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Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Parsonsburg Fire Department Has Issues

The following is a comment left late last night I thoght I'd turn into a Post.

"I have waited for so long for this information to become public without myself being the bearer of bad news. After being involved with this department and one of the most active members for over a decade, I am now ashamed to be a part of what was once a reputable department.

It is solely the decisions made by Chief Steve White that have put these untrained and most importantly inexperienced officers in place. The cold hard truth is that the current officers all lack in one field or another. Meaning the person may have ten years in the fire service but could not pass a ninth grade reading test and have no credible training other than firefighter I.

The other side is the person may have one year of active membership in the fire service as a whole, no other fire department experience and now hold a line officer position. Why? Because Steve feels comfortable with people that will not make decisions without his say so, therefore lacking in competency in mediating an emergency. Steve you better keep your cell phone on they may need to call you if a life saving decision has to be made.

And then you have members with a wealth of knowledge and training and no experience. There are so many variables when considering which of your personal should be leaders. I can quote Steve White on several occasions when he attempts to back his decisions on why he chose someone with a year in the department or someone who has absolutely no training. His words are always the same, I chose this person because he or she has good people skills. Well guess what Einstein, good people skills are not what saves lives in this line of work.

Honestly we have several qualified, over ten or so members that a have at least Fire I & II, Hazmat ops or higher, MFRI Pumps, Rescue Tech or equivalent, and EMT or Paramedic and a minimum of five years in the field experience. Meaning these trained personal have actually applied there training and done so proficiently. Unfortunately only one of these members have been appointed. That person would be Lt. J. Tyler. Other than that we are working under the guidance of people that are far from ready to make decisions concerning life and property and most importantly leading the ones under there command into an inferno.

I challenge any person from the public to ask the chief why these people are where they are and how they got there and do not except any round about answer. Ask for training records, ask yourself one question. If my family was involved in an automobile accident and were trapped in the car would the person in charge have the training to mediate the situation. Dont get me wrong, I like to gamble but not with my loved ones. We could think like the Deputy Chief Mark Rickards. Who responded with this when asked the same question. "I would hope someone else shows up with that training." Thats right lets hope that someone shows up with the knowledge of what to do instead of being prepared.

The truth is the trained individuals who are officer material and have been overlooked or removed from said office are turning there backs when the alarm sounds. It takes time to become cold hearted, to ignore the call for help after doing it for so long. But when your opinions and ideas no longer count and the feeling of being unwanted out weighs your decision to answer the call, it is time for change. Someone has to probe deeper into the actuality of this situation.

As a young man in the fire service the battle of pride between Parsonsburg and Salisbury was ongoing. After much thought and realization I have come to understand the difference between pride and ignorance. Salisbury has undergone many changes and experienced a lot of growing pains over the past decade. However one of the best outcomes was this, all line officers must meet or exceed the minimum requirements set forth by the department. Unfortunately Parsonsburg has no such requirements and any mutual aid company assisting them or requesting there help may very well get a one year unseasoned firefighter as the commanding officer.

How can anyone after reading this 100% factual disposition trust calling on the Parsonsburg Steve White Fire Department, and to those that call Steve White friend remember this. Steve White could sell ice to Eskimos. He is a very convincing man and when he speaks to those without fire department knowledge he could sell the world to them. Ask a few past deputy and assistant chiefs who have since left and moved on to other departments in the county there reasoning for leaving. The truth needs to be known to the public.

Now lets talk about another topic that only a few are informed. The paid Paramedic/Chief that appoints his own committee that oversees his benefits and pay scale. How can no one see the conflict of interest here, or is it such a thing that most are scared to discuss it. Lets think about this for a second, if you deny him a raise or grant one that is less than expected and later in the year ask him for something what might be the outcome? I know for a fact with the current administration he was given a six thousand dollar raise two years ago. Thank you tax payers for the new addition on my home.

And the fact that Steve approves and disapproves the points put in by each individual member that enables that person to vote at the end of the year, on thats right- his position as chief. Would it surprise you to know points have been passed for certain individuals involving medical training that pertains to both ems and nursing however these individuals are no longer ems providers and were lacking in that area for points needed to vote.

Lets put it all on the line, lets discuss a member who barely skated by with enough points to stay in and then voted in as president. To my recollection she signed a legal binding agreement that required her to complete and pass The WOR-WIC Community Colleges paramedic program and then render her services as a paramedic including direct patient care and transport to the hospital to the citizens of the community for no less than three years and a minimum of thirty six calls per year for that period. Notices have been sent for collection to those members who did not fulfill their obligation following the completion or failure of the program. My question is what steps have been taken towards this individual. Are we messing with the untouchables here? I thought the federal government broke up the last of the mafia in the late 90's. I can assure you she did not transport 36 patients to the hospital over the entire three year period. Show me the money!!

I hope that this inside view of the Parsonsburg Fire Dept. was informative, though lacking the other side of the story Im sure the individuals mentioned would love to answer these questions. And to those companies running with the burg be careful, trust only the ones that you know because the chances are the new guys are wearing the white shield and riding the front seat. If you would like to know more just ask, Im sure I got an answer, ENOUGH SAID!!"


