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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Gary Comegys & Shanie Shields Refuse To Answer My Question, "Do You Denounce The Blogs?"

Three months ago I stood before the City Council on PAC 14 and asked if they denounced the Blogs. Actually, I directed my question to Gary Comegys at first but Louise Smith immediately jumped in and demanded that Gary Comegys NOT answer my question. She instead offered that they would get back to me on that, so I asked the entire Council the same question.

I, nor the entire City Council agreed that this was not something Lore' Chambers should answer representing the Council but I found myself months later standing in front of the Council asking why they have not answered my question.

Last Monday night I did get a response from Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen but I came to learn a week earlier in a work session that my question came up as a topic of conversation and Gary Comegys and Shanie Shields stated they were not going to answer my question. This is important Folks because these are the people who have been feeding another Blog inside information from the GOB. They are tied to his Blog and IF they were to state they denounced the Blogs, we could then prove they were liars.

I want to remind everyone that when Gary Comegys was in a WMDT Forum he clearly stated that he denounced the Blogs and encouraged everyone to stay away from them. That's funny, whenever they want to send out the nastiest lies about Debbie Campbell or Terry Cohen, now they simply go to another Blog and feed them information and it gets published without any liability or accountability.

Debbie Campbell & Terry Cohen sent me answers that quite frankly would take up too much space here to Post but in short they both concur, to denounce the Blogs would be to denounce FREE SPEECH. They support the Blogs but feel everyone should be more responsible with the content and I agree. However, there are some that will spread lies and rumor simply because they have an agenda to cover up their own wrong doings.

Shanie Shields stated that Joe Albero is crazy. She went on to say she's going to pray for me. That's funny Shanie. You see, I stood in front of a Judge against Barrie Tilghman and not once did the Judge say I was crazy. In fact, I won the case against Barrie Tilghman and in the end the ONLY one that looked crazy was the woman suing me. Words like that are the kind of words that come from sore losers.

Louise Smith did recently send me the following message.......


During Public Comments, you asked Council members to respond to your question,"Do Council members denounce blogs?" At the June 15th work session, I asked each Council member to respond. Mrs. Campbell said she would send a response to you with a copy to Council. Mrs. Cohen related she would do the same. Mrs. Campbell has already sent her response which you should soon be receiving. Mr. Comegys and Mrs. Shields indicated they would not respond. I am not a participant or contributor so I have very limited knowledge. I am sure there are good blogs and bad blogs. My thoughts are blogs are open to anyone who can establish and maintain a Web site. And, it is my thinking that blogs have probably changed the landscape of journalism. Since I do not know if there are standards for blogging, perhaps extended questions may be in credibility and accountability.

I trust this answers your question.

Louise Smith
Salisbury City Council President

I'm not sure if she answered my question and I didn't think it was a difficult question. However, I respect the fact that she did take the time to state her opinion.

Salisbury News is becoming more powerful by the day. I have been approached by BOTH local Television Stations in reference to a partnership in some sort of way but nothing has crossed the table in which "I" would have enough interest to move forward. I can assure you, no other local Blog has been asked to partner up with the MSM and I personally think this speaks volume as to the credibility of Joe Albero and Salisbury News.

What was once a thorn in their tails has now become the highest rated source for local news and information, even over the MSM. You can deny it all you like, I personally don't care. I see the numbers daily and while some may try to deny it, show me someone locally with a computer that doesn't go to Salisbury News and I can assure you it's a 10 to 1 ratio. Meaning, ten people visit while one does not.

The Internet is a market in which America has become more dependent on than print or television. If you're going to run a respectable Blog in the hopes that one day it will become a valuable asset either in advertising and or a possible sale to the MSM, you have to have a Blog that is well received and respected for its content and resources. You're NOT going to find one other Blog on the entire Eastern Shore that has the right combination other than Salisbury News. We have the daily hits. We have the sources. We have the real time news and information and we deliver it 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Gary and Shanie do denounce the Blogs because we tell the truth and they are so afraid of the truth it isn't funny. Gary, Barrie, Shanie and Mike Dunn are very black and white people. You either see it their way or you are the enemy. I commend Louise Smith recently for announcing she does not see things that way and agrees that it is my right to disagree. However, we agree to disagree and in the end we are not enemies simply because we disagree.

