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Monday, June 29, 2009

The 46 Year Old Political Virgin


  1. when are we going to quit joking and save out country.
    Our infrastructure is falling, our jobs are gone and all we can do is blame someone who has been in office a few months.
    America is a joke in even 3rd world nations.
    So laugh until our contry is gone.

  2. Anon 9:21
    Our Country can't be saved. Wake up and protect yourself and your family before it's too late! Wake up.

  3. Its going to get bloody.

  4. I'm an Obama fan and I even think it's funny. Lighten up folks.

  5. how can he be a virgin after he's SCREWED everyone in the Country!

  6. Doom sayers, you make me laugh. Obama being elected has made you lose all rationality. Get over it, you are the minority.

  7. 11:00 He is still a virgin to all the
    incompetent people who voted for him,
    and the people who realize they been
    screwed by Obama have come to terms they have made a terrible mistake voting for this monster.

  8. Doom Sayers?
    We are waging wars we cannot afford, against civilians who have done nothing to us, we hold people in detention indefinitely without a trial, we reward international bankers for fraud, and now we are about to tax our citizens with a Global Carbon Tax. We have constructed a police state with 24/7 video surveillance, and now routinely tazer people for not obeying orders of a gestapo police officer.
    Where have you been?


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