  1. You boys elected your chief looks like to me you boys need to get rid of him. Its what I ran into when into when I was very active in the fire service THE GOOD OLD BOY SYSTEM. The head dog usually appoints the people he knows will not fight his way of doing things no matter if they can do the job or not because then he can be the puppet master. You guys as a company have bylaws set forth to guide how your company is to be run you should stand up and make sure it is run in accordance to that set of rules or change them.The problem with the system as a whole is it doesn't pay enough to the ones that work their asses off for a very good cause which causes you to loose good people in a short amount of time. Get rid of the good ole boy system and promote only the well trained and you will get rid of your problems.

  2. I have a problem with someone posting this while naming names but doesn't sign their name.
    Joe, I thought this was one of your guidelines.
    I guess I wouldn't have a problem with it if this person had not named names, but he/she did.
    And no, I'm not from Parsonsburg and no, I'm not involved with a fire dept.
    Just another curious blog watcher.

  3. Sounds no different that what goes on at volunteer fire stations all over the country. Election of officers becomes an exercise of popularity, not competence.

  4. 9:21 AMEN! To the writer, now that you have brought shame to the entire department, maybe you can do something about it.

  5. i love the last line "if you would like to know more just ask, IM SURE I GOT AN ANSWER ENOUGH SAID." who the hell is I?? who do ppl ask? why cant you leave your name? although I think we all know who it is...a still bitter webster jr.

  6. Sounds like the "NEW" OCFD. Only the career have the training. The vollie trolly is who you know, along with the chief.

  7. To 9:40
    Ever heard the word "whistleblower"?

    Just sayin.....

  8. key word is election. The majority of the members apparently have no problem with the chief and this is just one disgrunted individual that has chosen to air out his laundry on this site. Elections are annual affairs. If this chief is all that bad the membership can make a change.

    I agree standards should be set and utilized but again it is up to the membership to elect a person to do that. If chief White remains then it is apparently ok with most of the members to run the comp. this way and the voice of one dissatified person is meaningless. Air out your problems in the setting of a bona-fide meeting. Not here on a gossip site.

  9. Sounds like Vance Webster wants to try and run for Chief again this year! Good try. Lets make everyone look bad so Vance can slip in. No one at Parsonsburg respects Vance Webster!

  10. Talk about money what happned to there spec ops team they spent so much on is that in service yet.

  11. This is too funny... Fire Chief Steve White and Little Fire Chief Ryan Whittington-White.

    As for J.T.? Qualified?

  12. Wasn't Richard Chapman on Parsonsburg payroll as well?

  13. I am not in the fire service, but do believe that a person should be properly trained for the position that they hold, ESPECIALLY in emergency services.

    My advice would be to get properly trained people into the positions, and mentor them while they gain the experience that they need.

    I live in the area served by the Parsonsburg Fire Co. and have heard that their chief has quite an ego. If it is such a problem, you all can vote him out just as quick as you voted him in.

    This kind of press comes at a bad time for Parsonsburg, since they are trying to raise the funds to build a new firehouse which they desperately need.

  14. Joe,

    You should post the comments here that were sent in over the weekend that led up to this post.

    Lets get it all out in the open.

  15. Darn shame that the person who made these statements doesn't have backbone enough to take care of this at the department level.

    Sounds like this person was not appointed to one of the positions in question.

  16. Problem with that is the whole board is corupt so it dont work taking it to the public DUH

  17. There are a few of these so called "firemen, brothers, officer wantabees" in every department. Most if not all have a grudge to bear, and although a few have some training, NONE have any leadership or management abilities or they wouldn't take this route to affect any change. It's always funny those that never like the chief, never step up to be one themselves. How does it feel to always be in the cheap seats?, just a couple cry babies if you ask me.

  18. There should be a "code of ethics" about taking fire department business outside, if you dont like it, then LEAVE! I think some Delaware departments have it in thier by-laws about tactics like this, and take very agressive action if in violation. I would support that. Would anyone want such a turn coat in thier house during an emergency. I hope the person that wrote this knows just what a scumbag they really are.

  19. Well lets get a few thing straight: Richard Chapman was with Pittsville VFD, our Chiefs are competent and make good decisions on the line officers in this company. The part the the namless, spineless person who decided to blog was that he holds the record for the most disiplinary actions in this company, doesnt hold an officer spot anymore because of his actions, and the way his expertice pans out in incidents that he had command on. If i said his name which i will not, but believe it was mentioned several times you would know that this person is an ongoing problem with our company and cant keep anyone close to him long enough to rebel here, so he decided to air out his feelings hoping to get others fired up to help his cause. Parsonsburg Fire Company has a good reputation and will always serve our community to the best of our ability. I would be lying if i said we were the best or better then this one or that every place has there problems and they have to be worked out CORRECTLY, not like this. Last, my name is Jarod Cooper EMS Captain Parsonsburg VFC just to show i have the balls to put my name on my quote.

