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Thursday, June 04, 2009

Salisbury Ethics Commission Show Trial

Displaying the cowardice to be expected of someone who attacks children, Barrie Comegys stooge Jonathan Taylor failed to show up for the Salisbury Ethics Commission show trial precipitated by his own actions. While thousands of taxpayer dollars were wasted in this spiteful and ridiculous action, Taylor (who already lives on the generosity of taxpayers) hid from view while Barrie Comegys stalwart Lynn Cathcart was on hand to take notes for the wannbe "Powers That Be".

To be fair, the Ethics Commission ran a fairly clean meeting. The attending members: Donna Forgash, Norman Lyster, Bob Gladden, and Fran Kane all asked valid, thoughtful, and polite questions.

While several people at the hearing asked the same question, "What the hell are we doing here?", the Ethics Commission serves a theoretically important role. It has been suggested that the board should have examined the complaint prior to today's hearing and ruled that it was frivolous. However, if a complaint had been filed against Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Gary Comegys, or Louise Smith and the Commission had done so (ruled it frivolous in a private meeting) I would be one of the first to scream fraud and cover-up; so would many of the same people asking that question today.

Was the complaint frivolous? It turns out that it was. Councilwoman Terry Cohen made a presentation that not only proved the claim specious, but shamed City Solicitor Paul Wilber for his complete incompetence on these matters. While not named specifically today, Cohen also proved Councilman Gary Comegys to be a liar, a fool, or both. You'll have to decide.

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  1. The process of replacing our legal
    representation should start now.
    Wilbur has to go! This was a waste of time and money. Paul doesn't know $hit from apple butter. He
    should be going before the ethics board. Does he have a law degree? We need to find out ! It doesn't appear that he is qualified for
    this position. Besides that , he is just an ugly man.

  2. Why Lore Chambers was there is a very good question to ask. Who will give us a straight answer? If John Pick needs an assistant let the city hire him a good administrative assistant aka experienced secretary. If she was present to show her importance, she failed. Is this the performance we are to expect from Ms. Chambers now that her $8,000 annual increase in salary was denied by the council? Her position is a sham and should be dissolved immediately. Retain her elsewhere as a secretary or let her go back to grant writing. If this is not acceptable to her, then let her seek employment elsewhere. Her services are no longer needed.

  3. I found the audio file of the council session debating the insurance on the right side of this blog. Gary Comegys needs a swift kick in the pants. Louise, forget it, we all know you are in this as deep as the mayor. Methinks you doth protest to much.

  4. The manner by which the complaint was lodged seemed a little suspect to me: it was done by email. No letter with a signature, as most official action requests must be submitted.

    And then there was the absence of the complainant, who allegedly had a "scheduling conflict", which in itself smells of three day old fish.

  5. Wow. This is one HELL of a report! Thank you, G.A. Now I better understand what is going on. To put it another way, Barrie violated the state constitution and Smith, Comegys and Shields would have if not for Cohen? Pick and Wilber definitely sound like they need to be canned.

    Why are there no punishment for any of these idiots, starting with that obscenity of a former mayor?

  6. "While not named specifically today, Cohen also proved Councilman Gary Comegys to be a liar, a fool, or both. You'll have to decide."

    Wow, what a tough decision that is.
    Ummmm. I'm going for BOTH.

  7. Quick comments -- more later:

    1. Great post -- many important points

    2. Kudos to Bob Gladden.

  8. Too bad Pick didn't get that city job somewhere in Iowa!

  9. So some fat slob that lives off of disability even though he is able to lurk around the SPD and SFD has a grudge against the 2 most ethical law abiding goodhearted council people emails a complaint and the taxpayers end up paying for this little witch hunt? Shame on Paul WIlbur and John Pick.

  10. Wilbur is incompetent. Time for a change!

  11. If I were Ireton I'd watch my back around Pick and Wibur, they both carry knives as well as water for the former regime.

    Signed : Astab N. Theeback

  12. Are you saying one of the last acts as mayor, committed by Barrie Tilghman is a criminal act? If this is so, this would be Davis Ruark's chance to set the record straight. If only he had the backbone to do so.

  13. Anon 0830 -

    No. I didn't say that what Barrie did was criminal. It was illegal. Unfortunately for the city of Salisbury Tilghman's entire term of office was a crime, at least from a moral standpoint.

  14. Is shredding public documents illegal? Is that in itself a crime?

  15. Should our new Mayor be providing any leadership or comments in this area?

  16. 8:57, he might be waiting for the official report from the Commission. I sure as hell would. That blob is looking for any misstep by Ireton so the blob can waste more taxpayer money on Wilber.

  17. 8:57-

    Have you forgotten that Ireton has already addressed Barrie Comegys' scheme to screw Debbie & Terry? GA may object to his method, but he has not been passive.

  18. Maby a part of the solution would be to announce that Wilbur is going to be replaced, and request those lawyers' that are interested in providing the legal services to the City to submit their requested hourly rate or fee schedule. Then proceed with the replacement. Is this an area of responsibility for the Mayor and/or Council or both?

  19. Seems as though when Barrie became Mayor she replaced the former lawyer with Wilber so why won't Ireton replace Wilber with someone who is competent? What say you Ireton? And while you are at it get rid of all the dead wood around there.

  20. Ireton did the right thing putting the insurance in if Tilghman took it out illegally, especially if G.A. says the witch violated the state constitution! It was the mayor's offce that screwed up. So Ireton made sure this city didn't break the law. Apparently, Bubba was fine with that unless of course he could set a trap with a special vote for Debbie and Terry.

    Damn, I love smart women and Damn, I love having an honest mayor for once!

  21. Maybe he didnt show because he is afraid to get nailed by a fraud investigator (RE: all the controversy surrounding his "disability"),If you can sit in on a hearing all day,you can probably work in an office.

  22. Anon 0921 -

    You are correct that the result of what Ireton did was the right thing. My argument was the way it was done. I am the first one to admit that I believe that the rules need to be followed more than most. However, the only way that the system can work for everyone is if they are.

    This isn't a criticism of Ireton as much as it is a criticism of people like Tilghman, Comegys, Smith, etc. who have perverted the system to the point that very few people can even get a clue of what the rules are anymore.


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