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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Thanks For Nothing Bush!

It's one thing to hear a Dealership is closing but it's another to actually see it with your own eyes. I'm sure many of you don't get the chance to pass by this area so I thought I'd deliver it to you instead.


  1. Thanks also to the Democrat majority party in Congress and the Republican minority party. Bush could not have done it without them. How long must we wait before we can blame Obama for ANYTHING? I mean you would think something would be better after 4 Trillion dollars is sunk into the economy by now wouldn't you?

  2. Hopefully another business will have the resources to aquire this very attractive location. What a shame it will be to see it sit empty.

  3. this recession is democrat owned nice try spin doctor I can't tell if your in denial or just stupid.

  4. amen to anonymous 8:24. this recession is purely democratic owned. however, time and space don't allow me to give a civics or economics lesson here.

  5. Joe-the-Republican posted this, Anon 8:24. He's the LAST person who should be called a democrat spin doctor, for God's sake. Have you never read this blog?

  6. The 'recession' was caused by banks/mortgage companies being FORCED to make loans to people who couldn't pay them back.. as a result of legislation eagerly signed by Bill Clinton.
    This is the fruit of the early Social-emotionalism movement that says everybody should have equal outcomes in life.
    It's working, too. Pretty soon, we will all be equally poor, and the government will have everything.
    How this gets blamed on Bush is beyond me. He was a mess, but this is the democrats' work.

  7. All you economics scholars should pay more attention to your spelling and punctuation before you try to "teach" us anything. Besides, who says YOU know anything, just because you think you do?

  8. Thank the unions....

  9. This recession is the Dems all the way. From the crooks at Fanmny and Freddy, to the multiple bailouts.

    It seems to me the for the most part during the Bush years, we had record gains on Wall Street, people were making tons of money and spending like no tommorrow.

    How quickly we forget.

  10. Funny how the Saturn dealership decided to reconsolidate the un-sold inventory at their Dover, Delaware Dealership.

    I wonder if Wicomico's Inventory tax played a significant part into this decision.

  11. Ride up Rt 50 west and see the large empty dealership just before Cambridge. Then in Easton, the GM Giant is empty as well. It is sad to see. I would love to buy a new truck to help the economy out, but the payments are just unaffordable right now. Some of us are just lucky our place of employment doesn't look the same. Plus, we are just one incident,such as a terrorist attack, away from really going in the tank.

  12. Thank Bush??? He's still President?? Wow didnt know that....
    What about the democratic driven congress? Thanks to elected officials that have their own agenda instead of ours in mind. That would be more like it. Thats ok their working on spending our way out of it.. yeah that will work...

  13. When do people point out a simple type-o in spelling. Get over the spelling. So what your saying is, if you can't spell, don't leave a comment? How many presidents spelled things wrong? Stumbled on their words? get over it.

  14. You can't always blame everything on the economy. Some of it could be bad management. I was there a couple of months ago and test drove a car and then said that I was going to look around some and the manager and salesperson literally ran after me as I went to my car. It was windy and sleeting and they were trying to tell me that overnight they got me a lower interest rate and wanted to discuss it. I know sales are their job but this seemed a little extreme. I had bought cars there before but it was several years ago. That "needy" act they did turned me off to buying a car there.

  15. The profits car dealers make is a monopoly they created when things were good and now people cant afford their outragous profit margin. They dont want to deal anymore because they think people will buy anyway. Finally peopleare allowing themselves the to opentheir eyes and see the monopoly. Management islooking at the $$$$$$ on a sale not at the volume $$$$$ equality. Iagree Management greed and pressure salesmanship is destroying 99% of businesses

  16. This recession is all our foughts, we have all been living bigger than our britches for a lond time. Just because they will give you the loan doesnt mean you can afford it. We did this to ourselves. Granted the off-shore job loss didnt help much, who passed NAFTA, who passed CAFTA? See what I mean its all our fought.

  17. Bush had nothing to do with this .
    How dare you print something against our greatest leader ever.
    He I assure you was drunk in Mexico at the time.

  18. Those world class tards who think this recession is "democrat owned" need to take their lips off the crack pipe. This economic avalanche began under Bush the Decider, and is directly attributable to the nonexistent oversight of financal institutions and the out of control spending the county enjoyed under the Bush years.

    There's a reason the country booted you numbskulls out of power and into the street. Stop pooping and peeing yourselves making pathetic excuses. The saving grace is that there's an intelligent person in office and we have a reasonable chance of getting the insane mess you made of everything cleaned up.

    "Owned by the democrats" after 100 days in office! You idiots are too funny!

  19. When the new credit card laws take affect and many will not be able to obtain cards who will be blamed then. Like the "unavailable" car loans. What is the Minimun RICO now for a 20% down car loan

  20. Dawg the Hallway MonitorMay 10, 2009 at 3:37 PM

    When are people going to learn...I saw an interesting bumber sticker. it said " Steal 5,000 dollars go to jail....Steal 5,000,000 dollars you get a job with the government"!

    This whole mess started with deregulation of the banks and allowing them to sell everything under the sun....