  20. I thought this was Princess Anne but the names weren't familiar

  21. Put up a "vote of no confidence". That's the first step. Then hope enough others follow your lead. If not, then if you're that unhappy, just leave because you're not going to do anything about it anyway if this doesn't work.

    I'd like to know who does the oversight on these volunteer fire departments to make sure the people in high positions are the ones with the training and to make sure "trained" people come to the aid of those in need.

  22. Jarod,

    Aren't you the one who chose your present EMS Lt.?

    Talk about a lack of training!

    I also believe that her appointment is in direct violation of your company by-laws due to her not having FF1 training.

  23. what is the original post that this comment was left on??

  24. I dont think VW did this post too many words lol. BUT whoever did is right on target. Its all true just listen to your scanner when they have an alarm they sound like a bunch of idiots. The other night they had a nonbreathing child thank goodness the child started breathing on his own. The truth hurts but you seriously need to start looking at your dept and make the correct changes.

  25. Same thing happens at 14 so don't come over here thinking it is any diffrent. Officers dont promote or encourage additional training. "You got Firefighter II? Good, want a white helmet? But first, are you my friend? Don't worry about any additional classes. You can have that white helmet until I get tired of you having it. Now get out there and talk on that radio." Low level fire fighters with training make the Lawn Jockeys look good. But if you are in the game, you got to play by the rules of the ones that make (or bend) the rules!

  26. Joe, this guy is full of it. If he is such a strong dedicated fireman with all this training then why don’t he shut his month and run for one of the elected positions. Each one that he addressed here is open every year. Part of the reason they won’t is because they have no support. If they did they would win. No one wants a cry baby around. Why don’t you just leave the dept? You are not helping anybody by running your month.

  27. Ryan WhittingtonMay 5, 2009 at 3:21 PM

    You leave my boy Steve alone. Me and him is tight!

  28. Funny everyone has an opinion but no one puts there name to it. Wanna bash a place that serves the commuinity then dont be a p---y and stand up for what you say.

  29. 3:03 pm

    Whats running your month? LOL

  30. Well Joe when Parsonsburg was on your blog for all the money they received from the county and Perdue Farms for their new special ops trailer (which by the way was a waste of money it never has been used nor moved since they parked it) I brought to your attention that their chief was also thier paid paramedic and stated if you nosed around and asked the county officals you would see that this is not how the rules are written. I beleive you will find that a member of a volunteer company can not be the paid person as well. You must be one or the other.

    But anyway to whomever wrote this kudos finally someone else is tired of Steve's B/S. As far as the comment who do you ask just ask any member of that department of any department in Wicomico County they will tell you what a worthless piece of S**t Steve is and how he controls everything at that fire house.

    You said "Richard Chapman was with Pittsville VFD" meaning and inferring that he was never on Parsonsburg's payroll. That's a bold face LIE! He was indeed paid by Parsonsburg when you had no other paramedics to fill in at your station. So that is a lie.
    The majority of Richard's calls for service as a paid employee of tax payer money was in Parsonsburg, right or wrong? You, as EMS Captain, why didn't you check his credentials if he was the primary staffing on your ambulances day after day after day? I know you didn't. Are you checking now? I bet you aren't.
    P/S: Chappy is still with Pittsville and answering calls for service in Parsonsburg.

    Speaking of conflict of interest, Tony is a paid employee of the Pittsville Fire Department and the EMS Captain, how does that happen?

    VW is my boy, remember WLH days?

  32. First off Steve is a Great Cheif. No one else has the balls to step up and do what he does and the officers that are in there i would trust each and everyone of them with my life and go into a fire just like I have before. I am a member there and have been for a while and people that say this should have the balls to step up and The poster of this why dont you run against Eric again and see how far you get. The poster ran before and lost in an election spot.

  33. As a patient, I can say those who were at Pork in the Park knew what to do. As I've been told by those who were there, none of those guys waited for "someone who knows" to show up. They grabbed me and took off. Thanks again Jarod and the rest of those who were there to help! I for one can say without a doubt that I'd put my life in their hands again without a single worry as to if they know what to do.


  34. OK, I apologize for taking so long to get to this Post but it has been a very busy day.

    Look, first of all, I found this comment to be absolutely ridiculous. When I saw it I felt the need to publish it from a comment to a post with the intention of commenting on it myself. While I was scheduling many other posts for the day, time got away from me and the next thing I knew I was out the door to the County Council Meeting.

    Since then I have been fielding hundreds of comments, answering phone calls and even working with my Grandson with his homework.

    All that being said, hopefully each one of you know who this pinhead is who drafted the comment in the first place. While he was sneaking it in within another post as a comment, I wanted his/her voice to be heard so each one of you could tear him a new one.

    Let me say that I firmly agree, man up and use your name. What is with you Firefighters that you claim to be proud men who wear a uniform, then you act like little girls and hide behind an anonymous name?

    Steve is one of the easiest going guys out there, most great leaders are. The ones that get all cocky and play tough guy, those are the leaders you need to keep a close eye on. I don't think I need to mention names within Salisbury who I feel act like piss poor leaders.