I almost fell off my chair in laughter last Monday night when Gary Comegys was giving financial advice on the Fire Department, yet he's filed Bankruptcy because he couldn't keep his own finances in order. Let me finish with this Folks. The Gas Station that Gary and his Wife used to own, is it closed for good, or has someone else taken it over and it's now succeeding? Do you get my point? The ONLY reason it didn't succeed while Gary owned it was because he's an Idiot when it comes to business and finances. Someone else steps in and takes over the very same business and they survive. GO FIGURE!

Now I'll not act like Gary & Shanie and denounce them, I have too much fun with them on a daily basis. I will however denounce the other Blogs that do in fact lie and say whatever their warped minds like to express but I will also ignore them for good. They are of no value, nor will they ever be. They will never be respected by the MSM and or the citizens. Oh, for those who believe in beating up and exposing 8 year old children, well, if you like participating in that sort of thing, go for it. We now know who you are. Gary and Shanie won't denounce them because they are a part of them. They enjoy it when they beat up on our 8 year old Grandson and think they're getting back at me. If they weren't a part of that other nasty Blog, they would have simply stated they do in fact denounce the Blogs. However, now that they are participating with them and are on record for denouncing the Blogs, their silence is deafening.


  1. Joe this is nothing new. You've had to know since that blog has existed that Gary and Shanie are connected to it, as well as Barrie and I believe Louise too. Louise wants to sound as though she doesn't know much about blogs and such but that's BS - she's right in there with the other three. This crap will never end and Salisbury will never move forward in a positive way as long as those three sit on Council.

  2. Comegy and Shields are in many ways
    alike. They are both fat , ignorant, ugly and repulsive. They
    do not have the ability to answer
    simple questions. They were both
    potty trained a month ago!

  3. You ain't kidding when you say that "nasty" other blog. "Dr. Stevens" gives pigs a bad name.

  4. Shanie owes certain people known to be pets of Barrie. TJ Maloney handled her foreclosure and his partner Robin Cockey represented her during the recount of the votes. She owes them, she certainly can't afford their fees so she has to do as told. Shanie also likes to hang out at the VFW with Jonathan Taylor. She can't publicly denounce someone she socializes with and feeds information.

    Gary Comegys couldn't take his eyes off of Jonathan Taylor at the last council meeting while Joe was speaking at the podium. Smiling and grinning at each other like they were right out of the movie Deliverance. Gary also feeds Jonathan information and misinformation.

    Louise we all know has been feeding Jonathan information as well as misinformation. She especially likes his wifes mosquito repellant. Ain't that spaychul.

    Chief Webster has also been known to feed Jonathan information that could quite possibly impede an investigation. Isn't that what he always uses against Joe when he posts something he doesn't want known? Jonathan knew before Joe that he was to be seen by a probation officer in Snow Hill. How did he know that? How did Chief Webster pull Joe's probation from Wicomico County to Worcester County? How does this probation office get away with this abuse of power?

    They all denouce JOE'S blog while feeding the most vile person ever to suck off the taxpayers teat.

  5. Who are you that they need to answer to you? **Note the correct use of a question mark.**

  6. anonymous 1:58, I am Joe Albero, owner and taxpayer of 300 W. Main Street on the Downtown Plaza.

    Now act like a man and state your name and prove YOU are a taxpayer as well.

  7. Louise, Gary and Shanie = joined at the hip with Jonathan Taylor

    For all their accusations about Debbie feeding info to this blog (yeah, right...the dummies don't realize just how many people inside the GOB feed Joe info and how often he gets things KEPT from Campbell and Cohen), JT has shot off his big mouth enough that it's plain to see how fed he is by those three.


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