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Friday, May 22, 2009

Urban Salisbury Donates To A Church?

Look, I'm all about Urban Salisbury wanting to rebuild the Downtown area but I have some very serious issues with a non profit donating to a non profit.

I'm not exactly sure if the Church is paying taxes on that property, or not? My guess would be yes but I wouldn't be surprised if they're not.

Secondly, you have to question why they would consider that particular building, since it has been completely renovated. That would be like Urban Salisbury coming to me and offering 5 grand for 300 W. Main Street. I would not accept the offer.

The way I see it is very similar to gifting a child a car. If they work for it and EARN it, they'll certainly take better care of it. I see buildings right on the Downtown Plaza that could use the help. Some of the buildings have not been renovated.

After all, the Church could clearly pay for the building. I don't know Folks, I just have a problem with this one.

What's your thoughts?


  1. As I understand it, the Historic Turst has a grant program for maintaining the facades of historic buildings. Urban Salisbury applied for funds for the program for the purpose of funding work on htis building. Joe, please call Alan and get the scoop so that this into one big puddle of rumors. Or Alan, just respond here and let us all know the facts.

  2. The grant is for historic buildings not just any old building downtown.

  3. From the Press Release which was posted yesterday:

    “This building is one of Downtown’s landmarks. Helping to preserve it and other heritage structures generates tourist visits which mean new dollars flowing into the community,” said Allan Hope, Executive Director of Urban Salisbury. “So, not only are we protecting Salisbury’s heritage, we’re stimulating the local economy which is our prime mission.” Renovation of the exterior of the building will begin very soon.

    Urban Salisbury also has façade grant applications in the works for the Charles H. Chipman Center and Poplar Hill Mansion. “Our program is funded through the Department of Housing and Community Development who works closely with the Maryland Historic Trust,” said Mr. Hope. “We’re hoping to have good news on both of these applications very soon.”

    "Downtown private property owners and tenants can also apply to Urban Salisbury for façade restoration assistance. Contact Allan Hope, Executive Director of Urban Salisbury, at 410-546-3205, for further details on this program."

    Let's not get all bent out of shape over maintaining and trying to revitalize our city.

  4. Thank you Two Sentz for setting the record straight!


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