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Monday, May 04, 2009


The following is on the agenda for tomorrow's meeting of the Wicomico County Council:

12:30 p.m. Closed Work Session:

Room Tax Litigation

Legal Counsel to discuss litigation


  1. A number of hotels haven't been remitting their room taxes in a timely manner. I'm guessing they are going to take action...

  2. Why discuss that in a closed session if it is not absolutely required.

    Is Barrie now working for the County?

  3. "Consult with attorney" qualifies under closed meetings. Based on 9:52 info, they are probably discussing with attorney options, pros & cons of litigation/collection.

  4. It says "litigation". That usually means a law suit, or possibility of one(s),covered by attorney client priviledge and a legitimate reason for a closed door session. The county usually does a pretty good at following the Open Meetings Law. My guess 9:52 is right on the money. They should collect the room taxes that are due. Why should some hotels get off, when we all have to pay our taxes?

  5. Isn't there legal trouble at the Detention Center?

  6. All:

    The open meeting ("sunshine") law does not require that discussion about pending or actual litigation occur in closed session. Unless there is a REAL (not just hypothetical) reason to do so, why not in an open session?

    I though Cannon and Pollitt were all for "transparency". NOT

  7. If they let the food tax bills run on because of the bad times, then how about the tax on my house, too?

  8. IF they are actually meeting over some sort of legal issue, then they SHOULD meet in closed session.
    If they are NOT discussing legal issues, then they should have the meeting open to the public.
    I hope they make sure they do not discuss any PUBLIC issues while they are in the closed session though! THAT would be a violation of law.

  9. And do you really think they care if they violate the law? They are politicians arent' they? Since when is any politician honest? They feed you what you want to hear just to get elected, then do what they want when they get in - honest or not. And the two in the picture just above this article are just about as DIShonest as you can get.

  10. I really wish some people would not group ALL elected officials into one pot.
    I served as an elected official. I did not promise anyone anything and stood on my own two feet and stood my ground when I needed to.
    I also never aligned myself with special interest people, but I'm not like EVERYONE else.
    I served the amount of time I wanted to serve and walked away.
    So please, stop grouping ALL of us in one group or I might just have to group you in one that you might not like yourself!

  11. Please tell us who you are ? Do you live in the County.

    Do you need financial support. Do you believe in doing what is right ?

    Then post your name if you have it in you to run again !!

    There are a couple on the council that are trying to do the right thing. They get bullied.

  12. I have NO interest in running again.
    I thought I had thick enough skin and broad enough shoulders, but I don't think I do.
    It's not worth it to me.
    I'm just gonna crawl in my hole like most other people and look out now and then and watch the world go by and do nothing about it.


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