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Monday, June 22, 2009

Friday Night Fights Part III

It was certainly a night to remember. Five great fights and while everyone was on the edge of their seats in the first round, Brian "The Assassin" Norman pounded Fernando with some body shots that anyone watching would think, just how long could Fernando take those punches. Instead, Fernando started returning the body shots and this guy had no clue what he was in for.

In the Press Conference weeks before the fight I challenged the Brian "The Assassin Norman after taking smack and I said, what makes you so different from all the others that came to Salisbury and said they would defeat Fernando. He said he was stronger and more experienced. I responded by saying, you have no clue what you're in for and I was right.

Before the fight, several fans asked me what I thought and honest to God I replied, two rounds, it will be over in two rounds. Low and behold, I was right again. Fernando knocked him down in the first round and quite frankly I was very surprised when the Ref let him go on. They were able to finish the round but when Fernando connected again in the second round it was all over. He went in for the knock out and punished his so fast and furious the Ref had finally seen enough after the second knock down.

Alex was yet another pleasure to watch. His fierce body shots were extremely punishing and I was surprised his opponent was able to hang in there for four rounds. Alex took a couple of decent shots but he seriously controlled the fight from the very beginning.

Shawn Porter, now that's an unbelievable fighter too. This kid is another fighter to keep a close eye on. He's very shy and quiet but man, when he puts those gloves on and starts hitting you, WOW! I called him Mini Mike Tyson. He smiled and said, man, no one has ever called me that.

Hal Chernoff and Prize Fight Boxing delivered once again and we were very pleased to see it as crowded as it was by the time Fernando's fight came about. There was a concern if they'd sell enough tickets to break even but as the night went on there were very few seats left in the Civic Center.

We'd like to thank ALL of you for coming out and supporting the Main Street Gym and Prize Fight Boxing. It was very clear that they didn't need Showtime or ESPN to fill the Civic Center and I can guarantee you one thing, there isn't a person who attended that didn't feel they got their money's worth!

Click on images to enlarge.


  1. I would love to see Fernando fight outside at Arthur Perdue Stadium. I believe it would sell out especially due to the sale of adult beverages. Regardless, great fights as always!

  2. Unfortunately, I was out of town this weekend and couldn't go, but I went to the last event-From the photos it looked like more people attended this match-up that the last one. It looked pretty packed in there!

    Joe, was the attendance actually up from the last event? Salisbury really needs events like this to help keep us on the map and bring in tourism! Thanks to all the fighters, especially to Fernando! Keep up the hard work!

  3. Brian and Robin told me they had a great night thanks to you hooking them up with the dinner and the tics. Thanks they surely deserved it.

  4. Anon 9:14 - Fights at the stadium is an excellent idea! Fall would be the perfect time with cooler weathern and baseball coming to an end! Joe, you should turn Prize Fight Promotions on to this idea-I'm stoked for it! I think that more people would attend and tickets would probably be even cheaper (as if they aren't already). Fernando could really turn out that stadium! I'm totally stoked for this to happen!

  5. The thriller in salisbury manila I would love to see it.

  6. Fernando is the man no doubt and Coach Hal is a really nice person but I think its time that they put him in tougher. Let's see if we are in the presence of greatness...I know they are bringing him along slowly but nows the time to step it up. Fernando Great Job!!!! Now knock out someone tougher


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