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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

SFD Says No To Hazmat Trailer

After all the discussion about the grant funding for the Hazmat trailer and the desire to purchase an unnecessary tractor to pull it, Chris Truitt, Pres. Career Firefighters Assoc 4246 and Steve Mizzel, members of the SFD hazmat team, during their presentation to the city council stated they don't want or need it. Steve said it is very low on his list of priorities. He would rather have more personnel and medic needs filled. Finally, someone with sense is approaching the council.

Did Lore Chambers ask anyone at SFD if they wanted her to apply for the grant to purchase this trailer? Did Lore Chambers tell anyone that an additional $17,500 of the grant award would have to be added to the $85,000.00 matching funds? No, she did not. Her claim was she didn't know. How could she not know? Lore was the one that wrote the grant application, didn't she read it, BEFORE applying? Did she care? NO! Lore Chambers and Gary Comegys are like minded when it comes to grants. They both believe it to be free money. Someone needs to tell them, there is no such thing as free money. Everyone else seems to understand that grants are funded with taxpayer dollars, why don't they understand this? Again, they don't care.

A lot of money has been thrown at SFD over the past few years. New trucks, new fire palace, upgrades to Station 1, etc. Yet, no additional personnel. Pretty new trucks and matching ambulances don't fight fires or respond to emergencies without the required personnel to operate the equipment. SFD doesn't even have the number of people required by national safety standards to operate the equipment they have at present. According to Chris Truitt, the standard is 4 people on a truck to run 2 in and 2 out. SFD is running 3 people, 2 to go into a fire and 1 to stay out to replace one that is in when he/she comes out. Wasn't there a structure fire that was lost due to only 2 people being on a truck?

What service is it to the citizens having the newest and latest equipment if they have no one to operate it? How much did Gordy and See spend on paint jobs so everything would match? Does anyone really care about the color of the equipment? If your house is on fire will you even notice the color of the trucks? Does anyone care about the color, other than Gordy when he wants to parade the equipment through Ocean City?

SFD No Hazmat Trailer.mp3 Click on this link and listen for yourself as the Fire Department flat out says they don't need it.


  1. Good job Chris and Steve. Finally there are people who are expressing the real needs of SFD. I agree, I don't care what the vehicles look like that might show up at my home. It's those people who are in/on them that I care about.

  2. Gordy needs to go...He is not a team player. In fact he would of never made it into the SFD volunteer companies 15 years ago. He is a self centered ego driven waste of breath. Go back to where you came from would be the best thing for Salisbury.

  3. Almost perfect post. Structure lost when first responders only had 3 on the truck. Not enough for "2 in 2 out."

  4. Lore was the one that wrote the grant application, didn't she read it, BEFORE applying?

    Not true! As a matter of fact I don't think she ever wrote a grant.

  5. Grant writing is Lore's claim to fame within the city. That was her position before Barrie created the assistant city administrator position for her.

    If we're going to get into semantics here you are correct, Lore didn't write the grant but she damn sure applied for it.

  6. Maryland ParamedicMay 19, 2009 at 1:17 PM

    You couldnt' put Chris AND Steve's brain together and get a half of one. These guys are a couple bad jokes around the firehouse. Just ask.

  7. Gordo is the problem. He wants to merge the Salisbury Fire Department into the Federal Homeland Security and the best way to do that is to accept the grants. This is why it is so important to attend all of the "training" and "certification" programs. He wants to get us on board with the Feds so he can rub elbows.

  8. ask the little guys at the bottom what is needed, staffing , pay , staffing. they know what is needed. the pirates at the top want the equipment that isnt required.

  9. Real Estate Developers say, "Build it and they will come." Firefighters say, "Buy it and they will cum."

  10. Finally, some brains instead of an itchy spending finger.
    I was afraid that the next piece of equipment they'd want to buy would be a fire blimp. You know the ones.... an emergency blimp that the chief uses to watch over fire scenes... the kind really big cities have?

  11. Kudos to those men for speaking the truth. The special ops team is a joke. There are very few interested in the team and aren't many on the team. The retaliation should begin soon for these guys from Gordy's gang. Salisbury needs people and not toys.

  12. Have to agree with that commment about the boy blunders Chris T and Steve M. Neither one would know a clue if it smacked them in the forehead.

  13. Chris and Steve are two of the good guys of the SFD. You might not agree with what they say, but they are right on target in this case. You need people to fight the battle. That went away with Brezlers vision and those that followed made the same mistake.

  14. Hallelujah! Realizing more "boyz" is more important than more "toyz". Someone give those guys a ceegar.

  15. Why is the union president speaking for the entire department? 65 career, 125 volunteer and 1 employee is speaking for the entire department.

  16. how about when the sfd asked for more payed postions, i think 12, and they all got cut by the mayor last year

  17. They asked for 12 people and got 5 trucks because Bubba pushed for those trucks. You can't have everything, it's either people or toys, make your choice.

  18. Neither Career nor Vol. are asked about what we think about equipment, buildings, or anything that is conjured up, before it is brought to the City. Very few wanted that building, or that truck. Should Station 2 really be rebuilt where it is? Or farther north instead of 4 stations, we can operate with 3. Our Ambulances are falling apart and the personnel working on them are being run ragged. But we are getting it done with what we have and that’s what the council sees, so it must be working right? WRONG!!! They need our input because we are the ones doing the job.

  19. Like these guys or not, they are correct, and they are speaking about what is the priority for the people who actually work daily for the citizens of the city, and know the most important things are for the SFD to operate efficiently. In all fairness, the Vols. should have a rep. speaking for them. We work with minimal career personnel, and maybe a few Vols. (thanks you to those vols. who actually do help us out).

  20. Chris is the bionic man. My Hero.

  21. Maryland Paramedic said...
    You couldnt' put Chris AND Steve's brain together and get a half of one. These guys are a couple bad jokes around the firehouse. Just ask.

    1:17 PM

    Thanks Ron, now carry your fat a$$ back to Delaware. We can't stand your smart a$$ anyway.

  22. One thing about it Chris and Steve don't have to worry about Dinglebarrie putting a target on their backs like someone else we know.

    Mayor Ireton do the right thing and put someone in a position that will make some changes. The right changes.

    Get rid of Hoppes and Gordo and anyone who supports the "Special Operations" program. What a F#%king joke they are.


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