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Friday, June 05, 2009

Fruitland City Council

June 9, 2009
Fruitland City Council meeting
7:00 p.m.
Budget approval


  1. It doesn't do any good to post this. Nobody will bother to show up, even though a major sewer/water rate increase is included (as an alternative to a tax increase.) Nobody will say anything till they get their first bill, then they will scream bloody murder.
    But it will be too late.
    People just don't bother to take the time and effort to find out what's happening in government till it's too late to do anything.
    That's exactly why we're in the mess we're in.
    The tax-paying citizens of Fruitland, Salisbury and elsewhere have a RIGHT to ask detailed questions, and to receive detailed, honest answers from the the officials they've elected and employees they are paying (very well) to serve them.
    Not condescending or evasive answers (can you say BPT?), but HONEST ACCOUNTABILITY.
    Accept nothing less. It's your right.

  2. They probably hope no one will show up.

    I'll be there.

    Will you, Joe?

  3. A lot of people are just trying to stay in their homes and keep their families fed. They have given up on the goverment both nationaly and locally, they figure whats the point.

  4. 9:40-- That's exactly why things keep getting worse.
    People in Princess Anne fussed with the officials about the tax rate, and it got their attention.
    If your government officials start catching he77 when they stray off the path, they'll look much more carefully where they're going.
    Demand answers.
    Hold them accountable-- you have a great forum here to do that.

  5. When Council President Greg is asked a question he has that "deer/headlights" look.

    Many people don't go to the Fruitland meetings because they don't want to hear Councilman Tull over and over again.

    I've asked questions and received answers that make no sense. This council promotes growth. They want Fruitland to be a mini Salisbury. Many of us grew up in Fruitland and stayed because of it's small town feel. The problem with growth is how much it's going to cost us taxpayers.

    I've tried to get people to attend the council meetings. I get the same response from everyone. "Why bother, they won't listen." The taxpayers honestly feel this way.

    I agree with 9:25. The taxpayers will have a fit when they get that first water/sewer increase. They should of stood up to the council.

    People you do have a voice, use it! One person asking questions gets nothing done.

    There is a council election coming up in a little over a 1 1/2 years. Council President Greg, Councilman Tull and Councilman Lokey are the positions you'll be voting on. Start looking for people to run in the election.


  6. What ever happened to Capt. George Truitt ?? Inquiring minds want to know.

  7. I love that, Fruitlander-- "the deer-in-the-headlights look.."
    I guess part of the problem is the lack of qualified candidates with a heart for the welfare of the taxpayers. The other problem is when one or two manage to get elected, then they're marginalized by a majority with another agenda (like Salisbury).
    With the majority of seats up for election, maybe a like-minded trio could run together as a team.
    I remember when Valerie Mann was on the council-- she seemed to do an excellent job.
    Maybe she could be persuaded to run.

  8. Maybe some people need to talk with these local politicians on the side off the record if you know what I mean and kinda point them in the right direction so to say.

  9. I wish I had known about this. I would have gone! What happened?

  10. The meeting is this coming Tues. night, June 9th.
    Be there or be square.

  11. No notice is on the web site. No agenda. Shouldn't meeting notices be posted sooner than a day or two before the meeting? How is the public suppose to be kept informed if the meeting notices are not posted the week before?

  12. Someone signed themself Fruitlander at 10:00 am. It was not me- I have used that "handle" for a couple of years now.
    Taxpayers are generally just too busy/lazy with their ALL-IMPORTANT personal lives to get involved or show up at City Hall UNLESS they have a problem, want a favor, or are a developer.
    The snide comment about Councilman Tull was just that - snide - I bet I know whose boyfriend made it....


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