even funny. Maybe, just maybe, they'll keep him in jail this time but in todays liberal society I doubt it.

  2. How come the police can find time to execute warrants in the Church Street area, but cannot respond timely to calls for service? On Saturday night, they took 15 minutes to respond to a large street fight, after they had already been there an hour before. That is a "special enforcement area" - calls for service are supposed to be answered quickly.

    Also, while I'm ranting...

    How come nobody can do anything about the pregnant prostitute? She's ready to drop kid #3 in 4 years. Can't DSS get involved as a child abuse case? How come those girls are allowed to work right out of that red house by the corner store? Can't SOMEBODY do SOMETHING about that house? Or at least about that girl?

    How come Animal Control is ineffective? There is a house on Church Street that has had so many complaints about the dogs that animal control no longer bothers answering the calls. Those poor dogs have a miserable existence. They are not regularly fed or exercised, and have almost no human contact. The older one is extremely aggressive. A few years ago, he attacked/mauled a neighbor who was trying to feed him. Now he is sick and nobody cares. I will admit, Animal Control forced the owner to get him vet care a few months ago when he had worms and large open sores - that pic was posted here.

    The younger one has been stuck in her pen since she was a tiny puppy - the owner, an old blind man, lost the combination or key and his "helpers" cannot open the pen. Nobody cleans up in there, and the food is just thrown through the fence. The neighbors complain about the smell.

    Animal Control does NOTHING. They are under the control of SPD. Dispatch refuses to call them for after-hours emergencies, or even send a regular officer out to check on a situation before deciding whether to call or not.

    Yet another reason Webster needs to go. Maybe a new chief would make it possible and/or force the animal control guys to do their jobs.

    Sorry to go on so long, needed to vent

  3. Nobody has done anything about those dogs on Church St. yet?I empathize with anyone who is disabled but if you cannot take care of a pet you should not have one!
    Never seen the prostitute,sadly making babies is a career to some young girls,which is selfsih when you are not prepared to properly raise a child.They give no thought to what kind of life their offspring will have.


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