    Parsonsburg is an up and coming Fire Department with a Volunteer Department extremely dedicated to serving the public. It only takes one bad apple to destroy the Department and this guy is one of them. Figure out who he/she is and get them the hell out of there. If any one of you can't stand up for yourselves and voice your strong opinion like this one, LEAVE!

    Steve, you are a very good man and you don't deserve this. However, you can't fix something you're not aware of. Well, Sir, you're now aware of it, it's time to fix it. Find out who this scumbag is and get rid of them. To those of you who agree with this post and or comment, resign. There's no BROTHERHOOD in any one of you. You're a bunch of kids who think they have a place to act tough behind a fictitious name, anonymous. If youi worked for me I'd fire you in an instant.

    Keep up the good work Parsonsburg. When and if you need any help on Fundraising for that new Fire Station, Salisbury News will be there in a heart beat to market anything you want. My hat is tipped to ANY VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT not sucking the taxpayers dry for all their wants, rather than needs.

  35. I do agree that the county does need standards for fire officers. To many departments do have underqualified people running the department. Its not 1970 anymore, when you became the chief or chiefs officers because you had experience. In todays world you need training, including mgmt. training as well as fire training and experience. Maybe it really is time for the county to step up to the plate and take control of the volunteer fire service.

  36. Jarod cooper is a sexy beast lol

  37. WTF.

    Bunch of wannabe cry babies.

    Do it for the right reasons.

    Gosh Dangit we fighted at leash 5 furs last yaer. I umma goin back to eat my hawg jawls and grits.

    Get a life.

  38. Steve White you must be doing wonderful things in Parsonsburg- well for that matter it seems all officers are doing wonderful things down there. Those who get the most done, usually receive much criticism (at least from one weakling or weak link). And thats okay because those who want to know will listen to whole story not bits and pieces that are compiled by one jilted punk who feels worthless without a title in front of his name. And boy does he feel worthless two years in a row the members of the department have spoken and made it clear what they do not want. Apparently he has not gotten the HINT yet...

  39. mr.Albero,first off i would like to say that your blog is outstanding,i read it all the time,but you dont have a clue about whats transpired here.This situation about our "chiefy"has been going on for 15 plus years.and the ones that have left have tried to do something to bring a fair balance to the dept.,but have been shot down and then shunned anytime they were at the firehouse ,so yeah i quess you can say that some of us want to be anomynus,for fear of retaliation,from the administration at hand.And you are right ,it only takes one bad apple and it was bad years ago and has run alot of terrific members out since then.good luck to pvfc and on this topic.

  40. Anyone that makes comments like these and doesn't sign his name doesn't deserve to be taken too seriously. I used to live in Parsonsburg's district and know for a fact that they have a darn good fire department. The person making these statements sounds like a man with a paper a$$hole!

  41. Correct me if I am wrong But Jarod was not EMS Captain when all the stuff went down for Chappy was he. Sounds like to me whoever it was that bashed Jarod for that doesnt know all the details before they ran their big fat mouth.

    Parsonsburg is a good company. I admire the dedication of its members. They do a good job. I to find myself wondering about a FEW of the line officers down there, but hey its no diffrent in any other Firehouse.

    Steve is a good leader. He gets the job done. The man has been around the fire service a long time and seen alot of things. The man holds alot of knowlage like it or not. I do however disagree with being the head of operations and hold a paid position as well. I do think that is a shady move on behalf of the department for letting that happen.

    In closing P-Burg dont let one "Jack-A**" get you down. You guys do a great job and keep up the good work.

  42. Parsonsburg Vol. Fire Company does provide good service. I can attest that every word spoken about the original post is true. Steve White is a good person, however he had to have his hands in everything. He is on every committee in the fire company and in the county for the fire companies. My only question is how can you oversee the committee that gives you a raise. How can you be on the employee relations committee. You are an employee.

  43. Maybe Richard didnt have his Paramedic but he did provide better care then White..So maybe the next date night Richard can teach White and Whittington pt. care..In between the hineylick manuver....Truth Hurts.I also heard instead of new white fronts the rainbow fronts have been ordered....

  44. steve white is a good man,all men should be like him.

  45. I do not dispute the comments left on here, but i believe when people post esp under Anonymous they should be more specific about there statements, whether they be true or false. i am not here to defend anyone (i am not a member of parsonsburg) but knowing some of there officers personnally how do you dispute there credability example asst cheif eric tyler, career ff for aa co, they have mandatory training, eric is also a past ALS provider, how do you consider this under qualified? captain leigh tyler, sure sometimes not a leader (meaning allows people to influence decisions) but has taken multiple classes (which i have taken with her) and is very knowledgeable has been a ff for multiple years, again under qualified? LT JT tyler, paid EMT/FF for delmar VFD, multiple years of fire and ems services has been a officer in many depts as well as "just a fire fighter" again how to be dispute credability here. lastly EMS captain Jarod Cooper, been in EMS for years as a BLS provider now a ALS provider paid for Princess ANNE VFD as well as PT for other organizations. I really dont think the credability of ALL officers should be in question here, if you have a problem with qualifications of some direct to them, dont label all as bad and under qualified.
    As far as Steve being paid employee also fire cheif dont agree with this never will, i do believe it was stated earlier this is in violation of some code in the fire cheifs association, maybe someone should look into all this instead of sitting behind a computer bad mouthing others. as stated before do something about it or leave it alone!

