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Monday, June 22, 2009

60 Minutes Has No Class

While I enjoy Andy Rooney and many of the stories 60 Minutes provides, one thing I don't enjoy is the commercials.

When you have an 8 year old sitting in the living room watching 60 Minutes, the next thing you know they go to a commercial discussing erectile dysfunction. Contact your Doctor if you're erection lasts too long.

Come on now, do they think these children are already in bed while on summer vacation? So when your 8 year old says, what's an erection, what do you tell the little guy! What happened to the Pepsi Commercials or Coca Cola?

Look, I just think they should save these kind of commercials to at least 9:00 PM or so and the TV Networks should simply act like Americans do have children and consider them FIRST. This is one reason why this Country has so many issues.

Oh, don't come back feeding me the First Amendment crap. There's a time and a place and more importantly everyone should be more responsible with their First Amendment rights.


  1. Great point Joe. I've been shocked and angered many times at the language used in the sitcoms which come on at 8 pm....why can't the networks be responsible and recognize that many children of inappropriate age are still awake and watching...I don't care what's on after 10 pm, maybe even 9 in a stretch. But the shows before 9 should be wholesome and so should the commercials.
    I'd hate to see it as a law, but why can't they just do the right thing???

  2. Has nothing to do with the 1st amendment. It has to do with the giant drug companies pushing hteir poison in primetime. Just like Faux Noise pushing soft porn to snag viewers

  3. If your eight year old boy does not know what an erection is, then he should be taken to the doctor immediately. Maybe he has not heard the proper term for the completely normal function, thus this a "teachable moment". Be that as it may, I think the point is that TV should be considerate of the viewing audience for certain commercials...perhaps, but, if it prompts questions about the human body from a child then that is the right time to begin giving them the information. You don't have to give "the talk". In fact, "the talk" is best communicated in everyday events as the child becomes curious and asks questions.

  4. I bet you will have some of the same parents that want to regulate the commercials, go out and but Grand Thief Auto video game for their young children.

  5. What REALLY annoys me is that these same commercials are on the Weather Channel at 7 & 8 AM! My 4 year old likes to watch the weather with me int he morning to help decide what to wear to school - and suddenly there will be a commercial for erectile dysfunction, talking about being healthy enough for sexual activity.

    They can't sell cigarettes or alcohol on TV, they shouldn't be able to sell pills for erections, either.

  6. I agree with 9:10 it is a teachable moment. Answer his question honestly and simply, do not elaborate. If he has a follow up question he will ask it. 90% of the time they are totally satisfied with the first answer and end of discussion. It is all education.

  7. Just what we need: more government regulation of broadcast content!

    Liberty is more precious than censoring what kids hear about bodily functions so that the little darlings reach their teens in ignorance.

  8. This has been said before.

    The reason why these commercial appear during 60 Minutes broadcasts is demographics.

    I have seen them when watching NASCAR but don't recall seeing them when watching David Letterman, once again demographics.

  9. I'm sure if an adult male has an erection failure he will find his way to a doctor! We do not need to have a commercial about it. The same goes for women and their monthly cycles. Trust me, we know where to buy the products we need; do not need to see it in a commercial. Parents certainly do not want their 2nd grade child's teacher telling them about erections, so why should you agree with seeing it on a commercial during prime time TV? Afterall, it is our responsibility as parents to protect our children. Gosh, they grow up too fast as it it.

  10. Most of the men with ED are probably in bed asleep by 9. They certainly aren't doing much else.

  11. Robin, learning about your body is "not growing up to fast", it is simply learning. If children grow up thinking that every body function is dirty or taboo how does that help? And, as uncomfortable as some of these commercials are for me to watch (because of the way I was raised), they still provide information about product improvements, etc. Sorry, we need to just mute, or change the channel.

  12. I grew up a in a very conservative home. My dad was a minister. My mother a homemaker. I went to public school right here in this area and by the time I was 8 probably knew more about sex than they did. lol.Should we get rid of ads for breast cancer research b/c they refer to breasts? You can ban anything you want from TV but unless you keep your child locked in a room they are gonna hear.


  13. Who owns the media?
    Do they have an agenda to destroy our culture?
    Are they moral people?

    We all know the answer to these questions now don't we?

  14. Personally, I have a problem with the drug companies doing all the advertising they do PERIOD!
    If you have a problem which is bad enough for these medications they advertise all the time, then you will go to your doctor on your own and find out what the problem is instead of having commercials CONVINCE everyone there is something wrong with them!
    The "Depression" commercial? OMG!
    I have to mute the TV every time that one comes on, there is definitely something subliminal in that one. If I don't mute it, I can feel mental state changing! That's awful! I am a happy person and don't really get depressed, but that one will try to get me every time!
    Lower drug prices = less advertising! (Should anyway)

  15. Its not just during 60 minutes, it seems it's all the time now... I mean how many smiling Bob commercials are out there?

  16. So I should tell my 5 yr old what an "erection" is? Bullsh*t!In a few years,fine,but thats a bit too much right now.Should I also tell her that some men are so oversexed that they feel they have to take pills so they can keep up with younger women?LOOK at the guys on the ads-they are all old semi-rich white guys with younger women.
    Its no big secret,everyone knows by now that if they can't get or keep it up theres drugs available for it,so why do we need ads for several different ED pills airing daily?

  17. totmom, I agree! There are just some commercials that are not necessary for daily living. Its a commercial for goodness sake! I don't think a five year old will benefit from knowing about erections at this age. Those of you who want to subject your little ones to everything, than go to the bookstore, and buy some books of the human anatomy and have at it. You see, than it becomes your choice; not being put in a sitaution to explain it prematurely due to a money making commercial.

  18. This country has no morals or should i say immorals. And they are passed down to us from the corporations and government.

  19. 60 Minutes reaches an older demographic. Advertisers of ED drugs want to advertise to an older demographic. It is legal to advertise ED drugs. Connect the dots.

  20. Our kid doesn't watch TV. 2 years old and asks us to read him books, plays with play-doh, colors, goes on play dates and plays outside... maybe we're old school but we don't have to explain what ED is or deprogram him from "branding" advertisement methods either lol...

  21. I fully agree with 10:31. Couldn't have said it better myself.

    Don't you just love the ad for a pregnancy test that advertises itself as "the most advanced technology you'll ever pee on"?


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