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Friday, June 05, 2009

400 Comments In Just One Day

Yesterday provided Salisbury News with a record setting day and comments weren't too shabby either. We just hit the 400 comments for one day and today is kicking off to an unbelievable start as well. For a normal day I just saw a record amount of people on Salisbury News at one time and the number was at least 25% higher than I've ever seen before.

Like I said the other day, we just keep growing and we're very pleased to have all these new visitors. It's not my intent to tease anyone here but we're working on two really big stories that we'll be producing on Monday and Tuesday. One of them we'll be working in conjunction with WMDT in which we'll promote their findings and when they'll air the story, more than likely it will be the Tuesday article. Stacy Sakai has done some really great investigative work on this story and deserves a ton of credit. You'll understand it more when the story comes out.

The other story we'll be producing will be a dual story proving more corruption here on the Eastern Shore. We have the story, I'm just waiting to get my hands on the balance of the evidence. I think everyone knows that when I see really good investigative stories on the Daily Times, I give them props for doing so. Mind you, it's very rare any more these days but hopefully they'll recognize and respect the work we put into these stories coming out next week, we'll see. I won't hold my breath.

Anyhow, we appreciate your visiting Salisbury News and in the very least you'll have a lot to look forward to next week. Tomorrow is our Historical Comments By George Chevallier at 9:00 AM. It's a really good one too, so don't miss it.

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. it might not be your intent to tease, but i'm FROTHING AT THE BIT HERE!!!!

  2. SBYnews.com should have a "comment-paloza" where sbynews tries to reach 1000 comments in one day...i'm sure it would "break" the intenet.


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