  46. Salisbury Sta.6????????

  47. Hello to all. I want to first clear up a few things from the original post. It was my sole purpose to bring to light the several important issues that were discussed. I love the department as a whole, and yes Steve is a good man, and yes the Parsonsburg Volunteer Fire Department's Emergency Medical Service is one of the best in the state. The compassion and quality of care given to citizens in which we serve is unquestionable. With that said, Joe I do appreciate your opinion as it has prompted me to write again. The recent history of whistle blowers within the department or at least individuals who spoke there mind on these topics soon found there welcome short lived. My concerns are real and felt by many, and yes they have been discussed on a company level. However in order to keep what some have called "the good ole boy" system in place the idea of minimum training requirements have been shot down on several occasions. To reveal the authenticity of my comments ask a certain chief, now one of the Assistant Chiefs of Salisbury (career) what happened when he attempted to put these guidelines in place approx. five years ago when he was the Deputy Chief of Parsonsburg. This man was and still is a highly respected firefighter, based on his knowledge and experience. This person simply attempted to put in place a minimum amount of training that said officers would have to meet over the next few years. Giving each individual ample time to take the training and meet the requirements so that they remain in office and are not displaced. Again shot down!! Not because of legitimate reasons but to keep the "GOB" system in place. Sir with all do respect to all the departments in the county- the training is free, the classes are catered to the students at locations through out the county all through the year. The only answer to problem is to go outside of the department and request intervention from a higher source. Some have mentioned in the previous comments, a county wide system or someone to oversee and govern the training. Truthfully Wicomico County holds the workers comp insurance for each county department and should be more active in the safety guidelines of each department. Hence lack of training and leadership may and does lead to injury or is a result there of. As far as the other controversial discussion, including Steve's hand in everything and the issue of to much power/ conflict of interest- I would like to explain. This man has control over every word, minute spent and action taken. Most would agree that this is his job as chief. The problem arises when it interferes with his job, and yes they clash each and every day. When Steve is working as a Paramedic he feels it necessary to act as chief on every call. I would like him to deny the fact that he responds to dwelling fires in his little chase car instead of taking the ambulance in case their may be a burn victim. What happens when he arrives in a Ford explorer more concerned about being chief while on duty instead of doing his job. It could be you there burning needing help. The fact of the matter is when you have so much power and influence on what is now a very young department there is no one to answer too. Who does he answer too? The department has become full of new members over the past few years. I would feel safe in saying that over half of our active members our new members varying in age and knowledge of the fire service. This is all around a good thing, however these individuals seem to fall under the leadership of you know who and his hand picked puppets (the line officers). Ladies and gentlemen I am not here to bash the good name, I am simply asking for help in a manner some deem disrespectful or sneaky. My colleagues (friends) and I will continue to answer the call in hopes that some government official will look into these concerns and recognize that there is definitely a few problems within. The answers are clear and not an issue of what but when!! The sooner the better. ENOUGH SAID

  48. Like I said, you know absolutely NOTHING about Brotherhood.

    Coming back once again under an anonymous name and suggesting YOU know more about running the department as ONE VOICE with absolutely no support, (not by names anyway) is a bunch of crap.

    If you worked for me you would have been fired yesterday. I'd want real men working for me. Men that would have my back under ANY condition. You are stirring the pot, period. If YOU are such a great man, run for his position and see if you can win. My guess is you'd get 3 vites out of 200.


  49. still nobody has noticed that Jarod cooper is such a sexy beast what is wrong with you people? How can you all resist that fluffy love muffin? lol Keep at it jarod and good luck on your paramedic testing which i think was tonight as well as mrs. jennifer bratten both who are in the same class and in my opinion are EXCELLENT ALS providers.

  50. Alright, it seems everyone has already 'pegged' who this person is who posted this comment. But how do you know 100% that it was him? Honestly?? How do you know??

    My husband is a member of Parsonsburg and I have met Steve and the person that's in question for writing the comment/post several times. Personally, I think both men are good paramedics and deep down good men.

    But, everything that was said is the truth. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not - if you can't see that the points made are the truth then you need to take a step back from the situation. In one form or another all the points made actually happen or are happening. The line officers - some are pathetic. Some have hardly any classes/training, and their expected to handle an emergency. (Not sure how other companies run elections but @ parsonsburg the newly elected chiefs pick who they would like to see as officers and then appoint/ask the member and go from there. There isn't any open elections for captains & lietuents positions - not like it is for the chiefs positions). Okay, well, lets grow up and put members in the positions b/c they are qualified to be there "not" b/c there my friend or b/c they won't stand up to me or b/c they will just play nice with me.. okay - as chief of the fire company you should be thinking about the citizens of the community and not who will vote the way you want them to. Btw, the accused has run for one of the chiefs positions in the past and lost and then ran again and lost so, I think that takes a lot of guts to run for something once you've lost once already...

