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Friday, May 22, 2009

I Finally Found a Reason to Dislike The President

He's a Steelers Fan! ;)


  1. Hey, careful Salisbury is full of us Pittsburgh transplants.

  2. ...and an economic facsist.

  3. 2C
    Which player said he wasn't going to go because the Prez said he was a Bears fan?

  4. Come on Joe, don't hate! I don't know which is better the Steelers winning the Super Bowl or them beating the Ravens three times.

  5. Wow! The first? I was up to several thousand and I lost count. And that was a couple of months ago.

  6. R1, it was James Harrison, Defensive Player of the Year. His reasoning was this:

    "This is how I feel -- if you want to see the Pittsburgh Steelers, invite us when we don't win the Super Bowl. As far as I'm concerned, he [Obama] would've invited Arizona if they had won."

    That's like saying, "As far as I'm concerned, if John McCain had gotten more votes in November, he'd be President right now."

    Mr. Harrison fully embarassed himself on this one.

  7. If this is the first thing you've found to cause you to dislike the president, then:
    You just woke from a 5 month coma
    You have been in jail for the last 5 months and out of touch
    or, You are a "challenged" person

  8. good comparison. Every team who wins gets invited..

    As a side note, folks need to pay attention who posts articles, yelling at Joe and he's not even the one posting today. Scan down he's at a function today.

  9. 6 Super Bowl Championships...How many does the Ravens have? That's what I thought.
    From a Pennsylvania transplant, we bleed black and gold! GO STEELERS!

  10. "Hey, careful Salisbury is full of us Pittsburgh transplants."

    So that's her problem. LOL!

  11. 2 centz, I think you're off on the reasoning, Mr. Harrison is saying they have been invited just because they won the Superbowl. Obama invited the winner not the Steelers, the Cardinals would be there instead if they won. Since, this is Obama's first year in the White House, we won't know if he truly is a Steeler's fan until he invites them back without the Superbowl win.

  12. And I finally found something to like!

  13. Obama is truly a Bears fan but if you watched the SuperBowl pregame you'll remember he said the Steelers are his #2 team. He also appointed the team's owner, who was a huge Obama supporter druing the campaign, Ambassador to Ireland.

    It's just a silly post because I know we have a lot of Obama haters/Two Sentz haters that read this plus we have a lot of Steeler fans in the area.

    Overall, I think it's just dumb to turn down that trip to the White House. It's just part of winning the Super Bowl, like the ring or the check. I wondered if he turned those down?

  14. As far as being a transplant, I think it's great to get some new blood lines on the Eastern Shore. Just look at some of the towns around here, it's like you're in the twilight zone.

  15. I agree 2C. People are pouncing on the silly post

  16. Socialist's flock together! Pun intended

  17. Anything Obama is gonna draw these negative rednecks out.

    Hope they move to Mexico and catch the swine flu.

  18. 1:48 Rednecks? Are you trying to pull out a race card? Thats what it sounds like to me. James Harrison choose not to go to the white house. What would you be saying if it was Big Ben? I guess he would be a redneck right. I'm 26 years old and I'm tired of this racist bogus.

  19. I'll just add the Steelers to the already long list of reasons I have been compiling.

  20. Here we go Steelers!! Here we Go!!!

    Maybe if Joe Flacco didn't look so scared, the Gayvens Could have went!!

  21. I like two teams... Thw Steelers... and any team that beat The Ravens!!!! hahaha

  22. Well I have others:
    1)Obama to cut slain officers program by nearly half.
    2)no honoring Prayer day.
    3)has not yet named a church for membership.
    4)bringing back capital gains & inheritance taxes.
    5)Finally, last week he declined the opportunity to speak at the Peace Officers Memorial services. Historically,the P.O.T.U.S has been the keynote speaker since J.F.K. began this memorial. Instead he chose a photo-op with World Series & Super Bowl champs.

    Just for starters, but space here is too limited.

  23. Rany on, 7:03.
    My sentiments, Ed Zachery.

  24. Harrison has the cajones to stand by his convictions. Obama changes his promises EVERY SINGLE DAY. He severely cut the funding for the highly successful AIDS and malaria programs that Bush started in Africa, after PROMISING to maintain the funding. Ever notice how Michelle Obama doesn't accompany him to Sharia law countries? It is against muslim rules to bring your wife to these sharia countries. Think about it.

  25. 7:03 "They closed a car dealership in New York that was a 3 million dollar a year business."

    That's like selling 100 cars per year... failure. 50 people out of a job? I don't think so. If your profit margin is 10%, then in order to hire 50 people, you can only pay them $6,000 per year on average. Right? The decision to close that one is correct.

    Reading on... Your entire post makes little sense. The only sheep here are the ones in Rush's flock. Baaaa.

  26. there are so many transplants because there are no jobs, crappy weather, and tons of fat chicks in pittsburgh. i wouldn't stay there either! besides plenty of steelers fans were never born there, lived in that region or even visited the city they cheer for....bunch or bandwagon sellouts.


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