    Does anyone remember Enron? Why don't some of you do research of those bastards who ran that company ..... Their the same people who made this mess of the economy,banking sytem, credit systems & gas markets.....

    And it started with Clinton in 1999 and just continued with the Bush Admin. Everybody was getting rich so why stop? There is engouh blame to go around for everybody...
    Where is all the 4 trillon dollars at that these bank are supose to be "lending" I can tell you THEY ARE NOT lending.... they are hording it all for there buddies and freinds....Why should I have to pay to keep these poorly run business in busines....

  21. It would make a nice Vocation Training building for the schools.

  22. Who cares..saturn cars are sheet anyway..they are big POS

  23. Hey anonymouse 1:59 ala "world tard's You've got to be the dumbest mf if you believe the current admin will solve it. This admin is hell bent on running everything asap. They'll decide what doctor you go to, what bank you bank at, what car you will drive. You don't think thats wrong? whose the "tard" here, you cheap lazy sob, depending on gov't for your handout. In case you need a civics lesson, the Pres doesnt spend a dime- the democratic controlled congress controls the budget and purse strings. And why was the numbskull voted out. He wasn't moron- his 8 years was over-read the constitution you illerate piece of s- - -! I could go on but I doubt you would understand. Instead go bow down to your new messiah

  24. More local jobs down the drain. Someone please inform me how anyone can think that this area stands a chance to have a strong local economy when this is all said and done. Our only main strengths(tourism and the college) are horribly dependent on the state of the economy. When the ppl who have to actually make a living here are hung out to dry where are they supposed to find work when there was a shortage of decent paying jobs before the recession. Retail jobs dont count unless that high "quality of life" that everyone here brags about includes being poor or living paycheck to paycheck. Most cities are hurting now but there are some that have a far stronger economy than here. Some midwestern cities havent even seen a property value decrease. The ups and downs with jobs and the constant relying on the tourism market isnt going to give the local economy any strength. Local leaders need to bring in more businesses(of the real wage variety, arby's and DQ dont count)and jump start things to bring REAL paying jobs here. If not, the crime that is high here will continue and there will be two income types, the poor(local ppl) and the rich(the come heres that made their money elsewhere).

  25. "anon 1:59" Clinton forced banks to lower their standards for loans President Bush came out a year or more before the melt down and warned of this but the Democrat controlled congress turned a deaf ear and 2 months before the collapse Barney Frank and Chris Dodd both said all was well these two received V.I.P. loans from the top two banks and sat on over site committees no way was this anything but a democrat created mess and for you to try and blame anyone else is either intellectually dishonest or your too stupid to know any better.

  26. im glad they closed. i took my car there to have the window tint removed and they called to tell me some dumbass who was backing it out of the bay wrecked it. sure enought there was a HUGE hole in the side of my car that they "fixed" but still charged me $400!!!! to get the tint taken off. good riddance

  27. 2:28 "When the new credit card laws take affect and many will not be able to obtain cards who will be blamed then. Like the "unavailable" car loans. What is the Minimun RICO now for a 20% down car loan"

    You say it like it's a bad thing? Seems like a good thing to me. We wouldn't be in this mess if this was the practice during the Bush years.

  28. citygoer: "Our only main strengths(tourism and the college) are horribly dependent on the state of the economy."

    Actually, college towns are incredibly resistant to economic downturns. It's not like fewer students are going to attend college. The real estate markets in towns like Ithaca and State College have barely registered a blip while other nearby cities have suffered.

    One reason we should encourage the college to grow is that it will help to stabilize the local economy.

  29. 9:00 "Clinton forced banks to lower their standards for loans..."

    No. Wrong. Banks lobbied hard for this.

    "resident Bush came out a year or more before the melt down and warned of this..."

    No. Wrong. Bush spent zero political capital on getting tough with the banks. He further loosened restrictions leading to our current mess.

    "... blame anyone else is either intellectually dishonest or your too stupid to know any better."

    Yea. I'd say you're probably both.

  30. Bush was the biggest f***up of a President this country has seen in over 100 years. His policies are the reason Republicans are out of power and will stay of of power until they wise up.

    The Republicans are doing a lot of crying these days about the well deserved spanking they got at the polls, and now they want to take their football and go home. What a bunch of crybaby p*ssies you pubbies are.

  31. I don't believe it is Bush's fault or the Dems (as some like to call them).
    This is all about CORPORATE GREED.
    The cars, and I don't care which manufacturer you refer to are not worth the money they are selling them for! They haven't been for a long time!

  32. hey anon 9:43 you spout but you spout no facts just hysterical screaming. And the only place the football is going is up your butt after A.C.O.R.N. gets prosecuted for wide spread voter fraud.

  33. Definitely Obama and Pelosia owned! Idiots voted for him and the idiots will suffer like the rest of us...start voting responsibly and not just for the party. We have CHANGE alright-deal with it. He never said what the change was and I never heard anyone ask what was going to change. All I know is I didn't vote for the jackass and if I did I'd swear I didn't.


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