    And the point on being annoymous..if the accused person is the one who actually wrote this comment/post is not affraid to stand up to Steve. Steve & the accused has had many run-in's with one another..and they both have the same opinion of one another and 'both' talk about one another to other people. So, I honestly don't understand why this is blowing up to be this big ol' thing that's happened so many times in the past. The only difference is now Steve may have a few more eyes watching what's happening with Parsonsburg then what was watching before. I think they should watch and question when need be - but for those who question make sure you bring it to Steve himself but don't be surprised if he says it's none of your business. The problem with these two men is - that they our both to much "alike" and they both want there own ways!

    Now, I don't completely agree with the accused but, I have seen how Steve has spoken to some members..attitudes speaks volumes to people and I personally don't care for the way Steve has spoken to some men and women in the company. If you want respect from the company then you need to respect your members and be above all the little b/s that goes on. You shouldn't be stirring the shit - you should be able to take members comments/questions/concerns and not get an attitude with them or raise your voice, like your being attacked by them, your only making yourself look bad. There is no "I" in teamwork - there is not 1 person that makes the company, there is not 1 person who doesn't volunteer there time, there is no 1 person who gets the job done.

    Put the petty stuff aside and make the right decisions - not what "you" think is right but what is actually right. We're all adults we know what's right and what's wrong.

  51. i totally agree with the person behind this post, Joe you may not agree but with all due respect you have no clue what goes on behind those doors at the fire house. All the people that have posted on here are probaly from the PVFC and will not post there names because they dont want to be kicked out of this company. If whitey were to find out who is saying all this about him and exposing him like this he would have us all out right away. So like it or not it is what it is.Everything said on here is the truth. Well like everyone else i am not going to sign my name because i like what i do at the fire house and im not going to let some asshole kick me out of that place, Im not there to please steve white or any other member there because the last time i checked being in the fire service was about saving LIFE, PROPERTY AND THE ENVIROMENT, and not to be an ASS KISSER.

  52. Joe, I agree 100%. If the ones on here that have so much bad to say can't do so openly, then kick them the heck out. The fire company is about loyality first, to the public, and each other. Great words Joe, in the last few years you are learning about the real fire service..... Thank-you.

  53. Anon 10:58 pm is definately right about a few things! The Chief he's talking about that tried to instill officer qualifications was little Jimmy G. It was nearly 10 years ago and Jimmy was an Asst. Chief at the time. He recognized way back then that qualifications were a "good" thing and that the department having a set of criteria for officers was the right thing to do.
    Anon is right: Jimmy researched it and compared it to the NFPA standard on officer qualifications and came up w/ a set of criteria that wouldve allowed anyone wanting to be an officer to get the training in a time frame that was attainable, even for those already in office. He had people asking him why they needed to have "pumps" or why they needed to be an EMT!! C'mon folks!! Dont you think an officer should be able to drive and pump a fire engine? Or be able to render basic care at the scene of an accident?
    Anyway, he was shot down at every turn.
    Jimmy was one of the best officers Parsonsburg ever had. He made decisions on what was right, not "who" he thought it would please or whether or not it would make him friends. And he went out and got his training on his own. He went to work for Salisbury w/ alot of training under his belt BEFORE he got hired. Thats why Salisbury hired him and look how well he's done for himself. He was never an a$$ kisser and thats what we need in Pburg now. We could sure use you back little Jimmy! Steve should give him a call and ask him back.

  54. You people amaze me. This post was clearly about Steve and the line officers and 1 idiot's opinion of them but you all are using it to bash every person you hold a grudge against in this dept. Yes SOME people there may have issues as in any fire department, especially the one who posted this! But leave the good, innocent ones alone. Prime example is Jarod Cooper. He is one of the best providers I have ever seen and soon enough will be one of the best paramedics around and just because he actually was the only one of all of you who put his name to his comment you bash him? He has done nothing but good things for this company and the community and is very much appreciated. There is no reason to bash him especially about the Chapman shit because he was not EMS captain for that incident. Everyone of you need to be sure you have good reason to bash someone before you do it because i'm sure if you had the balls to put your name as Jarod Cooper did on his coment you'd be bashed on too.

  55. Wow Joe this has go to be one of the biggest comment articles in a while. Seems to me someone has opened up a can of worms and alot of people are worried

  56. Comments with all capitol letters are being rejected. Act like you have an education and try again.

  57. Joe, once again you are basing your opinions on very little knowledge of what goes on behind closed doors at most fire houses. If most people knew some of the people and there qualifications, they would not want to ever call 911. And the corp. side of most depts. is not buch better. Joe, you stated that if this person was working for you, that they would be fired? Why ? i would think that you would want an employee, that beliebes in the company and what it stands for, to make some noise when there is and issue, and offer suggestions for process improvements. But with vol. depts. there is really no "hiring process" so you get whatever walks through the door. Bottom line is with most Vol. fire depts. it does not matter how much training and expeirence you have, it is all about how many "friends" you have. Don't go along just to get along.

