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Monday, May 11, 2009



  1. This is one of those situations that I know would explode on me, sometimes the shell is safer.

  2. Poor kid hasn't been able to shake that monkey off his back......

  3. There is a leash on the kid and the girl is carrying the dog. Lol

    I will never put a leash on my kid.

  4. How do we know that's just not a reaalllyyyy hairy kid and a shaved puppy they have taught to walk on its back legs?

  5. That's funny! But I have to say, what is up with this new trend to carry your friggin' dogs everywhere? People, you dogs have 4 legs--let them walk! It is weird to see you carrying your dogs all over.

  6. Looks normal to me! LOL cj

  7. 10:13 AM

    I will never put a leash on my kid.

    Most kids hate holding your hand and can get away from you. Think about it before you say never.

  8. New form of exercise...kid taking mom for a walk.

  9. 11:07 Ha Ha your right - I think 11:01 falls in this category. Their child probably has no respect for them and doesn't listen so they just slap on a leash.

  10. Most kids hate holding your hand and can get away from you. Think about it before you say never.

    i agree with the other person, i raised 4 kids 3 of which were under 2 at the same time and i NEVER used a leash. I find them degrading to the child. If as a parent you arent smart enough to keep your kid safe without using a leash maybe you shouldnt be having kids...

  11. Now if the kid was holding the dog, that would be really funny.

  12. 1155 and 1230 right on!!!

  13. Well I have to say that I was a kid-on-a-leash at one time and I would problably be dead or still looking for my parents if it wasn't for the leash.

    Seriously though, it gives the kid a little freedom and keeps them out of harms way in certain situations. The leash is alot better than holding moms hand for hours.

    Any parent that says they would never use a leash has never has a child like me. Sugar, ADD, etc. can make for a seriously adventurous kid. And, don't say it is from a lack of dicipline; some kids just have too much energy for their own good.

  14. Hey put a leash on that dangerous thing. ok. come here junior

  15. 1155 and 1230 I hope carma doesn't smack you in the face.

    12:30 PM i raised 4 kids 3 of which were under 2 at the same time and i NEVER used a leash.

    The leash should have been on you.

  16. Carrying dogs is no worse than dressing them in clothes.
    What burns me up is people driving down the road with dogs in their lap,not safe!

  17. Children are not animals, and do not need leashes. If a parent can't control their child, they shouldn't take them out in public.

    And for the picture- that's white trash at its best.

  18. How sad. Mom might want to put a muzzle on herself. Hmmmmmmm

  19. lol wow see thats why i can't have kids mom, dixie would get to confused when i grabbed the leash

  20. I don't typically put my son's monkey on him, but when we go to a theme park, where there are over 70,000 people, I'm not going to take my chances... do what you will with your kid, at least I know I'm not getting separated from mine.


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