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Friday, June 05, 2009

Man Charged With Threatening Obama

SALT LAKE CITY (June 5) - Federal prosecutors have charged a man with making threats against President Barack Obama after he allegedly told a bank employee in Utah he was on a mission to kill the president.

The Salt Lake Tribune reported on its Web site Thursday that Daniel James Murray allegedly made the remark to a teller at a bank in St. George on May 27 as he withdrew $13,000 from an account.

Murray's whereabouts are unknown. A court affidavit says Murray is from New York and has recently been in California, Utah, Georgia, Oklahoma and possibly Texas.
The U.S. Secret Service says Murray has at least eight registered firearms, the Tribune reported.

AOL News.


  1. Joe posts negative things about the President all the time. I hope they are watchin him!

  2. ...too late to cue up barbara billingsley for Mr. Murray...tell him what he has won instead, Don Pardo...

  3. So much for free speech ! but hell you can't blame the man the country would be better off without Obama.

  4. We are watching him .And thanking that someone is watching obama ,But 11 am what you fail to realize is ,that had mcain won joe would be still here doing the same thing .Obama will ethere unite us all or ingrain even deaper the split among us.

    well back to your regularly schedualed program

  5. Free speech ends when you say you have lots of guns and you want to shoot the president, It falls under the same realm as yelling fire in a theater. Of course, the brain washed right wingers like the zombie who wrote earlier all think this is justifiable. Hating because of color so sad.

  6. 8:17, Free speech? It's always been illegal to threaten people. That's not protected under free speech. What is it with Conservatives and not actually understanding the Constitution?

  7. Yes lets kiss the muslums asses now that we have one for president.

  8. Not a big fan of BHO, but I wouldn't want him killed for 2 reasons. first, the obvious- no one deserves to die for their political beliefs. I would take the bullet for him on those grounds alone. seriously. I mean it when I say I would die to defend someone's right to disagree with me. Even though I think he is one of the worst things to happen to this country in a long time. Second- with the cult of personality that has surrounded Obama, he would be catapulted to heights that are undreamed of. Look at what the senseless murder of a mediocre (at best) president like Kennedy. He is remember far more fondly as a mythological figure than if he had survived and had to stand on his record. Kennedy lovers- go ahead an flame me.

  9. What comedy show was/is the funniest In Living Color , SNL , MadTV
    ,WildinOut? they all had /possess funny show
    and some not funny


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