  58. anonymous 3:42, I'll tell you why I'd fire you. In your line of business, you either follow your leader or you're out. Like I said, many of you know NOTHING about Brotherhood.

    If I was as big a PUSSY as so many of you seem to be, every Police Department would know who my sources are. I have been threatened with Jail, I have been sued numerous times, all because Barrie Tilghman and Chief Webster wanted my sources. I chose Jail and or going to Trial to defend those who TRUST ME!

    You pussies hide behind anonymous and rag on your Brothers and quite frankly you make me sick to my stomach and yes, I'm man enough to say it to your face too.

  59. Im still waiting on information as to why this Steve White guy can be in charge of the committee that gives him a raise.

  60. hey joe im a little late to comment but wanted to put my two cents in it i am going to be annom, due to the fact i love to serve my community and family and dont want to be outsted by the disaplin committee.I can see all sides of everyones story but they dont know what it is all about when your to the top and you will make enimies and friends and lose freinds that you had for years.chief white is aware of that and has dealt with is as well and i myself had.I dont agree whith a lot that happens down there but i do my job and go home and if i have an oppinion i try to get the answere i want to hear but dont always happen.but i have to deal with the fact they lead us and we must follow until there is a new one to take there place.chief white has accomplished alot in his years not just for the parsonsburg vfd but for the county.he does have his band of troops and they must bow to him and the ones that do all the calls and grunt work just come and go.im going to close with this the problem should have been brought on the floor like it has before and get shut down and then go to the county council and get there oppinion the blog can hurt a great thing and i hope it didnt in this case things change just give it time. signed a long time member

  61. Its ironic Joe that in this case, you use foul language and resort to name calling and state:

    "anonymous 3:42, I'll tell you why I'd fire you. In your line of business, you either follow your leader or you're out. Like I said, many of you know NOTHING about Brotherhood." (direct quote copied/pasted from your statement)

    You openly imply that people should "follow" no matter what...yet, when you talk about the Salisbury Fire Department, you call those guys mindless idiots and suck ups for doing just that! And, its even more interesting when it comes to the paid guys as if they dont follow, they could lose there jobs as opposed to volunteers who can leave and lose nothing if they dont like whats happening at the time.

    This is really something that you have to stand on one way or the other, you cant say one about Parsonsburg and then something else about Salisbury. That is a double standard.

    Doesnt matter to me one way or the other as neither group affects me. But as a regular reader, I cant help but notice that irony.

  62. anonymous 6:36,

    You're so full of crap, let me explain why. This Post is so buried at this point, you had to purposely search it out to make a comment.

    I stand firm on what I said. Most of you have no clue what you're talking about. I can appreciate opinion, that's cool. What you can't tell me is how to run a business and or follow instructions. You see, young man, I retired at 40 years old because I knew what I was doing. I followed leaders until I was strong enough to go out on my own. When I did I followed my mentors. I became a success because I did the right things and followed smart, successful individuals.

    When you call yourself a follower, as if you're shamed by such, YOU ARE VERY DANGEROUS AT THAT POINT!

    Clearly you're not a leader, you just think in your head you know everything. That's why I'd fire you.

    The key reason I know for a fact most of you are clueless is purely because IF you were a strong leader, your name would be plastered all over your comment with pride and confidence. Because it's not there, you're a wanna be big mouth who probably drinks a lot of beer and then kicks the dog to feel like a big man.

    That's OK, you live your life, I'll live mine.

  63. i like how they got untrained "firefighters" at scence i think everyone should have training and for officers u best have officer training too

  64. Mr. Albero, I will give you that which you did not give me; a respectful reply to your comment.

    First, I'm not a "man" at all. I'm female.

    Second, it was just as observation and not any kind of argument.

    Third, you often complain that people cant have any open dialect with you about things and complain about the fact they dont put their names to their posts. No wonder. Read your response to my simple comment and how abrasive and disrespectful it is.

    If YOU didnt allow "anonymous" posts, YOU wouldnt have but a very few posts to post as it is YOU that allows them to be posted that way. If YOU required everyone to post with their name as it is YOUR blog and only YOU can set the rules, what would your blog look like then??

    I am not attempting to argue with you in any way, it is simply a statement of what I feel to be the truth.

    Congratulations on the retirement by the way. I wish I could retire when I hit 40, but that isnt going to be the case. Good for you.

    Will you now post this comment??

  65. the thing that really gets me joe, is i was just rejected membership to this fire department for my criminal record supposedly. And i wont lie about it, i had a petty drug charge 2 years ago, yet there are people in there that have rap sheets a mile long, one convicted felon in the last six months and hes still active in the dept. i have been in the military as well as do other things that are very risky and dangerous but yet i cant risk my life in a fire or anything else. i really don't understand that. as far as what was said in the original post, the writer was expressing his feeling and some i agree with and some i don't but that's freedom of speech i guess huh?

  66. holy inferno batman ! problem here solved, just bring in ole hawk bill holloway to smooth everthing over here, cost to taxpayers a couple of oyster fritters

  67. James that's not why you didn't get in and you know it. Do you really want the true reasons why you didn't get in to be exposed? I'm sure you don't want that because you know what they are. But they can be if you're going to try and use that against the department. They made a very good decision IMO. And as far as the original post, you have never been in the fire service or associated with one therefore cannot form an opinion about something you know absolutely nothing about. You're getting in way over your head and should back out. You made the choices you made which directly caused you to not get into the fire department. Yes you had a background check like everyone else and things were on it as are on other people's in most volunteer fire departments but your reasons were about much more recent choices you made and have been making. And as far as the active felon in parsonsburg, I'd like to know who that is because I think that's very untrue. But I'll never be given a name because you, James, are one of the many p***ys that are afraid to post your name or others you talk about in order to give credit or truth to your post. Hide behind anonymous like so many others do. I will because I'm not trying to start anything or stir the pot unlike you did.

  68. Thats so tummy rumbling that 8:20 could call out James but not post their own name. This Fire Dept. load of bull is out of control. Not only do these assholes fight and argue over politics, their home lives are a wreck. I am not associated with the fire dept. however the rumors and people i do know who are have told me enough to make me sick to my stomache. So EB wich of you posted the blog about James you or your married boyfriend? Were you in the bed together when you were commenting? How about everyone quits the bashing and get something done?

  69. So we wanna get to the bottom of which volunteer is discruntled and upset becuase they lack people skills? That would be VW Jr.!!

  70. who cares if one person is discruntled....If there is laws being broken and possible law suits in the future because of a paid person is also the fire cheif and could make the pvfd pay him overtime for all the calls that are run as a voulenteer (the term two hatter) than this should be delt with...Look the person might be the nicest person in the world but if they found out that this was a violation of federal law and other cases with the same ingredients have been tried and awarded a lot of money.. large sums of money do strange things to good people... This most likley wont happen, but why put pfvc in this perdicament? google FLSA2008-3NA that is an opinion letter from the Dept. Of Labor to a fire house with the same situation. These letters are used to enforce laws and hold great vaule in courts.... Im no lawyer but it seems that in the eys of the law you need to be one of two things... a volunteer fire cheif or a paid provider for pvfc...not both. this is to protect the company not to call someone out...

  71. hahahahaha EB do you know anything about patient confidentiality? you should have learned this in your current EMT class. That's where you DON'T disclose information about someones medical information (as care provider) with other people. Oh and yes as soon as you asked MR James if he was ok, you initiated care. It would be such a shame to lose a license that you haven't even obtained yet. I'm sure that more than a few people knew about Mr. James before he was even in his room. You didn't learn Patient Confidentiality in your EMT class hummm i wonder if your job has a policy about that as well? who knows maybe some calls are in order to be made :) COPY?

  72. Okay 8:20, if that's the case then like 8:49 said why cant you say who you are? if your not associated with the fire department then how the hell do you know who i am and why i was rejected? yes i am James so with that out of the way, who the hell do you think you are saying I'm a pussy and I'm hiding and so on and so forth but your hiding yourself! Man or woman up and say who you are! On the other hand, no, i have never been in the fire service but you know what i know plenty of people in it and been around them enough to know. On top of that its just common sense to know whats right and wrong, all i said was that i agree AND disagree with points that were made. And one more thing, who are to and what business is it of yours to know who the person im talking about is? prove to me your someone worth telling and that it will be taken care of and you will know, but any idiot knows its all a matter of public records, its not that hard to figure it out.

  73. I don't think it's about the public records James I think it's about the recent event at PRMC/other issues I heard about. You don't know me I've just heard things about you and didn't appreciate your comment about that department. I'm done with this post it's a waste of time. It'll get no where. People have gotten way off topic and it's pointless.

  74. anon 9:19 it had nothing to do with the PRMC incident you talk of thats here say no medical records can be pulled for a background check thats not public information and is once again (that big word some people don't know the meaning of)CONFIDENTIAL. now James' court records may be pulled yes but not even the ATFE can look at medical records so i don't think that the fire department would either. and you also said that you heard about the PRMC incident? from who? i think everyone who knows the situation knows what "dispatcher" it came from. I think i am going to get this individual 100 knives with their name on it, this way when we pull it out of our backs we know who it was.

  75. erica bradshaw looks like you should just shut off your computer instead of making this post about you

  76. Vance Webster Jr is a very well educated, exceptional paramedic, in Parsonsburg as well as at his career, if he posted this blog he is accurate on how Parsonsburg works and something does need to be done(that stands for whomever posted this). Don't bash him for having the balls to do this. If he were asked anything to his face on his opinion he would say it truthful and to your face. He was disliked by many for the voice of opinion. He never has and never will be an ass kisser he is a leader, not a follower. He is proffessional and well Trained.


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